The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

i i lp I I SF. Sunday Examiner Chronicle 1 Sunday, May 12, 193541 RUL ESTATE SALE'S Pac His" PROGRAMMING Property mgmnt. Bunding REAL ESI ATE SALES QUALITY ASSURANCE PRUGKArvllvltKHP-jUUU Receptionist RECEPTIONIST lo $18,000 PROGRAMMER rNOUMAMMkH CONTRACT PROGRAMMERS Wt HAVE IMMEDIATE CONTRACTS TOR: IMS Console Operator TOCUS, CMS UNIVAC MAPPER Coordinator If PS IMS, ADF CMS, ADS 0 ACPTPf HP3000, SrD(SAC) PROJ. LDR. HUMAN RESOURCES Be A front desk protect coordi- nator and NOT ust Answer rvirtnA All tiA Clininins rn needs your communication skis smarts' ype DESIGN ill JVJ ii'iivi HIVli IW design At you hflie ptiones welcome prestigious clientele' Beautilul ole's' Very friendly oup'Liietypmg ioin AND While you're looking Our temporarydiv STRICTLY TEM PORARY SERVICES 9IM001-can Hup you're earning power STRICTLY BUSINESS PLACEMENT AGENCY II California tl'jO RECEPTIONIST Small, advanced technology CO located adjacent lo university in Berkeley, has need for a receptionist must bright, cheerful, fletibie, willing to accept responsibly And AW to type 45 wpm.

Competitive ialary, ec (ring benents, rrienoiy. stimulating working environment bright people in an attractive facility This could be the assocation you have been looking lor! Please send your resume to: CYCL0T0MICS Dept SR 7170 Haste St Berkely CA 94704 EOE RECEPTION GRAPHICS $12,000 Use your people personality to assist visitors A caiiers at maior West Coast giaphic arts firm learn how h'gh-quaiitv color printing it designed produced Interlace with clients, sates, production. ABAR AGENCY (90 Market, Suite 1100 434-0404 Never a fee to applicant RECEPT Switchboard Mo Enpr; TELEPHONE Older laver to vMr. JOBFINDERS JOB AGENCY lll9GearySF 444-7709 Want to sell your home? we'll be glad to help you write your ad Phone 777-7777 Join the encitement al MCI, tht fastest growing and most technologically advanced full-service telecommunications company in the As Receptionist, you mutt have a pleasant ano professional ironi -ottice demeanor as you will answer a busy switchboard, lake and distribute messages, and greet our clients One year eipenence as a receptionist and oceiienl skills an essential II you want to enpenence tha fast-paced telecommunications industry, become a par ol MCi'snewlyestabiisnedPaofic Division Send your resume to Lynn Birch. MCI Telecommunications.

774 Biannan St t'h Floor. San Francisco. CA 94107, Equal Opportunity Employer. MCI Telecommunications RECEPTIONIST, Sears Mortgage Securities Corp, a rapidly giowing national mortgage securities conduit, member of the sears linancial net work, is seeking a PT receptionist lo work the afternoon thill 11 45am SOOpm Duties include providing courtious, prompt A proiessiOnal recep-tionswilchboaid services, coordinating the pin-up A deliv- ary ol packages with courier sei vices, 4 performing various clerical duties Qualifications inciuoe a pro'essional appearance, typing 40npm, I yr otliC eip with previous receptionist eip preferred Slatting salary 17hr. Please submit resumes or obtain applications SEARS MORTGAGE SECURITIES COPP tOI Montgomery St, 15th Fir San Francisco.

CA 94111 Attn Personnel EOE RECEPTION LEGAL TRAINEE $13,200 Break into the interesting 4 well -paying legal lieid by starting as receptionist to appreciative attorneys Trtisluni has a reputation lor treating its employees well ABAR AGENCY (90 Market, Suite 1100 434-0404 Never a lee lo applicant ofc interviewing aggiessivt agnnts Mr G'ngold REAL ES1ATE SALES FT E.p SuccesstuiKicn Dist sales ofc. Ec conim Jim, AEALESTATE- Sales'' see Nation's REAL Eslate Sales 100 cortim. 1'iH mo -agency tee 41 $-tbl -E-4a6 ocrriuiur nivtu.nv mi.ii( wc ni Temporary pos avail wpos perm employment opportunities Apply in person Mon Wed 9am-lnm nnoreio ren'd tell will be checked USF BOOKSTORE PHFLANHAU MIW, RECEPT, Archfiim Oepend flei person for medium sue archdesign firm in SF. Type woni Eic henetit* Resume WWDIE. Green St 94111, aUn Mauieen Assistant Fast pace Mustoeseil-slarler.

Sal to uKiyi pn RECEPTIONIST TO No typing1 Switched skills I pro fessional attitude needed lor investment co Super benes TO 11S600YR 'More than a lecepdonist" needed at fast-paced law fiAn. Type 50 TO S15.600YR Creative co needs you to hndic varied duties Type A do dcta rthey II tram on TO SI3.BQCIYR No typing rqd for busy desk at A maior law iirm. mey a 'real tuperstar'-raise in i mos! TO 113.M0YR Travel section ol maior Co Loll of Client contact, type 4) RUSSELL Personnel Servicew Inc 170MontgonieiySt SuiteCTO NOFEE 711-1444 this ad and come see me, Carol Russell lor Support Matt Admin Positens TO $30Kyr diverse fields tike-architec lure film. taw. consulting, food, insurance, trade shows, travel dept.

investnieivl you name it! And lemp Jobs, loo! RUSSELL Personnel Services. Inc 170MontgomarySt Suite670 NOFEE 781-1444 RECEPTIONIST Symbolics. Inc. is the estab lished leader in the development of aambolic computing Systems. We are currently seevmg a Receptionist for our training taoiity in ban rancic co Tne selected candidate will swer telephones for the training laciigy.

as well as handle various tenet al administrative duties as assigned Youmuslbe personable and presentable lor our looov area, have good telephone manners. And be able to handle A busy switchboard Perform light typing, greet Symbolics' visitors, and havt previous erpenence on tne switcrtboard. We ofler an ecelienl salary and compensation package For consideration, submit resume or ca'i collect Personnel, 9tS Trixidaie, Boi 3578, Chat swo'tn, CA 91313-357J 9J-JfcOC SYMBOLICS, INC. toual Opportunity Employer EXPERIENCED SALES ASSOCIATES Join our 9' year tradition ol Suc cess wehaveopeningstor top-notch people in our new Pacihc HisManna office For your confidential interview, call Judy, Mon-fn. 971-0113 Mason-MrDuflie Real Eslatelnc AE AL ESI Al RECREATIONAL LAND SALES iainconimissionof J1O0.OO04 a yr you cart earn big money right away, no 1 4 day recission, we furnish all the set appointments you can work.

We have the best terms financing we tram you for Les Weiss for full details REAL ESTATE ADMIN ASST Redwood City investment co seeks person with real estate eiper. to assist in leasing A property mgmt Some short distance travel Some training provided. Salary negot. Respond to Personnel, PO 8o f4()8, Redwood City, CA 94063 REALES1ATE SELL BUSINESSES With Bay Area's Largest Busi ness Broker RE licenserecid Traimne oiovirted. VANDERHORST 349-6961 In San Jose CaiillOJ) 777 REALES7ATE SALES EREE TRAINING Study for your Real Estate li cense thru Mason-McDutiie Re-ai Estate Inc OllicesintheEast Bay only Commission CauM-F Jeanne Downey REAL ESTATE SALES FREE LICENSE TRAINING day course, SF-Redwood City, Center Pity 5f-5'17 REAL ESI ATE SALESPERSON 3 yrs mm current erp hign conim split to puanf person UNIQUE HOMES 441-5S REAL Esiale Sales Lied Agl Need heip.

BuyersSeiiers galore Top comm. bonuses Siyline.J799 Caiif SI 9W0 RIALESTATE See our ad under appraisal. Pes'dendal Appraiser. Is! Nui onwine Savings REAL ESTATE Free lie framing Ongoing training lor licencees Conim V7-WA REAL ESTATE- pressu-e SFPEDev needs Manaeer PE 4 computer up nec RECEPTION TO $18,000 Here are lust a few of our out standmg Reception joos as ve go to p'ess ADVERTISING needs conibmaiion SeclvPecepuon ist to type Ad Copy handie a variety of other interesting protects pavs to INVESTMENT MANAGERS need you tohand'e their PB Switch' board 4 relieve Receptionist when necessary They will soon bring in a new Pnone Syitem A will tram you NO TPINt PAYS TO .16,000 EXCLUSIVE WITH vYOLLBOPG-M'CHELSON financial goup win tiam you to be their ion! oesv Admrnisi trator if you can type haveiots ol common sense some ligure aptitude, iipnt enperience but heavy trntiadve Good growth potential PAS TO Can or come in. AND.

Our TEM PLOVEE DIV. can keep you wOrKing a well paio every ft Otiy lot tne cuirent ween wfme )Ot hunting Vou n-er piy a fee at PEPSONivEL SEPVitE INC SF BLANCHES San Raiae: 4)9-7700 PaioAHo SrintsCiara (408i9b(i-0313 Pleasant Hill RESTAURANT JT 2 Phone, send your resume or stop in today at: 303 Sacramento Street San Francisco, CA 941 11 (415) 398-2747 PROGRAMMING RESOURCES CO. Programmers CALL US FIRST! WE DELIVERY! DA1ABUS MS-DOS PRO IV DEC SNA 'C UNIX DEC VAX COBOL IBM S38 RPG III (STRONG) S38 Configuration Mgmt IBM ALC (STRONG) Mortgage Banking Mgr Strong Burroughs COBOL HP INTERNALS ADA COMPILER DEC VAX SYS MGR Call Al Dubuc DAVID HICKS ASSOCIATES WE'VE MOVE! GIVE US A CALL! (415) Or Send Pesunie 14 E'titjarcadno, Suite 7840 San Franciico. CA 54111 Offices SF, Laf San Jose, LA PROGRAMMER tr. ANALYSTS COMP-U-ST AFF INC top con-sttitmg firm in tne Pacific NW hfft local openings for DP Pro-fftsioiiaiv Successfiff candidates wilt have minimum 2 ys' epenence ISM COBOL ith one or more of following; DCS IDMS ADSO MP3009' FORT RAN ADABAS 'Natural FOCUS BUWROUGHSltem Processing CdMP-U-STAFF offers ecel-iTit salaries and benefits including, pad over-time, profit sAanng.4ulK program, and bonuses, a For immediate consideration send resumeor telephone (Collect) in confidence T.

Thompson; iCOMP-U-STAFF 1. Suite 219 300 120th E. 98005 TEL- 455-1004 PROGRAMMER flWfllVQT inriL. i mgr for multi story 10,000 sqlt office bidg San Jose area Re sponsible for: leasing, mainte nance contracts, tenant complaints, onsight accounting. manning office on site Send resume to Ad SFNA, PO Boi 17 SF 94170 PSYCHIATRIST-Pathologist i.

Physician for PT in hosp. treatment team i-ioo-44a-ggg PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITIONIST mmed opening for Public Health Nutritionist to work in Ventura County Health Promotion Center 4 Health Risk Profile Program Master's deg in Public Health or Master of Science deg in Community Nutrition or Master's of Sciencedr-g ind e-tilics from an accredited college or univ At least 7yrs ep public health depl Regis tered dietKian desnaui We offer good benefits 4 op portunities lor professional growth Contact Ventura Coun ty Med Center Personnel. 3791 Ionia Vista Rd, Ventura CA 9 Xi3. IM tW-66 AAEOE PubtK Rt-iations PERSONAL CONTACT PROMOTION Batvgioundmlieidaneccessity i eno resume sai req to SFOO. 13? Embarcadero, 94105 PUBLIC Re'aticms-Acct Ec.

Successful high tech PR co in SF seeks Accl Eec Mm I yr agency eper. wgood P'ess contacts 4 writing smlis Sal. negot honefits. letter 4 le-surue toP Bo 3594, SF 941 19 OUBLIC RElATIONManeting Coordinator, brad school in Psych 7yrs Meda, direct P)al, word proc. or coniputer up layout Resume Say-brook, 1717 Va'ieio, SF 94IJ3 RUB RLTNS Assi entry level.

nc wring typing, organ skills a must 331-S09I PUBLISHING PRINT PRODUCTION MANAGER A National publisher of three business magatmesivas imm-diate opening for a print pro-Ouctiftn manager with at leasts years cperiiK management, graphic reproduction and purcnasmg This person will ensure that our production requirements are met and will schedule ano direct the production flow through print-eis, mail house, in-house production 'editorial staff. Responsible fot graphic design, illustration ano production of all publication promotional materials, regotaiions witn printersvendors, scheduling and positions Reports directly to Vice Piesident. In confidence, send cover let ter saiar history and resume to Vice President, BRC inc Bon 551. Monterey CA 9394? EOE Purchasing PURCHASING MANAGER Jrowmg medical products mfr is seeking purchasing prof I bkgd mi the electronics 4 th plasties industry Heavy emphasis placed on sourcmg price reg. 4 vendor relations, txc opply for person ready lo assume a mgmt re sponsibility.

Degree pref 0 if you are Qualified and ready for a carec advance, pease seno resume with salary require ment in strict cont.ovnct to Operations Manager Boi 479 een.c a CA 94S10 FOE m'f Purchasing FOOD BUYER Pacific Preshytenan Medial Center nas an immediate opportunity fo' an individual with 3-5 years hotel or hosota' food buy ng eirjenence Co'iegede-greepieteired buantieoappii' cants plecse send resume and saiary reo juements lotmpiov mem Dul Pacilic Piestiyiert-n Medical Certer, 7 40 Ciay, San francisco, CA S411S. EOEM'FH QUALITY ASSURANCE SPECIALIST (Elect, omcs Mechanical) CS-1910-0, S71.I04 PA Many opportunrties ei ist to com pete tut cuomo' to GS-11 (17ti.3fJ PA) rter 1 year of eiptnence Federi Civil Service Recruitment Bulletin EE-MH3-15 Openings San Bruno Palo Alto, Van Nuys. Goieta. Santa Ana San Diego. Ingiewood: Futiei' ton Newport Beach North Hol lywood and Sytmar.

Apply: Special Erammmg Section DLA, OCASR-los Angeles 11D99 Sola Cienga Bivd Los Angeles, CA 9uu45-tl97 Laurie Vital (213) 643 0398 800-245-8357 An Eoua! Oppty Employer Your dream awaits you in the Classified Marketfr' PROGRAMMER ASSOCIATE BUSINESS APPLICATIONS Career oppty. for A person with 7 jyrs IbMSJI Kroill, control language and olner related business Riper, to develop 4 implement systems Bkgrd ol applicant should incl participa tion wmgmt f. users in tne design, implementation and enhancement of on-line systems that include usage oi database mgmt office mgmt and tet processing Knowl-edge and use of IBM S31 support products FTU, FSU, AME 4 IBM Peisonai computer equipment and products; Spieadsheiil, Word Processing and Data Base also req Degree in Computer Science desired Send resume 4 sal history to Personnel, United Way of the Bay Area. 410 Bush. SF 94I0B PROGRAMMING ROGERS 4 ASSOCIATES CONTRACTS AVAILABLE NOW CtCS, IOANSMORTGAGES TECH-WRITER, IBM VAX VMS.

COBOL S-3. RPG III IMS. Pli RAMIS NOMAO CASYTRt VE IDMS DC, AOSO BURROUGHS. LiNC UNIVAC 1109, COBOL VAX NCI WORK (HOSPiTAL) Contact John Larsen ROGERS 4 ASSOCIATES 16 California St M't San Francisco, CA 94111 (4li) PROGRAMMING SYSTEMS SUPPORT PROGRAMMER I7f)30-l3416mo Oevelop and niamtam special projects catirg to multiple mainframe computers and mi-cos including Cyber, PDPT1, IBMPCandAppieMac Knowledge of assembly and higher level languages, application paoages, documentation siandaros and communications protocols reouued Effective verbal and written communication skills required Prior Univ. eper.

pret Submit aopli-cationresume postma'keo by ciosmg date 5 to San Francisco Stale University. Personnel Dept. 1600 Holloway Ave. SF CA 9413? An affirmative action employer PROGRAMMING PERSONAL COMPUTER INTERFACE SPECIALIST PROGRAMMER ANALYST Career pos in citing results oriented organiration tor person wdemstr sk IBM Systems 38 4 Personal Computers Duties will incl ap-pication progiammmg PPG II 4 Control Language. Training others in use of persona' computer software 4 System 34 Query 4 other support utiis wiU be emphasized 4 ill incl analysis, design 4 implementation of interface systs reo for user operation Sal open Depending on duals Send resumesalary history to: Personnel, United Way of the Bay Area.

410 Bush, SF 94)011 Programming PROGRAMMER ANALYSTS We ae a medium-sued proper 4 casualty msurance company with twin 4341s under DOS VSE with plans to convert to OS Knowledge of COBOL is necessary wttn CICS eiuueit-encep'elerrep We a-e seeking professionals with least yea-s eipenence Pit-ase send resume with sa'ary to Personnel, CSE Insurance Company. PO Bo St'. SF. CA 94101 EOE PROJECT COORDINATOR MORRISON 4 FOERSTER Large SF law firm seeks ghly O'gamreo, eitiCien! mo viduai tococn dmate activities a ma- ior office relocation withm I mos I yrs enpenence prot ect aoministiationrcooroina- tion 4 substantial enpenence in planning, schedimg 4 ton' trolling work eauited. Encef' lent organuational 4 commu nication skids reouired Must be fteirbie in regard to work schedule Top saiary 4 ecet-lent benefits to most puaiird individual for this eC'ticg position in one of SF most prestigious law firms To send resume 4 salary requirements to Brenda Dalimaiin, Mortison 4 Foerstet.

1 Ma-ket Piara, Sra'Toe' EOE Property Management Administrator This ind ndua' tvi'i report to the Manager ol Facii ties 4 wii be fo' directing the facilities mamienance 4 iam-iona' services for our loca'ions in Norihem Can. Th requirements include 74- yrs enpert- ence in (acuities 4 property management, working knowl eote 4 eiperience mvovmg competitive pre ba'gammg P'icw supervisoryeperie-ce 4 a bachelor's degree a related field Send your resume to blue shieid of california Per Sonne Divinon-PMi JM PO Bo. 7 It San Tiancisco. CA 9470 tot Owariiry Aamirirf Assistant Managers Restaurant Managers District Managers Take Charge Of Your Are you working unlimited hour (or limittd talary? No room lor advancement with your preient employer? We aland ready to tolve your career dilemmel We're CALNY the world a lergeat tranchiaee ol Taco Cell Retteuranta. Our operationa are auperbl Our growth It phenomenal! Our advancement poaaibilitiee ere ae-aomel II you're organized, motivated to excel in cuatomer tervlce, and aeek challenge, we offer: alerting taiariee ol tionua potential to Aaaiatant and Restaurant Manager; eaiaries commenturete with eiperience to District Manager ANO one ol the most comprehensive benefit package! in the industry.

Mark Hammond Ric Schloff District Manager He j.o'ipl PO Bon 709 PO Boi 186 South San Francisco ftheem Valley CA 84063 CA H4STO An fouel Opportunity tmployar ELECTRONIC INSPECTOR leclronic Infpector urgently re- Quired in the San Francisco area to perform mprocess and final inspection on switch inters and switches Must have hands-on eiperience Current DoD secret clearance requueil Full lime tor Imonths Call Bill Raymond COLLECT without delay. INTERTEK (213) 37-0971 QUALITY CONTROL MANAGER ENGR. (or Aich precast con-ciete funi. i yfs ep Knowledge of concrete, lemforcmg steel, slructuiai tteel, welding, 4 plan reading desirable Good Co benefits, salary commensurate weip Send resume to. Personnel Depl, 3440 Enter prise Ave.

Hayward, CA 94b4S R4D Manufacturing Engineer, ouice rurmiure lauauitf ur Sign and directing automated production and prototypes Eic salary and fringe benefits sonoma lo ioc. piease seno i pmnip art Mpmvu. pers, PO Bon 7778, SF 94170 RADlATIONPROTECrtyON SPECIALIST I STATE OF CALIFtJPNIA, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES Reviews and inspects X-ray equipment lor lately Must be wilting lo travel Must pea Cer- lined Raoioiogic technologist with two years eiperience, in cluding one year vising at least two X-iay technicians a medical fttng Education equivalent to graduation from college, major inphysiti or hie sciences sr engineering Supervisor cxfreriente may be substituted for up tot two yeais of eojcalion Salary range S1973-73U urrent openings Berprr-'ey. Los Angeles and Sacramento. Obtain applications from: RaO.cnogic Health Biancfl Mi'l Street Sacramento, CA 95814t Att Sriiiy Janis I (9)t) 445 0(91 Applications win be accepted at Mea'tn Biancn postmarked no later loan June 14, mi Equal Opportunity! 4.

Atfirmattve Action Coordmaior Radiation Oncology Technologist Peraita Hospital has lull time posiiion avauaoie Must be available lor can. including so'ne weerenos Peouues APT-Therapy and CPT. minimum 1 yeais experience. Resumes and applications accepted between 9 id am and JuO pm, Monday-Friday, or mail your resuniei, to Human ReiOurces, Street. Suite Oaxland, CA 94u09.

(415) 4u-HiO. EOE. Merritt Peraita Medical Center RADiOLOGV NUCLEAR MEDICINE TECH A challenging pot tion is avan- ahie with Hostvtai. a p-ogres we 310-1-3 acute taie leader We leseevmgaTechni cianwthNMTCBandor APPT wvi CPT registration. CT and nuc iear niecticiiie computer ei penence are preierreo Desert Hospiai is lor ated r.

one ol tne cour- ti most oesuarne reson a'tas ofier unia -niodern work erivironnient, good growth potential, an e-ceiient saiary and outstanding Penetit* for contideniial con sideration, ptease send resume with saiary history lo DESERT HOSPITAL 1150 N. Avenue Paim Springs, CA An Ecjuai Ofipiy RADIOLOGY RADIOLOGIC TECH Position avail toperlorm gene'- i diagnostic procedures Reouues CRT Preier 1 vt acute hosp iai erp Send resume to the following SAINT FRANCIS Memorial Hospital Personnel Depa-tment 909rlyot St CA 94109 EOE RAOlOLObV- CHlLF TECH POSITION for fast growing Radiology group with muiitpe locations Seeding an inpiviOual wth strong manaeenient background 4 sha-ptechmca' skins Personnel raommistrative background 4 degree a pws Super viso'y eiper. reciuned Send complete resume, re'er-eoces 4 saiary requirements to Admin.stiatO', PO Bo J-F, San Jose. CaM 9S109 RADIOLOGY TECHlviCiN'S BE ING SOUGHT BY ST MARY HOSPiTAL 4 MEDiCAL CENTER PiEASE SEE OUR AD UNDER HOSPITAL Rao.oitry X-RAY TECHNICIAN FT Temporary. Bilingual w) Cantonese p-er 8-ajo7l7 RATAI4.

Sas Olc Cierk Sr.Te eiprienf rvfuni; 3P-5? REAL ESTATE (San Francisco) Immediate opening lor resioei- tioai brokerage manage' or Sac a fien to Street Candidates must be knowiecge-ao-e about the San Fianc sio ma'ketpace, eroe'ience as a sas manager. Ar.coottof une onenled An resumes wu be revewed in tpra1 conscience Piease contact James e't Ve Pres9et. Sctiwby's internatona' Realty. B-e-'jr h.i.s, CA r-r' Real Estate Administrator Please our ad in the Real Estate section today! Raychem REAL ES'AU rep. NASD me-ter f.m.roi anat.ona'reai eslate svxKetion co" pa ntr neany 4 m-i- cmso't Mr-ri-genier-t -d p0 ec'ed l9t5p'iatepacemeot sa esay I Ji en on IC" A good rgsieed rec ese'la-i es te ra'et a gn tt tli pea sjcmorteo by a cofiesai'On oe'g a g' etoe pr'er 213 2C3ib3 COLLECT ASK FOR DARLtt Ra A VP.

REAL ESTATE CONSTRUCTION FfiACE aa-e-Pe-ivuia based SAL ses a ra estate to wi construction OetK ppia'eous "an wxo'icei ar i.en re ip wO ksu'S CSI'uCiiOn T'g regd Saawr mej ro hgi- 'etu re Will East Bay area regional ofc seek ing career oriented person with wparl Al nrntnffl 1 Mil eper. with HP-3000 toniput- i-'s ticei veroai. written I. analytical skills req Respon. include operations Suftiort.

Bachelors degree icel benefits competitive Salary. Please tend salary history and resume to ail hn co SF Nnwsoapert. PO Boi 7771 SF 94170 fOEMrFV(M PROGRAMMER FOCUS Erper independent FOCUS NOMAD7 consultants needed for contmuos ass.gnmenls. Call TAVAK, INC. 40 Sutler St SF CA K4109 PROGRAMMER J-5 years HP erp Application! systems bmeii co, pleasant environment, Cicelient salary and benefits Mail resume to Its, lilt Old MiOdlefieio Way, Mounlam View CA 94043 PROGRAMMER CNC, Setup Person Must be epd in Fan-auc 4 Vasnac controllers 4 NC lab computers At least i yri ep year.

In Hay-ward Call for appt 7EV7M4 PROGRAMMER Retiuues 2 years COBOL eroer. irosVbt CMiapius' no resume wsalary req to Al Raymond I lfcu Sutler, SF CA 94109 PROGRAMMER to W)7mo IBM Systems Piogr. framing CiCS SysiemsFuiaiiCiai Group Personnel Seivice. Montgomery SF PROGRAMMER vim 4 DEC RSX-11 Codedebug integrate No feeCall Tom coned PACEASSOC (9I6MSI-4907 PROGRAMMERS CONTRACTS AVAILABLE CMS EXECS, NOMAD erperts needed mimed Wichaei Davis 4 Assoc -IStS PROGRAMMERS Contract Coooi Programmert needed inirne'l'aieiy Can Barbara Cahn at On -Line Business Systems, 391-J'jlO EOE PROGRAMMERS Data Base Admin-IDMS JiSK VMCMS RSTSE VAX PDP VPS M3-917U PROCRAMMERS.CMSOOS, asmWy lang Profit vhgnng Neil Myers, Montgomery St Sf 41 ves-sv PROGRAMMER COBOL IV vS 54 yrsexp inDP.FmanciaiappI in SF.TohilJOs.VMiCMSa 4 CPUINC AGENCY PROGRAMMER Pl 1 Enpert wVMCMS ep 64 yrs in DP Finan appi SF. To J5K DOE CPU INC AGENCY 3J7-6044 PROGRAMMER PASCAL toSW'Cwk PROGRAMMING OPEN HOUSE Mon-Tues-Wed llam-6pm You are cordially invited to at tend our spring lws career Open House Can or stop by lo discuss your career on ny tne lOCs of positions open now IBM ProgAnaiystDOSCobol S0K PAnalyst343tRPO lo3SK ProgAnaivstCiCS SyslemPiog MVS toiK Preu Analyst Coboi v.prog iwanrvan ioor MNS POFFo-tian ASS S.E VAX Fortran PA lc3K tciJjOK SOFTWARE ENGINEERS UNIXiC internals toJWK totJSK TELECOMMUNICATIONS Consultant ACPyTPF to.45K Nelwork SpdilSt ibiiili micros Support Specialist tcS f'K Tech Writer lcl(m.

Sr App Prog-Pascal iSK GENERAL EMPLOYMENT ENTERPRISES INC. Personnel Service 44 Market F. 94111 (415) 981-6440 Fremont (415I797-5CBD PaloAlto (415I494-3141 SanFianciSCO (41 B-CiM 1 San3ose WainutC'ee PROGRAMMING CONTRACT PROGRAMMERS LONG TERM BAY AREA UnivacllOO-MAPPER HP 3000, IMAGE. VIEW, COBOL IBM 43XX--D0SVSE; SSX IBM S38 -All appls. PDPDECK-VAX--AII Appls.

WANG VS Trainer-IBM PC County Govt, exper. all system. Send resumes to Snt'l Computer Consultants 1311 C'Pfl Si FHKiiml CA PROGRAMMING SR. PROGRAMMER ANALYST Community Stosotais Central CaMoin.a Sn aoaoum Va'iey la'gest hea'th ca-e p-ov Se' has an urmed ate opening tor a Sr Piog'Ammer Anast This oppOrtunit ciudes deS'tn. deveient ano implementation of Orwme Fmanc nd Cna Soft wre SvSiei Tnsposilonreou rs mintn-ium tr I eeais on-line f'-nanca' svstens eoeie-vce 04 VMS no mumps feie-fen a a Or ee Computev Scnc ChCC ois competitive hene-fits package Fo irvnedaie consideraton.

AubmM your re sm in saia-y b.stoy to Susan Pr-wne Deiia-tn-ent COMMUNITY HOSPITALS Of CENTRAL CALIf ORN.A PO 6o 1737 F-esno. CA 91'lS Que O.lOOituftity tm-vrvvev PROGRAMWiNG MANAGE SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING Manager rrc needle wwthstrrvifi CiCS te lor aav-ngs 4 co- f'nm Un 10 IBM Sa a lo ltV oa-d hy tw' Ca Ihe r)i locaimn wea-est rou ROBERT HALF OF lORT4f RN CAIIFORN Pe'senviet 4ernces 111 l-nnrwo CA Hill inn 4a-icio PRPITV VCVT PROPERTY SUPERVISOR MiOr p-ope-ty wta-vtfemeni tOmp4nf Kfi ei'Sf OppO-Ur iio g'esora-v- ih hn frxr kre lo se-nse Rut' 4 rii Must epo ieco ofRvR-sa-png wh fes-o-t negor.aing ihh Aid arvi lo Ramin Research, i small product development group peciai'i-inti in italyof the art laboratory inurunicrntation. Is tookinit for A iwcial programmer. Tnis pioiiammer mutt have the following I. At least 4 yri professional eiperience programniming assembly language Tnu eperience MUST include tnterrupt driven real time systems 7 A sutiitanlial ttnowlerjg of digital electronics, incl tne anility to read schematics, use test equipment and discuss electronic design with an engineer 1 Protiency in or Pascal you tit these qualifications.

please sens your resume 10: RAININ INSTRUMENT CO. I'lOO Pone" bi tie ii Emeryville, CA 94606 PRObRAMMERS CONTRACT ASAP Programmer Analyst IMSAOF. 1 year SF Tol45Hr. Programmer Analyst NOMAD? 1 year SF. Analyst Programmer MSA PayrollPersonnel itmosSF ToVJOHr.

Master Terminal Opr. IMS Eir. I mos EB Senior Programmer Heavy testing experience Package process SF. ToJ35Hr. (Coidfarb-Wasson) GW Consulting 649 Mission Sliest San Francisco S4105 (415) 896 5566 PROGRAMMER ANALYST HSQ Technology has an immedi- aleneedonour sottrvaredevei-Ofiment team for individuals with a minumum 2 yean current ep in one or more Of: DECRSX-1) FORTRAN VAX)VMS HSQ is a leader in tne energy management A control marketplace, which is growing at a rapid pace Selected candidates will be working with latest equipment techniques riSQ is in an easily accessible location witn ample parking tV has fieiWe working hours Salary is open, commensurate with experience For an immediate response, send resume incl salary requirements to HSQ TECHNOLOGY PO BOX SSF.

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employer pad benefits Send resume including safa'y History to leia COimen, Caiif Cancer Progiam, Page MiH Rd Bnf 8 Sute7uO, Pa CA 94 V4 EOf PRObRAMMIRS CONTRACT PROGRAViVERS Consuitanls th the following skills IMS Data Analysts MiCiOS NOVAO SNA Svvn VM MVS VCNA SyS PlO beoforVconsultants Ma-ket St Sf 9105 I4ISI FRjohAVVLR, ANALYST SF bJ'tHi Co cif'itia''e fo a svsifn 31 win pnicat-ons i Communications, engine A ecog canci (vies have a fee eau.v ivr withenAeoogiee RpG pci'animmg svslew eipe ecet skins a-x) the ri tf to da' e'fect'Vf rf tvoof In return, we pievioe eceuent sa aiyibe-wr ts Snaresnie to Hi.mjtn Retou'ces OeiM PO R.n, jU? 51 (I AStSI is- ttishecEiilCO Sie: ft fnanc.ei piciors ses tyo'ess-ona Ceiipmt ppOtuty 0 A Rejues tS i vs Si CRURAS SC A 1 m-ie Fif-ac-a harg is prus lll'ri bener.ts To mwi ae OCKKl'tunit senfl -esvv 4 s- reotnie-ne-nts to GA a-me. J7K1 Mt Oarvo CAA4M4 PROGRAMMERS TRtkrtv SERVICES i woo see rg CP Po'ss-oiais th at Wast tO Of COnstMirg I pum ocs't-enf DOS Al IBa Srs P-o-ei- vow meet a-v in atoe 'eo js resam 4 say FttSIAUHANI anWiAAii nmael famaMiaa Tim tH tmn-- WANTED RETAIL STORE MANAGER To manage success'! San Francisco discount sto'e Must have good track record and have 5 or more ysa's trie discount field. Eipenence in a union environment essential. Knowledge ot oMice a plus. We are a e'owing, national cram, offering competitive salary, full benefits and continued advancement opportunities.

For considcation, send resume to: Ad 51916 Sbd Francisco Newspaper Agency P.O. Box 722 San Francisco, CA 94120 eguai opportunity employer mn Esfi'hiished leas ng company PA with 3-5 years' IBM, COBOL, OS IDMS.DBiOC stilus. Salary to 40K i Financial and operation appiica- tiA'1 Opportunity tor PA with stem 34 36. RPG II and small sHvp enivnence Enceiient i btaedts Salary to $33K. 4 cliy work week and liberal traction po'icy make this optw tujiily Outstanding Requires 4 -6, years' mainlrmae COBOL airt years' command level IKS eipenence Salary to 4t'K.

Major aiva-ei manufacturer seeksP A v.ith?4 yea-s' programming eierience. Prinie kadvae COBOL a plus Salary to VAi 100 fee pa0 by company Call km the ottice location nearest Robert half tr NORTHERN CALIFORNIA i Personnel Services (E1AIL MANACjf MEWT QUALITY ASSURANCE SPECIALIST Storo Msnagomont San Francisco, Peninsula and East Bay area CbsubI Oorner, a leading women' speciality chein. is offering opportunity to individuals with 2 years retail management experience. These positions require team leadership, motivation, training skills and merchandising ability as well as responsibility lor personal selling We offer excellent salary end tenetit* package and generous merchandise discount. Be a part cf a continuing success as we open many new stores.

Cell Donna Kauai For an Appointment on Monday at (4 1S) 956-2502 Casual Comer. Equal Opportunity Employer WOULDN'T YOU REALLY RATHER LIVE AND WORK IN SOUTHERN OREGON? Harry and David's Gear Creek Store in Medlord, Oregon is seeking two professionals; one to manage their fine quality restaurant and one to manage their extensive gourmet food shop. We're located in Medford, Oregon, a town which is still small enough that the trees outnumber the people. However, in addition to excellent skiing, hiking, fishing, sailing and swimming, our beautiful area also has "big city" entertainment available. We're just 15 miles from Ashland, the home ot the nationally renowned Oregon Shakespearean Festival.

In neighboring Jacksonville, the Bntt Music Festival features big names in jazz, blue grass and classical music. RESTAURANT MANAGER You'll manage our popular Les Two Bears Restaurant. Major responsibilities cover: sales and profitability, restaurant service and atmosphere; budget management; and advertising planning. 5 years' restaurant management experience, preferably in a variety of restaurants (including a dinner house) required A congenial individual who combines warmth and hospitality with creative expeitse is desired. GOURMET SHOP FOOD BUYER You'll manage our exclusive Gou'met Food Shop and be responsible for saies and profitability.

Major duties include selecting products, displaying me'ehan-dise, advertising planning and supervising store employees. Retail sa'es epe'ience, inventory control, and cost management skills are required You must a'so be knowledgeable in the selection of specialty merchandise including nes. cheese, specialty foods, cookware. and possess a flair for creative splay. We need a team player with a customer-se'vice orie'a'ion and excellent motivational supervisory skills.

Interested? Send your resjme, cover letter and sa'ary history to Ger'da Goodrich. Personnel Dept Eea' Oeek Co-p Box 299. Medfo-d. OR 975C1 Equal Opportunity Employe'. 111 Pine Street tin Francisco.

CA 94111 I t415 434-1900 iIOCRAMM(RS EspiritTech And'ee H. Bryan I A Full Service Placement Agency 1 wc'conif Contractors And 3 vs to feet '1 is to assst you witn your rw a career move or neKtconlractassignment- CONTRACTORS II iVArUt ppve'OiViient Apt funk.iig VS AOS obcil or DOS VSC a-uvnt, 1 At I run TiMEorrivs 1R iflfAl DkWW -s oe dc Dcsin pir. M(' Travel O'K- CB Of tr-M PC A IBM Pascal. Pf.ii to- reta i Oes 'S Af Oes gn a i ft" a.vt Jr4 resume vf id O-essf (41S) 397 pll Fr.t" fioof I San CA 4I04 BOr.StMVFRI aAiTji Atr 5" u'Bcu I-1 a '--i ii ana rt SSU "5 'f '5' gj-i Fir rwix rpv.i (a i. and a a f'ivS Sc--Tiento Sa comensu'a- urn te'is TDC'S POBji I CA V4' jtuCeAWMiR (i'Mlf 'l A jt -vri" ct a-fl ve J.

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A nss fVAlIT A1V sie-y ic TR-N Tf SERViCtS Ei Cavc Pea-San AM'en 5i 5.I A 'K'i iooo resioe-c sc t-cs Saa-y -scfn Pfat I AAM CI AVVt Siis' CC-- Tr I'M co-n- ReaseAY-: 4 to a ta a-e? c-a l. 'C J-4t EC -a-e te O-an- 9 a.i-.a-'s txvi ra lEt'i cnmr-sfi' pac t4.ii 5 '4-ii'si AAEOppartu-vryEmsr Ofc e-cvn af -n' CC- "I 4 co ts jeff, litir 'rr a 5 f-1 PC6fl UA (Ml Ct. CA W4 TOSA TFT 4 k-CAN ASSOC i it..

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.