The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)

Unfarn. ISSlMonntale, Eusl tY Risart ISailniti Raatifi, Cfflti Kiitai'i fit III Haass, HJll'sssttmoQi for Salt Rapt Carpttif aJiakuM Monday Morning, Apr. 8, 1 163 A 9 4i1 1 V. i rmr S'B-'a'e (, Cssert Kintals Z7I Paiiti Springs ON Rarch Club grounds. A.l.b dic- or.

4 bk. 2 be. wim own pom. nori or long lease. ai50 mo.

or S400 witn ciuo Tacuities. BR. 2-100. EASTER WEEK Lg. turn, unusuei home.

Sleeps 10 or more. View prlvacv. Lg. HF pool. $1,000.

Ph. 327-343? or 325-4150 NEW BEffolTATCii? I br.2 ba. POOL. Lse. OL.

4-5379 Out of Stat Rsntal 27 VTJT VfjAS. new tilxTTurtacH'. 2 2 bath, with or without motel services. By day or week. For re- serv.

call Aloha Const, ce. WE. I Business Rentals 281 NO. Hully'd. 25x60 air cond.

dance studio. Ample pkl. rest rms. 544 uaurei cyn. TR.

7-0216. GOOD bus. area. 3219 Glendale OPP, r.r,K, nr. 3 -i sq.

v. No. in. NFW itore. 15x60.

oka. 1115 Holly wood way. Nr. wagnona, euro. suit.

beauty, T.V.. sifts, etc. HO. 7-3851. HUNTINGTON 6034' 1 Pacific 1500 sq.

air cond. Ample prkg. LU. e-4A. LU.

l-0i SHOP canter. 9328 Whlttier. Pico Riv. 1 stores wft. Suit, anoarel Shoes, stationery, doctor.

TR. 3-3366 STORE BLUG. 1000 SO. FT. M-l zone.

1356 E. Colorado Blvd Glendale. CL. e-4437 $110. M-l rtpalrstoraoe.

45x25 7331 S. Monica, Hlyd. GL. 4-2645 GLENDALE. New stores oftlret 14 to 2U aq.

ft. G. Letts. CI. 6-2528 4952 and 5875 Me rose.

Any bus ness -t- nv. itrs. Parkg. NO. 2-1729 $115, 1500 C-M.

1370 W. 24th St, 220 pwr. OL. 2-0573 394-5369 15'X70'. Few doors from busy corner Pico Kooertson.

AYRES.DU.5-2111 $90. Attractive 2 room Bus. Bldg, Kopemon nr. otymplc. BR.

1-1730. SHOPPING Center, beautiful store Retail or professional. WE. 8-3886 NEW Ai prka. 15x40.

Hot spot! 4343 CrenstMW. Own. AX. 40676 WAREHOUSE 1500'. HI celling.

$150 mo pjia rountain. bk. T-iy56 Buslniis Rentals, Offlcs 282 Heart of Hollywood Economic efficient, 2 or 3 rm. ofc. suite, now avail.

Lawyers Bldg. 4223 Selme Ave. suite 101. no. 4-4 is.

ic Brand New Mod. Offices 4000 Will divide to suit. Air music. DEUTSCH 2921 So. La Cieneaa.

UP. 0-6546, UP. fJ-7528 SAN MARINO Modern ground floor offices. 408 to 20U0 so. ft.

parking unlimited, convenient Pasadena Freeway. Ask for Montgomery. SY. 3-1101, MU. 1-4709.

INTERNAT. AIRPORT 2 BLKS! Mfrs. Rep. fc Salesmen. offices, turn.

Util. Janitor answer ing service. $60 up. A. Minor.

P.O. BOX 45393, L.A. 45 BEVERLY HILLS TRIANGLE" TAKE ALL OR PART PROF, eulte, Crenshaw Blvd. Compl. equip, occupied oy chiropractor for ju yrs.

uue to oeam, must sell rurn, 4, practice hnmed. Shown by eoot. only. SY. 5-7160.

32-35 CENTURY BL, Xlnt. INGLEWOOO location. Strelght enor to inTemaTMrte i Air um jan. pkg. BR.

2-1725 30' Wilshire Bl. Bev. Hills Ground floor. 2009 office er store. Parking.

$650 oer mo. Miss Martin. OL. S-8220! ir TROPICAL LUXURY Face nnnl JL satin Unf. ft Furnished suites.

Air rand ni5 eeveny Blvd. OL. 3-8160. OFFICES, SUITES. W.

L.A. From $60 mo. Incl. Util. Janitorial.

Parking, Alr-cond. ALSO 700 sg. ft. large storage. Sac.

sublet. GR. 8-0501, BR. 2-9835. PRESTIGE OFFICE drapes, music, parking.

Re-I cepr. aerv. mrn. New Diog 205 verougo ro biengaie. ch.

5-9401 ic 6515 SUNSET BL firm. Rent part or an 7 nod, prlv. off. HO. e-643: BEVERLY HILLS TRIANGLE TAKB ALL OR PART 1700 SQUARE FEET 114 N.

CANON DR. CR. 4-3380 AMERICAN LBAN new otrice oide. tor lease, wh tt er. 7500 aq.

ft. Air etc. Toll free bb-i4uu. wr. Tarnow.i 8TH SPRING OFFICES J.

OPPN SPAC Lena Mg. 208 W. 8 MA.3-4418; CITY OF COMMERCE Elite ultra-mod. offices. Air cond.


BEVERLY ftoivp I rm. suite partly furn. Ref. Air cona. oauy maint.

conv. parking. OK. 2-Q8Z. Eve ft Sun.

BR. 9-1348 ir BEST VALUE B.H. I IMa llaJ Kl. Iu 118,11 It. ft.fW.

fill, WU, sVTUV, elOfle lIlle Air cooo. i act. erv, ck. 1-5659 SOUTH PASADENA OFFICES ft STORE AVAILARI Fairoaks ft Moiiterev. MU.

9.1181 FOR Lease Professional office In Valley Plaza Shoooine Canter. Suit able for physician or attorney, Am-; pie prg. Avail, now. ro. 5-6671.

NTIRE 2nd fir. 10.000 a all nr parr Tor school, light mfg. Xlnt. transp. Cor.

W. 7th ft Westlake. Owner. DU. 8-0625 100.

Sunset Bl. nr. Alvarado. round floor offices. Ideal for Insurance, R.E., etc.

air cond. tan uu. i-ezi ror into. CITY OF DOWNFY New 10,000 nr. Fpvy.

ft Trans Air cond. Util. Jan. Ants. Banco Will divide.

Reasonable. DU. 9-1350 sVNR. RESTAURANT ROW. Air cond.

ores. 490-498 S. San Vicente. OL. 1-1 uj.

oays; vt. s-ayuj eve. sun PICO-ROXBURY erea. Srm. dlx suite.

Retrig. air cono elev Daily anltor serv. Pkg. 273-5197 $1654345. B.

Hills. 1 Suites of 960 sq. r-T. fc 4S7 SO. n.

unrurn. Also Avail. 1760 so. ft. Mr.

Wllklns. CR. 6-1171. 6H Wilshire, Bev. HlllsTTlOOOuO so.

tt. very reasonaoie. OL. 2-4949 PENTHSE. offices, suites er studios.

rauo. wagnir. view. Living eccom. available.

394-8338, BR. 0-4456. MFG. REPRESENTATIVES $27.50 up. Mod.

air cond. tel. serv. ft sec.avail.DU J-9494 TT SIM siAs.srvi(j, United Stteply, 374 5. Hwy.

PI. AD. 3-4384, Mr. Peeler. ARMY Steet Boxes ft Lnck.ri Angeles, 5890 W.

Adams. WE. 5-8W ARMY tents gen. surplus lxl4. 712S.

Santa Fe. iloS Western.l BILLIARD, Pooll'bisrSRUNS. Llkel nu. Recond. Also Snooker.

00.4-8132! BLDG. stone ft landscaping. Colors. EM. 2-721.

Box 2712 Van Nuys CASPEr UPHOL, CLEAN'G equip. Comm'l. Reas. VE. 8-5174 CARTONS, 10x10x10, 12x12x12, 13x9x ei.

at wt. otners. hi. CUES close out, releds, seconds- lointed-l pc. etc from 50 8225 S.

Western Ave. PL. 0-2330 EXERCYCLES, pony rollers. Relaxed cizors, others, used. Rant-Buy-Sfill-Trade.

Open Sun. 11-4. SY. 5-8911. FENCE CHA UNK USED 15f FT.

NF. 6-1711. FLUOR, fixtures, 8' 4-lltes, 2-L Slimline $4 95; 2-L, $3.95. Barnett Surplus, 584WiJ'ico Blvd. FLUORESCENT ft SLIMLINE Mite, flat new $6 95 Fi.unt.

ttvr, New U.L. Slimline 21 I- iT ---t. CH, FOLDING WHEFL CHAIR $6S CALL 761-8982 EVES. INTERTYPE Model with electric pot ft Mohr measure control. Want quick sale.

Contact Purchasing Dept L.A. Times. JACUZZI whirlpool bath. Rental ft sales. Free home demonstration.

KRUPNICK. TR. 3-438. POOL Tables New 4Vix9 slate bed now avanaoie. open sar.

sun 8225 So. Western Ave, PL. 0-2330 SNOOKER TABLE, 4x12 Pearl Inlay, Bruns. $400. DU.9-3081 STAUFFER new reduclna couch reian ac J95.

vb. 4-7442 WARFHOIISF SAI Auditor seats. Pews, it teats, Dionoe, mw. oury tables, 3 x8' $22.50) bookcases, chairs, steel ft wood Shelving, lab. table, banquet told, tables, $24.50.

Lot more. need space. 951 N. Main. CA.

3-1261, CREATIVE Outdoor PlaygrdTEqpt, n-D scnooi tvoe oaiv. coma lav- out nurs'y thru HI. Rec. cntrs. B-s etc.

NE. 6-1711 I SETS latest Stauffer exerciser re-! ducing mach tries. Model H. Pink Brand new. Sac tor immed.

sale. HO. 4-4143. 50,000 gallon oalv. water tank with vu Toot Tower, L.A.

area, buyer to move. Make otter. Ph. san Bono, davs, TU. 5-4139.

eves. TU. 3-1013. $3 eaTSTEEL FILES) $2" ea. TYPHI CHAIRS.

Murderl MA. 6-9020. 2-WAYRadlos. Citizen band, Cltl- tone scftennei (2). $125.

CH. 5-6070. M-3 7500 15C front on Alame- oa-am, pwr! Kentise. Miseallaneous Wanted CASH for used books, hard bound i paperback, tnevcoo. sets, comics.

1367 E. Colorado, Glendale. 242-0069 CASlTtoday for manufacturer' closed ours 100 iot mase. ol, -3J4u. CASH for Consumer Hem 2nds, close out, rejects, etc.

DU. 8-7104, Sporting Goodti Guns, Golf, Camping etc. 359 GOLF SALE. Terrific buvsl Up tol 50 off. There' nothing in eoit we can't give you a discount on.

Also Used Clubs at Bargain Prices. STAR SPORTING GOODS 1645 N. Highland Ave. H0.9-272S. PACHMAYR'S buying, good Rem.

32, parkar-s, win. 21 ano boon mg Bora Rifles. And good clean hand guns. PACHMAYR GUN WORKS 1220 so. Grand Ave.

Rt. zi GOLF BARGAINS. Big discount on bag, Dans, ciuo a (am. 20 yr, Sam location. Take trade.

GOLF EXCHANOS, CO S.OIIve.L.A DISCOUNTS on ANYTHING Voi want In sporting goods, HO. 9-4504. 1645 N. HIGHLAND IN HOLLYWD, equipment for guns. Ammunition, camera Agu ltd 'GOLF Clubs, new.

Reg. set Si! 5 irons. 7 woods 81 bag, Rl. 9-5677. Offerings to Buyers 360 Spe'cIaL OFrRlrlG IMPORTED FABRIC, Silk prints, metallic brocades ft nana woven inaitana siik piatas.

One Inch ft two Inch boxes. Many color combinations! Immediate delivery I Direct representation Great oppty, for tpecial promotion. aampies cneerruny suomineo. Kov-rvwuttc: ins. 80S Broadway.

N.Y. 3, AL. 4-7515 3SI 1' SUpER-D Ara'dek ilfo Rollaflex ifi F. $150 1 Mamlvafty, t3S m.m. In 1 Tilt-All tripod 30 50-4x5 film holders.

EX. 6-8438 Regular apeciai tui.n. WINTER CO. 525 W. 4th St.

MA. 4-9371. NEWUsed Sell, Buy, Rant, Trade. Repair. Credit Cards ok.

park, lot, Clm.Hu., Unlluuui r.mwa Cvrh 1607 Cosmo'Sf. Open' 9-8. HO. -365f LENS Clearance sal. 300 mm t5.6 Kllfttt $75.

Many others. Century Precision Optics. TR. 7-3762, PHli TFBSfor PfiOtfyiBAPHY. See pnii.

pel ley camara snop, iom ranc FAY m5RE than Market Valu for your used equipment. Henry's, 51 W. 8th St. MA. 7-5514 CONTAFLEXPfim FiaTneWil 19.

4312 Crenshaw Blvd. AX, 3-8251 BUY SELL TRADE WESTERN Camera, 641 S. Olive. BIGGEST discount on all new pho tographic equip. AX.

3-8251 RESEDA PHOTO SERVICE 18569 Sherman Way. TR. 3-5031 SPiNDLER ft SAUPPE 2201 Beverly Blvd. DU. 9-1288' vn.OWESTPHOTO PRICESI SEMLER'S.

5730 WILSHIRE BL, NE Bolex Zoom PI, I mm wtrlgger handle. S250. 878-0378 eves Binocular, Scopes, Eto. TElESCOPES, all sizes. Cave Oot, J7 t.

Ananatm, L. Ben, tifc.4-2613 TELESCOPE, reCTwcamera ft access. Nr. nu. oner, un.j-msu.

Wanted rvTfpJ pay more then market or! aiief prices tor used camera ft equipment. HENRY'S CAMERA 518 W. 8th. MA. 7-5514, WE BUY ft TRADE BEL-AIR CAMERA.

BR. 2-5214. STUDIO CITY CAMERA EXCH. TR. 7-3019.

12174 Ventura. PO. 2-4749 SASH paid for Lelca ft accessories: PO. 3-950 I K. -19J4 WANTED: HIGH QUALITY TENANT WILSHIRE BLVD.


DUnkirk 1-3381 NEW MODERN! BUILDING Suites from 240 si. ft. $70 up. janl ror-Mir WILSHIRE ARMAC0ST 3 offices storage, too SQ. ft.

parking. CHARLES F. O'CONNOR 11669 Santa Mmlea Rlurf GR, 3-6573, Realtor, BR, 3-7315 FROM $85 1 2 Room Suites LESTER LYNCH CR. 3-2255 Brokers Co-op Invited NEWOFFICES-CRENSHAWBT Beaut, new mod. etrond eleva tor, perking, patio t.

Ienitor. $85 Of Uf. Owner's rep. on Premises dally. 3832 CRENSHAW BL.

AX. 4-6121 ARTLETT BLDS. 7th Spring SECURITY flTLE BLOO. cth Grand Single Offices ft Suite to win. OKUAIVic K.

HO. 44111 UNITED BLDG. 707 S. BROADWAY OFFICE SPACE AIR CONDITIONINtJ MODERATE RATES MA. t-1781 73J-42111 16,000 feet general office space 675 South Westmoreland Avenue Near Bullock' Wilshire, freeways, transportation, downtown shopping.

Modern, air-conditioned building Private perk'g. Courtesy to brokers. j.v. iwurray, Biog. Mgr.

MA.4-7561 NEW Deluxe VALLEY Blda. SINGLES from $69.50. SUITES up to 3,000 sq. ft. Will partition to suit.

Incl. Swim. Pool. Patio. Carpets.

Drapes, Air Cond HI-FI ft Janitor aervice. a 12-4650 or 1 5-7082. 6505 ISH I RE BLVD. Alr-cond. office suites avail.

300 sn. ft. to 3,000 so. ft. Carpeted Ample parking.

0L. 3-0660 440 N. LA BREA New Air Cond. Ofc. Bldg.

Suites, Panel wells. Utn. paid. Janl. tor, parking.

Reas. 937-1772. Offlcs Furnishes, Equip. 130 tidiest 6 iscounts Lowest Prices UN ALL NCW 6V USED Office Furniture ft Equipment DISCOUNT DESK CO. 1424 W.

7th L.A. HU. 3-0271. We Buy or Trade any Amount. IBM TYPEWRITERS Rebuilt, guer ill tvoe! atyiee Inc.

executives at reduced prices. 1005 S. Flguerog. Rl. 7-9427 TILT-TOP DESKS $29.50 ARTISTS ft ILLUSTRATORS am BtvtHLr BLVD.

Steel transfer files Shawf-Walker letter er legal aire, eacn. 2iui e. r-resrone. lu. 3-7300 ADDRESSOGRAPH Mrll.

19M aer. 45ui. compi.witn autom. feed-l er. mai.

in. aer. 4589)2. or frames. $475.

Call Rl. J-9421J sr NO need for big Investment In of fice furn. Used, cheap, like Choose from Angeles Deski Co.Whse.eoo Traction Ave. MA.4-8037! IBM type, adder, calculator, p4ran oopy. DioraTor, oupweator, eoorw- sor, folding rrtecnine, Btvning, etc.

Cttew! 4005 W. Otvms4c. WB. 4-2124 MISSILE Program" cutback of major aircrair co. releases tor public disposal lge.

Quantity of surplus of fice furn. 2222 S. Hoover. Rl. 8-58531 SAVE now on repossessed office furnt-i rure trom 1-inane a company.

3131 S. Flgueroa St. Rl. 7-4224. BIG Selection.

LOWEST Prices. For details see our bio ad Sunday. CutRate, 1228 S. Flgueroa. RI.7-jS7l IBM eiec.

lypewrtr. Marchant cal culator, nu check wtr. 3 tor $99. 9-7. Hale's, 5009 Lankerah.


typewriter (4) cost 4J4 inci. Tax. pr. pty. mustl sen, never usee.

ivt ea. br.i-4936. VERITYPE standard mod. automa-i tie lustitier. xint.

cond. $300. sac. for oulck sale. 255-9125.

HAVE Dictabert Time matters for tele. Will sacritice. Call Mr. Guyer. MA.

2-3962! for sale, neari new. incl. x-ray. Pvt. pty.

Tel. nu. eves, WK-enos. REPCO standard portable photocopy macmne. liks new.

Reas. TR. 7-0806 wkda. TIME CLOCK Cincinnati. 18 mo.

old $85 JR. 7-0617, PO. 9-2211. LA. Desk Co.

New ft usod office eouipT. 1 ioi s. r-nwerpa, ki. t-4QZ7 weTstFrn office furn. co 116 S.

Los Angeles St. MA. 4.3794. NEW ft Used ofc. furn.

Sutter Ofc. t-urn. vio 5. Olive, LJ, MA.S-5088 ADDR bkorj varityper-erapnorype. MA.

NCR 3200. Perfect cond- 3V yrs. old a oars soma forms. ho. 4-74631 STENOCORO diet, equip-Photo coo-! ler, tape record.

OL63uo, OL.3-6J04, FRIDEN calculator, older mod. Xlnt. cond. 8550 tirrrL Kc. 8-9819.

GRAPHOTYPE Model 8381 Rebuilt! in '62 ey Mtr. can hu. 2-8108 31-10-10 (18) ft 241 woun Tape dev. Bargain. Rl.

7-6272 BRUNINGCopy Math. Mod. 120, near new. SJj. LU.

3-6517, MOD. daikl 42x77" i3t uo Vinyl couchS30Chalr. W632. OFFICE MACHINIST Discount Prices, 4005 W. OtymBic SOUNDSCTllER, diet, ft transcbg.

UniTS. 81Z5. NO. 1-0777 NO. Office Femlsbp.

Wntd. 332 WANTED IBM TYPEWRITERS II models. WiH top menufecturers trade in ellowance. i Rl. 7-9427 HIGHEST casn paid for used of- flee furn.

MILLER DESK, RI.9-4833 TOP PRfES PAID For used office furn. HO. J-J030. NEED OFFlcTlfichlnej ft eoulp. 4Qf'5 W.

OLYMPIC. WE. 6-2124 335 GIGANTIC CLOSE-OUT SALESl on all mkt. equipt. Walk-Ins, reach-Ins, coolers ft freezers.

Refrig. meat, froien food serv. ft seif-serv, cases. Meat saws, grinders, scales, registers, BBQ 5, shelving, etc. Fraction of cost.

Hurrvl Fnoidcold 3004 Sunset Bl. NO. 2-3168. dept. Store fixtures.

30 shown cases, $10 to 840; 20 counters, $5 to $20; 20 gondolas, $10 to $60) wall display caes. $10 to 150; I cash registers, sjo to $120, ft iocs of oth-f er Hems. SURPLUS CITY, 7601 5ta. Monice Hllywd. OL.

6-3340. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Cost price $24,000, sells for 15,000. Bldg. coming down. Wine ft beer lie.

Jnc. Call EX. 5-1473 or EX. 5-7514. WALK-INS, 14x22, 10x14, 8x12, 6x12, 7x9 w4 glass doors.

OTHER mar- KET EQUIPMENT. CI. 1-0612. WALK-IN FREEZER, 8x8 Walk-Ins, 6x8. 8x12, 10x4 2152 W.

Washington BI.REJ-fl123 BROASTER, IT'by owner. A-1 cond: Cost $3800. now $1000 dn. TO. 74319 (11-9.) POPCORN, snow cone, cotton candv machines ft restr.

4- 18j Trailer, cwner. kaj-jjsv aft. 10 m. CKTL. units, 3-sinkers, $110 ea.h DAXJT.

-744 w.ijvm RESTAURATiT equipment for sale. 1200 W. 7th Los Anseles RESTRNT. diihwasbir, 1 basket alia. Gd.

cond. ft cheap. TH. 2-2ii4. BAKERY store fixtures compl.

Will install. Aneies Csoinef. RS. 2-9139. RESTAURANT deli, Jtc.

Sacrlf. Mm. Lefser. Rl. SSfn KRAFT Snooping bMs.

cicse- out. Reas. 622-0945, 934-7iC7. CCMP" RrSf. "equrp.

Clcseout p'lcn Jrrms. Ma'W St PL. 83174 CASH REG. 155 Guar. Cel.

Crsh Res. Co. 1108 W. Olympic. RI.9-3254 224 TENANTS "QUALIFIED" Rental! Available BE SATISFIED 1 No time limit until placed 124 N.

HIGHLAND. HO. 2 7353 1 "sty. i bdr. nr.

t'50. view. I ry oar. htii. P50 Pantnoute.

Privacy, 2 Ratios $9C0. B.H. 1 sty. Jbd. Pool.

$1,500. eeaur. 2 sty.i pooi tavern rm.BbQ. Fam. rm.

2 maid's LAWRENCE BLOCK CO. CR. 5-4384. $300. Bre'ntwood.

Cute 2 itudy, bas. Plus guesr nous. $325. Lovely English 2 2 short term lease. $450.

Exquisite Colonial. 4 1 newly decorated. GR.2-1275 NORTON, INC. Mrs. Snell $300 Mo.

Completely INSIDE ROLLING HILLS GATES 3 bedrooms, l1 bath. SMITH REALTY CO. FR. 5-254. Larchmont "dt.

Liv din. firpl. 3 br 2 eiec. kncn. Fenced.

Beeo. garden. HO. 3-6285 ObO. Nice 3 bdrm.

2 bath house In ex T. locution near UCLA, ce vard. From now til GR. 1-7764 $300. Delightful country English 1 sry.

i trpie Patio. CR. 4-5B29. $325. Spac.

3 fireplace, end. patio. Quiet, vu. Fruit trees. Comp.

rurn. iv. 4 car gar. Nr. niya.

oowi Gard. ft wtr. pd. Rasp, group OK 6602 Cahuenga Terrace. CR.

5-0414 $325. Malibu Park, cute Ranch. 3 ige. tarn. rm.

spac. view Of ocean. Nr. Beach. GR 2-1275, NORTON, INC.

Mn. Snell $350. R-4 charm. 10 Ig. rm.

Rumpus! j1 oa. a new aoits. Yd. Gar. Nr.

I. Megnin'. 724 S. New! Hampshire. Loubert.

HU. 2-26201 $350, Artist'a home. 5-15 mos. Country t-rencti den, garden. Mld-Wiish.

Adits. Avail, a1. Coldwell, Banker Co. R. Durhln.

WB. 1-3111 Guest house oiTSO-ac. estate. "Line Living on a farm." 3 bedrms. renrwooq area.

CR. 4-6548 Solit-level. QUEENS ROAO. 2 ft den, din. ft lenal.

Enclosed yaro. fcunice Al Herd. OL. $350. Westwd.

i sty. Lge. liv. rm7, oin. rm.

4 orm. i Da. pen. ck.j-mcb. $350.

Writer's retreat. Parklike set-! ting. 4 bd. Privacy, OL. 4-0066 bed 4- sep.

ouest apt. Cots.drcs. Dead end street privacy! Off Benedict close In. CR. 4-9494.

$375. MALIBU beach home. 2on, cusi. long snon i.gk.3-ot4 $400. Charming English 1 atory.

2 oen. Complete guest home. Lovetv patios gardens. CR. 4-5829 $400.

Charming 1-story privacy 2 BR. 2 oen complete guest nouse. Patios garden. CR. 4-5629.

$415. 2 bdr. studio bungalow apt. New. LIK5 A home.

Fireplace, patio, pool, all luxury conveniences. OUITS. GR. 2-3888 $430. CHARM plus! WESTWOOD "i conv.

oen, 2 ba. Gardener pd. Chase, 1251 Westw'd. GR. 8-0066 $450.

.301 N. ALPINE, Bev. Hills. Loveiy 3 3 ba. Hunter.

CR.1-211 $500. Elegant 1, carefree living, sot emu upper duplex, exciting con- Temporary lovely ere. N. Franklin, 3 bed. 3 bas.

Owner cyrooe -oound. no. -5841 $500 Full of charml Pivll .1 frol sep. oin. oea.

wer oar, cprs. orps. utt toiowaier. cr. 4-9494.

MM Vl BU 1 4 ja i. o.n. i a i 4 uas. 113 CR. 4-6548 $600.

Chrm. Bel-Air horn. Owner europe bound. 3 Den, 3 Be flhtfll MltHoAV ItuEnM ulcus GR, 3-6538, NORTH ft CO. BR.

2-3379 nr. Sunset. Beau- iitui view. Aiiracriveiy turn. 3 den.

3 a tn i mn Chase 1251 Westwd. GR.B-0046 $600 Up. SELECT RENTALS. POOL.I kuih Kits, Realtor. CR.

4-6293. e50. 524 N. PALM, B.H. 2 3i 2 ba.

STARK CR. 5.4468. $750 Authentic French Regencyl rm reo mat. or 3 n. n.

baths. Lush wool cpts. CR. 4-9494. $800.

COMPL, FURN. LEAVING l-'LV yc-. rUUL. 1 STY. 3 BD, 3 BA.

POOL GARDEN PD. CR. $8.50. Pool I Brentwood. Lovely 3 ueumnrn.

cr. GR.2-127S, NORTON, INC. Mrj. Snell $650. 1 sty 3Vi bas.

HF pooi, Dnjr, oeoor, CR.4-MH $875-Good B.H. 1 sty. Pool. 4 4 -r ram. rm, fit guejT nse.

ALSO BMrfIti.l 1 Mr a. AU Pool. Pdr. rm. Robinson.

CR. 4-6548 $1,000. Brentwood estate, beautifully lyriiisnaa, tunv equipped, 4 Da. 4 Da. 4 mpi.

rmi. 18X30 lie. rm. Nr, UCLA. $750.

HollywcM estate. 4 4: pins, uecoraror rurnisneo. BRUIN RUDE. GR. 8-0388.

,000 to $4,00 Selected values. MICHELE CR. 4-1026. I ,055 Short or lona aie Bev. Hills.

4 Of maids. Pool. CR.4-6548 BEV. Hills. Must sublease compl.

fum. tile baths kltch. ideal ioc Beautifully landscaped. -K. 3-4 D.

rRfNTWD. PK. 3 i'MD'lT'BA ul.nt. POOL. FURN7UN-FURN.

GARNETS ASSOC. GR.9-05551 FINEST Rentals. Sjrw tn is BALDRIPGE COMPANY. CR. 5-6638! Houses, Unfurn.

285 :0 wk. 5 rm. hu. Fancad. Children welcome.

Bkr. AX. 2-0458 $55. i Bdrm. hue.

Pnat. Chid. OK Bkr, AX. 2-0458 Wlf nr Mn Rrt- wi.f. wieaier, ifistcwooa, nawrnorne, vaiuca, imiwu o.

hrh ara Aire PI 1-4177 CiO llla BR. cottage, child ok. See mgr. 4uo3 wosecrans, nawinorne. ey-jffHy.

$60. Cute 2 bdr. dolf hse. Bkr. OR.

3-1470, PL. 7-3163 $62.50. Comf. 1 bdr. time.

Stv.rel. i-nca. tor, per. Bkr. th, j-717, $65 MO.

1 BDR. HOUSE NEAR U5C. Rl. B-5752, 5 rm. 2 bdr.

Nr. Pteo. Stv.ref. Avail. Chid.

8. pet ok. Bkr. AX.2-0458 $69. 3 bdr.

Fontana wtransfrable purchase opt. SY. t-2372, Gl. 4-34221 $75. newlv dec.

No chil dren or pets, auiet, xlnt transporta tion. Nr. Hospital 8, city College. no. i-iwr $75.

car. Gar. nr. schools. Wa- rer paid U9 iseoei Highland; equip, ya.

cnio. Bkr. ho. 6-7281 $75. lach.

Stove frigTiuit bus C-2.) Nr. pesnu. HO. 7-0590, $75. 2 bdr.

stucco. Sundeck. Gym. In! yo. tor mos, pers.

Bkr. ax. s-424. VS. Cln.

5 rm. 2 Bdrm. Children, gar, BKr. OK. 3-14U, PL.

7-3 63 $75. Cozy 5 rm. 2 bdr. Fncd. Chid.

Pets. Bkr. OR. 3-1470 PL. 7-31631 $75.

3 BdrThse. Pi acre. Children welcome. Bkr. AX.

2-0458' $85. LARGE 1 bedroom, disposal 517 N. Alhambra Monterey Pk. $5 2 bdr. Stvref.

All util. ud cnia. veic Bkr. PL.2-4377 OR.l-el 39 tiS. Mod.

3 Sdr. Gar. Wshr. drver pets. Bkr.

TO. 2-2118 $90. HlywdTTnllla. 1 bdr, tower dplx.l rv ww, orps. Pry.

sundeck per, eoys or gins, xr, HO. 4-7353. S95-5125. Modern 2-4 1 in irpi. pit, pana en NO DN.

PMT. La PuenteCovlna. Prl. Pty. 5Y.

J-0242 $9J. 2 near transp, Khools. 7418 East Newmark, S. San Gabriel. $95.

With pool, 2430 Strathmore, So. San Gabriel, 288-8118. $95. Hlywd. 2 Bdr.

rear home. Pvt.1 Reasc. Baby pet, kr, ho. $95. 1 BR.

LARGE ROOMS. Din. rm. ya. Frpi.

3752 ocean view, up.o-8063 SH. Lovely 2 Bdr. den stucco. Chid. pets OK.

Fncd. car. Bkr. ho. 6-281 TToo Up west covina Covins Adl.

areas. 2-3 It 4 BR homes. Children OK. No fee to ten- nts. Bkr, ED.

8-7388, EP. e-5821. 8100. Redec. 7 rm.

hse. Cpts. Fncd. ya. Tots, pets OK.

Bkr. ax. 2-06261 00. Redec 3 8- den. Froic.

Chid. a. pets. Bkr. OR.

3-1470 PL. 7-3163. 00. Huge 4 3 ba. alucco.

Fncd Chid. Nr. achls. Bkr. AX.

$-424a 06. Nice 1 rm. hie. Lo. fncd.

vd. Chkf. O.K. Scots. Bkr.

TH, 5-8717. 10. Huge 3 Bdr. hse. La.

family. pets welcome. Bkr. HO. 6-7281 $110.

2 Bdr. hu workshop, dbl. oar. Chid, welc. Bkr.

PL. 10. New 2 br. hse. in central Mon terey Park.

Nr. all. AT. -202. $135.

IMMAC. 3 2 ba. Bit -ins. Ruas. dros.

Paio. Fncd yard. New paint. Lse. 2020 Donna- len, S.F.

owner CU.J-1855, EM.1-4349 135. New 3 Br. Duplex. Nr. all, Eagle Rock, children ok.

CL. 6-7517, 35 Water 3 br- dn, 1 35 Renti or Buys Nice 4 Bar 2 oa. etc. HO. 47281 NO.

3-t eves. tn uriii. 1 hdr 1 bas. hm I'one, Ci.ld., pets. Bkr.

HO. t7353. u-2 br. BunoVv. 1S513 Valerio, V.

Nuvs. ST. 8 41 ST. eve. $10.

Spec. 2 br. PrTyd. Tot. 5603 Lexington.

ho. 40. Lse. i bd. Nv.

rm. Nr. fenced. 477-Ofti4. 50 iBr 5ilverlke.

Newly 1. yd. Fruit trees. OL. e-656 i57 3 catlo.

adults. Wwst Hollywood. Open. 10'tJ No. Ed- ncwrgn.

OL. 4-54V. Smell 2 Cits. Fncd. yd.

Near tennis courts. GR.8?A8. 2 nr. oeach ft trans. EX.

2-2'51 60 3 1 1 fcj obi fijr. L3. Froic. Pool prlv. Sul 2 or 3 Nr.veiroseWestern.HO.3 3s 0 2 brt.

Bit. rn. Cets. fever-ty La C'x-ee. 33 Nerwrh.

C. i. Hts. I 1 ev bn Irs. oraoe, Patia, ter-.

"i vd. MSKSIS. Flint. SS 2 TENANTS "QUALIFIED" Rental Available BE SATISFIED! No time limit until placed 124 N. HIGHLAND.

HO. 2-7353 Close In. 2 Bdr. St v. ft wash Ww.

Froc Pat. Eves. aft. a. HO.

5 636 1 75. Lovaly Col. 2 BR. studio. lVii Ba.

comp. Decor, vitwi $230. Distinctive! Spec. 2 2 Lge. priv.

terracei rrpi. 1275. Immaculatel Col. Duplex. dsn.

2 Ba. Din. rm. Crord GR. 3-6538, NORTH ft CO.

BR. 2-3379 $175. 3 bdr. Westchester, Stv.ref. ww.

droi. Froc. Pat. Dfil. oar Chid.

welc. Bkr. PL.3-4377 i3. I or, gen, ai. 2542 Beachwood, Hllywd.

665-3455. $1M. Torrance 3 1 dish range. oo ficloaed yard. Nr.

elementary! a Jrxttn Hi.rt ionooi. i yr. if-: avail. May 1. $190, Santa Monica Cyn.

3 bdr. All enci. garden. $195 Per MONTH Lease BEAUTIFUL 3 BEDROOM, 1 BATH complete wim carpets, (, bullt-lns. Laraa landscaped Vard.

Located in Oranga County's Finest Country Club Area Minutes awav from North American, Disneyland shopping FULLERTON AREA Trust Realty LA. 1-6012 $195. New 2 crpti. View. Private Air cond.

-uw, ttx jkArtn a Mr. 4- arudia. 981 Odessa ntii5.v.K.j-ioi iina ar uil Shirilo dolx. R-4. 1-4 BR l-i hb RMM ii.

nr. Mm. tot awr- ty, nursery or I VeniceHoover. 1424 courtland Ave. c.

j-uy. and. View. Fxec home. New 3 BR.

2 ba. Bilt-ns. ww cpi.arps. iu Mln. from Civic Center.

CU. 3-6918. S200 ttoncv. Smartly redone. 2 Bd Kitch.

crvsrei tixi. ww cpts. OL. 2-8500, CR. 1-4716.

$210 NU 3 2 ba. withwithout; option to buy. $32,500. FL.J-20W $225 Wstwd. 2 bd.

Inc. gardener, $250 Wstwd, 2 bd. vt sr. fc rig. FBFn 1 fiLFIFORST 1762 Westwood Bl.

GR. 3-1281 $225. Pacific Pal. Mod. suit, artistic cpl.

7 bdr. No yard work Parr turn Lease wootion to buy. GL. 4-2715 $225. Leasemxtrms.

W. Western Ave. Good area. RuutLi. klit c.

2-2685 $225. R-4. I attr. rms. 4 2'A ba.

New dec. Yd. Gar. Adults. 356 Hoover.

Loubert. HU. 2-2620. $235. Studio Citv.

3 BR Studi baths. FIREPLACE. ST. 8-1841 $240 to $250. 3 2 ba.

CtDTKIt, view, owner. OL. 4-8977. $250. Larchmont dist.

I rm. beau, den, 2 2 ww crpts. patio. HO.

3-6285 $250. Charming 3 2 ba. Fine Pa etc Pa sades location. PIERCE SHERMAN Co. EX.

5-0944, $250. WESTWOOD 3 2 ba unit hi. Level vard. excellent! Chase, 1251 Westw'd. GR.8-0066 $250.

3 2 BATHS, complete privacy. Kitchen ouiit-ins. BEAUTIFUL DECOR. HO. 7-2121 $250 2 or.

4- den2 ba. 2 trplcs Vu. Opt. tboy. Studio Crty, $250.

Hlvwd. Hills. New 2 Br. 2 ba Cptd. Bi lt-ln.

POOL. Vu. OL.4-30741 $250-3 2 be. Sent Monica GR. 8-3781.

(10-2). GR. 8-1157 eves $260. Mod. i bdr.

i fmly. ins. vu. Laurel cyn. own.

OL. 4-2225, $275-Adorable frame. Roman- tic, woodsy. B.H. area.

2 mln. to sunset. 2 br. den. butlt-lns.

paiio. carpels. CR. 4-1158 Hollywootl Knolls. 3 2 frplc bar, patio.

HO. 7-9960 Or $25. Encino Baaut. 3 2 ba. Elect! kitcn.

Drn, Rm. ST. 8-8080. $295 ir Sherm. Oaks Lovely 3 den.

S. of Ventura. ST. 9-2383 $300. 2 den.

i dinlna rm Big nv, brxtst. nook, patio s. bbo. 4 ACRc5 trees, tiowers, view. Handy Glendala-La Canada area, CARETAKER 8, water pd.

243-7231 $300. Santa Monica Canyon. Vacant. eg. 2-siy.

spanisn 4 u.r. serv. rm. 3 frplj fenced vd, Garage. Children, pett ok.

837-90941 $325. New Mod. 3 2 view 1350. Modern 3 cpts. orapea.

Baomin. cr. 1400. Lovely 2 sty. 4 BR den.

9 crapes. GR. 2-1275, NORTON, INC. Mrs. Snel $325.

Charming 3 2 den same Monica, oanr, po. ok. 9-6933, $350. 15 rm. cor.

3'A ba gar. apt. Pmbass. area, spac grounds. CR.

6-1967, CR. 5-21051 $375. 3 bdTTo. L.R. Attractive FP.

Best location. GR. 8-8268 $375. BEV. Hills 3 2 CS.O.

oa.R. ctr. Han. BR.z-3790. CheviofTims 2 ooi.

oen. inaud. garotner. Helen Meloa. VE.

9-2333 $400-Attrac. 1 sfyn MrTTaival Nice vara. Also wr ae el $600 Westwood. New 1 sty. 1 bdr.

mos. Kitcnen. oen. 8600 Nice 3 bdrm. 8, mds.

4- den Pool. LISA ROBINSON. CR, 4-65481 $400. 614 So. Berrlngton.

A lovely 2 v7 oa. nse. wwnite ww cpts. ai orps. May also be rented Turn.

OK.7-1231 $400. Westwd. 11368 Montana. Prf look no further. 3 lanai 8, patio.

CD. Pd. gardener. GR, 2-1445 $400. 118 N.

Carme na. Estate area Charm privacy. C8.D. GR. 3-6833.

$403. THE MOSTI 3 bdr.2 ba. Chid. 805 S. Genesee.WE.

4-0807 $425. EXCEPTIONAL 2 Den, 2'i! ta. spac. aruoio. ceo.

enno ok. $635. Exquisite Decor. I 3 3 Ba. Wllsh.

"High Rise." Custom drps. Lge. Terrace. Air-cond. Elevator.

GR. 3-6538, NORTH 8, CO. BR. 2-3379 $425 Estate-type garden 3 BR. Den htove.

pp. Frein ape or Best Brentwd. toe. View. GR.

8-8268 $425. Bev. Hills Eng. tW sty. 3 br.2 ba.

Beaut, dec. BR.2-5567, MA.2-0696 $450. Walk to B.H. tclsTTbr.fam. 2 ba.

cD. Lie. toilette Hearst, Cr. 3-0881. $450.

No: of B.H. 1 2 2 oen, powaer rm. tpis. arps. LAWRENCe BLOCK CO.

CR. $450. Bev. Hills. 1 sty.

3 Bdrm. Dun 1 jiy w. PooTniii H9. Morev.CR.5-01461 ir $495 Above Sunset Strip Mod. residence.

Beaut, view, bdr, Air cond. kltch. $575. Encino acre Estate 8 Br. Den.

i-ormai pin. Rm. euast nouse. bbq. Lanal.

Pool. Badmtn. Ct. Gardener. Pool service Incl.

Bkr. ST. 4-6294. $650. BRENTWOOD PARK 3 8, MOS.


GARDNER INCL. I GARNETS ASSOC. GR. 9-0555. 700 Lovely new f-sty.

mod. 2 BR. mo. conv. oen, orps.

5tv. 8, refrig. Wash. 8, dryer. CR.

4-6548, $800. Country setting. Htd. pool, Smerttv fum. 1 etv.

I U. 1 bi den, fr. Bev. Hills Hotel. CR.

29 $975 MEW uitra modem. Nw mm Hotel, ran, view. 40 toot try-erg rm. 4 bdrrrre. Carpel, drews.

Oct ton to OUV. R. 4-5629 Bdrm. den 2 Br. ocean vlaw opp, pane ocean S.M.

Co-op. Brokers. EX. 4-8338, DU, 806:5. Flats, Unfurn.

289 $60 to $225. Attract. 1 bdr. apis. oiympicLB area, we.

5-11751 $95. 1 newly re-decorated, or I- vara vara, convenient location, cul- ver ciry. VE. 9-6745 $110 mo. Spacious 2 bdrm.

flat. Re. oec. Avail, immea. tn No.

Hobart Blvd. NO. M089 $135. Lower dplx. 2 bdrtf pa-1 tlo.

Adits. 6709 Colgate. OL 3.7449.: $135. 2 BRTReSec. Gar.

dlsp. 6ar. ourn. no pars. 5157 Cimfon, Hlywd, 90.

3 bk 7 lower. Redec "Off-wttite." 4227 Orange St. Cold-well, Banker. Durbin. WE, 8-3111 $250 2 brTUbO so.

ftrnLadera bd. toe. Aquttt. OR.f0?5 Mountain, laaob, Ritort 2TT NEWPORT Island duplex Relax; get awav from It all. 200' water tront, diving board dock Xlnt.

fisnlng beaut, view. Each apt. sleeps 4. Weekly rates begin June 15. Call eve Frl.

all pay sun. a.e-v4y. $185. Fabulous view, old world charm unf. 1 2 terrace, stove, frig.

Nr. "where Sunset meets the sea." EX. 4-4S23. TRAILER Cabana, turn, tharmo neat, ciry eat. sip.

a. Prl. Ben. bout Slips. Avail $4500.

SPACIOUS View. 2 B. 2 ba. Nw- porr, Boer fcaa, $35. Mo.

tease, LI. B-K12. eve. EASTER! Laouna dupiax. BR ,1 4 bat.

Grows O.K. 2 blkt. to beech. HYatt 4-7862. LIDO waterfroit apt.

Tvrn. 3 yr. or summer remei. 01. 6-669.

NEWPORT Bevfront. Pier. 3B-ir 81850t July $1350. OR. 3 LIDO Isle turn.

3 3 ba hme. yr. ar summer rental. Di. LAkE Arrowhead.

4 bd-m. Furn Boat dtxk. Rets. req. Eve.

EX.3 6926 ALAMiTOS BAY. 4 br. sisco season. 425-5542 BIG'Eear. 7 Flreolaca.

Vie. week or wk. 349-o3. B4L.B0A ISL 4NDTnTALS HtUGER 321 Marine. JUST Luih, Newport, br mo.

yr. i-e best LI. 2 r. siock WMM rr.eve. ml, ALLito, 7 Monica Blvd.

01.4011, Stort Flxlyras Waotii 137 ixtufes" rnancsr r3Ulp. HO. 2-1351 WILL BUY your cfe, market, bar equip.iviove out Tooey. no. 3-yj CASH for flxtiirm er stork WE.8-TO1.

3fi3 Qivm, Ir B.L.A 19 Furniturs, HeuwVd fids. 340 5 ROOMS of Maole. Recent reposses sions now on sale at traction of; their original coif. All furniture like new. Included it beautiful Newl England 7-piece living room group; Consisting Of a sofa, rhjvir.

2 heavy maple end tables with cof- ree Taoie to match; also Included ere two gorgeous Early American table lamps. The frester bedroom consists of roomy Colonial double dresser with crystal ciear mirror, 2 nita stands, a Colonial bookcase neadooard and, Best of en, a na-; tlonally advertised SIMMONS bos' 1 In bedroom comes complete wltn twin beds, mattresses and klng-si2t chest of drawers. Cane Cod family-sice dinette large enough for gracious dining and entertaining. Also Included Is an O'Keefe ft Merrltt gas rangfe, Keivmator retrigeraTor. Easy washer and many other extras.

Pur chase a piece, a room full or bouse full. Original price $1,095.55. Price slashed to $635.00. Pay $6.50 per week. No finance company or bank Involved, we carry our own con tracts.

Free delivery. Star Furniture, 80 N. Raymond Pasadena. Open Mon. ft Frl.

'til weekdays 'til 8 p.m. Open Sunday 11 a.m. to P.m. Free parking at rear of store. HOOK RUGS FLOOR SAMPLES SLIGHTLY DAMAGED ONE OF A KIND ft SOILED 9x12 9.95 10x15 $29.95 11x15 $39.95 12x18 $69.95 FLORENCE FURNITURE 1412 E.

Florence Ave. CONTRACT LOST Open to public, will separate. All new furniture going to 8-unit luxury epts. Lack of funds forces closeout of all new 4-rm. deluxe outfits at below discount prices originally to be sold for.

All groups Include genuine nauqahyde living rm. group. Full bdrm. wbedding. Nevamar dinette-seats four.

All new furniture PLUS like-new guaranteed gas range end reiriysrawr, lull rn(4 $298 or $3 week. All Credit O.K. Open dally 10-9. Sunday 11-5. RANO FURN.

Warehouse outlet dlv. 14814 Hawthorne Hawthorne. For add. Into, call OR. 8-4080.

scoop FINANCE CO. ORDERS SELL CONTRACTS BROKEN All new 2 weeks old, never used. Now $363. Orig. price $759.

Pay $3 wk. Incl. Liv. Dinette, 2 range Plus TV, washer. OPT.

EXT. Ask for Lot NO. 452. ALL CREDIT O.K. Call PL.

2-2191 for info. Sun. 11-6. Dally 9-9. Dir.

8459 SO. BROADWAY Save to 60 at Sears LI VI NO, DINING, BEDR M. SETS MATTOFKtES- STf Used furn. dept. Repossessions, damaged floor samples, etc SEARS, ROEBUCK CO.

4550 W. Pico. WE. $-4262! S820 S. Vermont.

PL. 9-1911 Open eves, till 9:15 except. Tues DEALERS PRICES on all name! brand eppl. TV's, cpts. drapes.


Holly. ST. 2-9100. TR. 7-33581 Glendale CI, e-1793.

CH. 5-7504; Whlttier OW. 1-0606. RA. 3-2023 Orange county.

LAmoerr ytit SAVf $511. Complete 5 rms. LIKE NbW. CKeere range, rntico oe luxe refrig. Beaut, sectional liv.

rm, arous. 2 dinette, many ex- frai. Was 11200. now 16B9. Take over payments, $6 wk.

Hub. 15631 W. Washington. nr.Verm't. PE.

2-01791 REPOSSESSED eroom outfit. $367. Phllco range. Admirer washer, living room wtables, lamos, 1 bedrooms, dinette, $30 dn. $3,50 wk.

Hub Brand, Glendale. sun. 14-a. tves, mi t. RELEASED from storage.

Complete 5-room group, pay only JJ.S Includes stunning friete Hvlnt modem s-pc. oinene, iv, range, auto, washer. Many new model borne groups, S3 .95 wk. Hub Furn.4,63j ujiroaaway, l-a Repossessed. Smart 4 rms.

Deluxe range. Philco Emerson iv, liv. rm. with sofa bed, di nette. Many extras.

40 5 wk. Hub 1542 W. Washt'n nr.Vmt.; I NEED HELP. 4 Rooms Furniture Range Ketrig. in or win aep.

$25 Dn. 6301 Pacific Huntington Pk. Dir. LU. 3-1636 CASTLE TON Chine.

Service for 15. Gold beaded trim. J160. mictt, heavy distressed narvett tauie a oencnes, 1150. 346-5421.

MUST vacate Park La Bree Towers apt. orps. Liecoraror reoies, chrs antiques. Seetionels, ctiaise, bar ft stools. 10-5 dally, WE.

8-S296 SACTMust move Confemp. II. dinette, sfove, retng. 1 yr. old.

Principals only. CR. 5-5691. 4- tlMMONS HIDE-A-BEDS 5(1 In stnrk. 14 off.

Also Beautyresfs Home Furniture, 597 S. Vermont. BREAKING up housekeeping, bar gains, liv. oinene ear, Htrywo. beds, lames, etc.

WE. e-2600. BOOKCASES. Special Used for! display, etc. New sjv.mi.

now casn carry, ja. 219 w. im, Km. eiu. "BOOKCASE, walnut ft blond.

2 shelves. Excel, cond. 437; S. Hill Km. mil.

a. mjh. 6' nu. Lwr. deep freaie, frost-free fir.

sample. $29.95. NU 2-40M 3 DANISH chairs, aqua sofa bed, Rem. port. type, and Columbia port.

Stereo. Very reas. OL. 6-0 1 58. NEvOiide-a-Bed, deluxe.

Danish dlnet set) bdr. set; new quilted sofa. House Beautiful Co. CR. 6-2575.


furn. etc. Must sell ell. Pr. pty.

Sac. HO. 5-2429. at NEW cust. made 9x12 beaut.

Tux edo sectlonal.Sim Sac $625. 931-2881 DK. green foam sofa, $135. All down wing cheirjlSO. MiscHO.W558 SELLING entire contents B.H.

apt. 332 S. Rexford, Apt. S. LK.

1-3817, Several pieces fine furn. etc. Priced to move. GR. 2-4438 DUNCAN Phyfe (fining) room eet, $50.

444 n. western, BEKINSTale, many tat. Pico cor, Crenshaw. Terms. Eves, he.

4-4191 BELOW Cost. rm. bal SPW 9S. 13.U E. Florence.

LU. MM6 DECORATOR sofa, newTFTliow back 8165 cost sjgp. LU, LK. wniKPpUL maota furniture. Xlnt: cond.

Sacrifice. Dir. $650. MU. 1-2212 IMPORTED MARBLE TABLES fVTOLESALEPrlces.

MU. 1-3313 LYON STORAGE Furn. SaleTDIv. 2808 W. Pico.

Op, Mon. eve. Terms.i FREIGHT Claims Warehouse. 5y. 5837 vermoni.

fu. a-aoj FURNITURE SALE J. B. Finch, 5512 Santa Monica Bl FOR used unusual fumiljre. Beklns, lZt 5.

wesrem. uu. a-a Antiques, Painting, etc. ir FINAL REMOVAL SALE PENDLETON $600 SUNSIT Price slashed Cash, ft Carry now rnru aphi irm Engraved Portraits of Abraham Lincoln. Send $1.80 P.O.

Bnx 578. San Gettief. Cel. a) ORIENTAL treasurers "spectacular new collection, incl. ivory, jaoe.

1430 Lincoln, S.M. 393-5217 10 to 5:30 Sun. 1 to 5, closed Tue. I ANTIQUE Rosewood Organ. Perfect; cond.

Pr. pty. MP 1 Reoencv furn. Obiets Tole-Porceieins. ul.

a-juwi SHERATON chest. Xlnt. cond. For aopt. phone OL.

6-0158 Mi SC. Modern drawings ft primative art. pr. pty. il.

-46Vi. COLONIAL Grandfather dock. Best offer. LU. 7-7351 SACRIFICE SALE.

700 painting, by ARTIST. WU. j-jto nBiGiNAL Max Padutein lirhos. 845 ea. pri.

pty. nu. atst ANTIQUES Bought ft Said at Aue-j Tipn. Leonara uctiw. ANTIQUE silver, co*cks, ctilna.

OL. J-yi48' irxisa or LKtvns. Bags, Carpets, Llna'aum nW 9x12 tweed ft solid colors 89.95' 10x14 Hooked Rug sy.vs. sug, 3J9 Seoulveda Culver City. iOO's yCs.

gd. used broadiorn ft rues RUG N. wtSltKN, Daily 9-9, Sun. 11-5. Pkg HO.

7-7014 5 ft. 9" pd. cotton ru. 9X12 Pa, wu. rn.

tv Ph LlkE NE A' fc Or r- et rut) 1 Ear. fcoof. r. us! PiANO-GRGAN SALE New Spinets: Save $163 to Organs, UP Many fine makes to choose Conn (2 man.) Wat $V5. NOW tW torn win.

was tisio, nuw any; Conn tl man.) 25 pad. Wai $205, NOW 1159' FOLKS In Comptoo. NE.2-04H8 3119 h. Long Baacn bi. psiiy, 9-9, SALE Yamaha Artist Spinets From $495 ALL STYLES FINISHES ADJACENT MFR'S WAREHOUSE Open Dally ft Sat.

10-5. 1226 S. San Pedro et Pico Rl. 9-8631 USED Organs. Everyrhing goes AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES HAMOND ORGAN STUDIO 2499 E.

Colorado, Pasadena SY. 5-4263 MU. 1-0821 manual, 25 peoais, with built-lnl speaker ft Fisher reverb. $1,895 Also matching Leslie speaker $425 Prl. pty Call AX.

1-1477, STEINWAY btwII uprlghfTAbeauty late model, big bargain. Fields; Wholesale Piano 4229 Vermont. Open Sun. AD. 1-4381 Field's Wholesale Piano Co.

GRANDS, CONSOLES ft UPRIGHTS Players, 4229 s. Vermont, ad. 1-4381 PIANOS ft ORGANS New IJutd Sale or Rent Beldwln. 3273 Wilshire BL DU. 7-5271 14611 Ventura Bl.

ST. 9-718! STEINWAY B'S GALORE I Wholesale DIvlslon-Plano Brokers 7200 Bavarly Blvd; WE. 3-7571. KNABE Italian Prov. console.

Almost new. cost i49j. sec. for cash. Field Wholesale Piano 4229 Vermont.

Op. Sun. AD. 1-4381 RAMMOND Chord organ. WaTTTTke new.

small balance fake over pav- menTs. 4024 a. Vermont, BLUTHER parlor grand piano. Superb Instr. Sac.

$1000. COMSKY, 5811 W. PICO. PREMIERE Baby Grand, fine trade tor good uprigm or sen S325. HO.

2-37t) HO. 7-8642 HOWARD Louis XV parlor grand. Sac. SS95. Fields wnotesaie piano 4229 s.

Vermont. Open sun, Player piano (new pianola) Repos. Take over balance. SMITH'S PIANOS, 1564 S. Western.

RE. 3-01451 HAMMOND ORGAN C-3 With HR-40 SPkr. New cond. $2,175. Prl.

oty. OX. e-4946. PIANO bar, formica top. padded JtOOlS.

5C. $450. MA. 6WI. NEW 72-be etrord organ.

Spec $259. 4636 5. Vermont. AD. 3-5151 PLAYER Piano Now-used? SMITH'S: 1564 S.

Western Ave. RE. 3-0145 Piano It Organs for Rent RENTALS, $5 UP." FREE" Vsl floor, MUSIC CENTER. hO. 9-8144 NEW GRANDS for RENT pennv-owsiey, ni 3330 wiisnire bi, FOUR floor of piano $5 up Havden' 914 Brdwy.

MA. 2-2349 RENT FINE PIANOSI $5 MO. UP RfcfcLvs443 yvmmjojm Pianos Organ Wanted rbWEixti FOR USED ORGANS ANY MAKB HIGHEST CASH ANY MAKE. HO. 2-2385.

CASH Paid for PIANO ANY STYLE. Rl. 7-6411. RI.7-27W WANT Stelnwav or equal make from' pri. pty.

casn. or, 8-970, we. 1-2444 NEED PIANO large, small or baby grand. UP. 0-8755.

TOP cash prices for grand, spinets, uprights. Abell, RE. 4-4151 NEED upright, spinet or grand. win pay casn. re.

i-3iy. Stereo, Hi Fi Recorders, Radios, Components, eto. 355 TRIPLE DISCOUNT! SONY CS-300 WRITS FOR DETAILS TODAY SUPPLIERS P.O. Box 24032, San Francisco 34 AMPEX Stereo 960, used. sony stereo vita si loemo) iuv.ju Sony 464D (demo) $139.50 Valley Tape Recorder 7-6317 12220 Ventura Bl.

ST. 1-5105. FISHER Executive, Stereo Tape, Stereo PM, stereo pneno. wrt ed, Pennv-Owsley, 718 7tti Open Sunday 12 to 5 CUSTOAOfereo cabinets In en-l ttque gold leaf, etc. 14726 Ventura, Sher.

Oak! AUDIO Fisher BOOB. Sealed carton. $348 tnm W. 3rd St. OL.

3-5292. MAGNA 3 wy. radToTpnono, TvVam- rM. 3 sod. 2" beaut, can.

cost 4W. Take $180. 6434 Hlywd. Bl. Op.

eve. Big Discount on Stereo 107 Santa Barbara Plaza. AX.3-8201 CLEARANCE SALE STEREO Decorator Cabinets Terrific Birvs Gates, 7111 Van Nuvs, V.N. ST.6-2iB6i AVtPEX 960 Stereo tap w150 worth; 4 HC. tap.

1349.95. BOZaK CO-AX. Sfwr. JI25. pq, 3-ioyi.

FLOOR Sample: Demos Used, Priced at cost, an name Brands. Take 'em away. Call AX. 3-8251. EtcTTerma er- rangeo.

Lowatr price in town, UL. 9-433U. BIS COMPONENT SALE OXBOW HI-FI. OX. 1-07H CONCORD 890 stereo rebrdr.Tspd.

3 Sep. heads. New. OL. 7-1464.

COMPONENT stereo, value 12400 wcust. wai. cab. 81000. po.9-47141 BIG DISCOUNTS on Tape Recorders.

tares. 4 nrs etc. ol. 34)i25, I JENSEN $150 aokr. svsts.

12" woofer, mid, tweeter. $5S ea. 747-7090 BIG DISCOUNTS on Tape Recorders Tapes. 4 etc. OL.

3-0125i GLENDALE TAPE RECORDERS! 1250 w. Glenoaks, Glndl. CI. 4-4277. TAPE Recdr.

rentel woptTon to buy Sid Moses TV. UP.0-8971 EX.7-4775 1800' Mvlar Tao. SpilcF7ee. $1.79 STEREO MART. MU.

1-9B63 MOST DISCOUNTS 25 Roth Electronic Dl, 5-6061 BERLANT 30mono track. U. tM8. Loom is Audio, 12225 Wllsh. GR.9-5to4 Check Our Discount First Bar-Shot's.

5512 Seoulveda Bl. TAN DB ERG 5cs. $419.50, now $199.50 wagneiic Kecoroers. wt. 3-5543.

H. H. Scott 340 MPX Reg. $399. Now $299.

ECW. 447-6741 STEReO comp. HI-FI matlc, 5554 Sepulveda, C.C. VE. 9-1671.

TRADE your mono. eqpt. for UUIW IUW WHMIVIl. SEE Hollywood Electronic for Ity components, WE. s.ain FENDER amp.

Bandmaster piggy- back. Xlnt. cond. $240. OR.

0-3032 SALE Components, cabinets. Gmora Stereo 12024 Wllsh. GR. 7-8847, USED HI-FI Components. Bogen, Pi lot, pisner, etc.

878-0378 eves. STBOMB. Carlson 80w. AMFM stereo. $1125.

Now 1788.88, GK.9-3729 STEREO Ckne-ouf. Save to 80. 2506 W. Wastrlngton. Re, 4-1181.

TAPE Recorder Headquarters. ETP, 4364 Seoulveda. C.C. UP. 0-5056.

2400' MYLAR RECORDING TAPE NO Splice, $1.89. 10 tor SI 8. Phonograph Rio'd Album 0 TOP PRICES ALL LONG-PLAYING RECORDS BO W. 8TH. MA.

2-6831. Television 357 New TVs Stereos 25s? PER DAY No red tap No cash needed Fast delivery Out of state credit Disc-Mart TV -jr UN. 4-2711 RENT NEW 19 ft 23" TVs. Lowest rates In town on new portable ft consoles. Free del.

ft service. All rem can apply on purcnase. Tucker TV, WE. 3-9421 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT new TV'S Portables, Tables ft Floor Models. Color TV Consoles.

Slight freight damage. 100 S. Olive. Rl. 9-6677.

EQJITY FREETNo money dn. Take! over pymt. on 21 Adm. TV. J0; per mortin.

1332E. Florence Ave. USED" fV'S FROM $19:95 RESEDA TV SERVICE 7901 Reseda Bl. Dl. S-0801 WILL beat any disc, price on new kl Admiral, p.

Ben, pnnco, e'C. 9571 Pico. ER. 2-2635 RCA Color TV. 6 above cost.

1328 E. Florence, L.A. LU. 7-8143. Tease fvsir-iita week Open till Mldnlte.

MAGNAVOX 21" TV Trade In (3) Pert. cones. Tm. tlJO WILAN "RfNT TV-HI-FI. CEU 1 HOUR.

HO. 2-6S71DU. PL. M371 RENT TV. Low as $3 wk.

Delivery! to ii p.m. cotton to Buy. mo. -j4; tV USED TV SALE FROM 137 W. Philadelphia Whittle" USEO TV'S $15.95 UP 5081 W.

Pico L.A. 21" RCA. $39, 1 year guarantee 4211 W. Pico Blvd. WE.

7-9342 NE. 6-3107 lOnlqnT FINANCE Co. TV salet. 21" TV. 10S2 N.

Weitern. HO. 2-9W 23 INCH 3-WAY COMBO TV JT a over rn'ts. No dn. UN 4-2711 Ti'oyisor.

Waniad "r9d ii-d esrt. TVs. rvrx -hi or netr. Av 1,000 USES' ft'UOl AIL SiZft American Ofimlale. Mfd nt-i Broadlocm.

Clean ft Poeoy ie use, NLW BrO010riS JI.99 sq. y. up. ARNOLD RUG CO. JM MELROSE AVtj WS.

1-1766 26.00 sq. yd. Runners 99 a. vd mx, so. yd.

All wool wittsn al ti 13CO sq. yd. 100 rayon at $1.49 COURTESY RUG ft FURN. 1033 N. Western.

HO. 7-7739 USED American Orientals by Kera- stan ii ouiisuni 11x21, 10x18, txl5, M2, X10, 7x10, axl. Arrjld. 7618 Metrcse. WE.

1-1766 UNCLAIMED FREIGHTTSavlngs en new rues a. carpets out to slight freignt damage. 1060 S. Olive Rl. 9-6677 USED AMERICAN ORIENTALS BY Karasian a ouiisran, 11x21, 10x18, 9x15.

9x12. 9x104. WU V'. Used ARNOLD, 7618 Melrose, WE. 1-1766 ORIENTAL RUGS Haroutunian 823S Santa Monica Bl.

OL. e-7575. REAL Oriental rugs. Prl. pty.

x-n n. iMorion. no. 7-rj Ktt ttltt, tinr. HI C0LDSP0T refrig.

top Freezer. Clean. sacrifice $75. 3501 SUNSET LOS ANGELES DISHWASHER. Brand new Bradford, fully rag.

$138, now $77 Appliance W. T. Grant Co 437 S. BROADWAY. MA.

4-7423 FREEZER Uorioht. nu. Bkruot stock: $138 deL4328 Sputveda, Culver City FURN. Inc. eiec.

stv. ft frig. Reas. Pr. pty.

276-1764, CR. 4-34 GAS Range Wedge. 30" copper coiostw. 14 cu. ft.

Prl. pty tn. JtS-4406. washefa 12580 Wstern Beverly, 530 N. Western Av.

WESTINGHOUSE dhle. oven imperial, nr. nu. J225. 263-2637 eve.

UNCLAIMED FREIGHT. Dye to slight damage, prices greatly reduced. New Ranges, Washers (all makes) 1060 S. Olive. 1.

9-6677. RENT itoves ft Refrigerators. New ft used appliances for sale. 1066 S. La Cienega Blvd.

OL. 2-3230, 4uj a. acpuiveaa bi. vt. 9-4151, HERE ITU" Mavtao Frialdalre.

Am ana 10 above cost. LU. 7-4163. USED apt. size gas ranee, good cond eesr oner.

no. t-ijm. LYON STORAGE Fum. SaiesDlv. 2808 w.

Pico. op. Mon. eves. Terms.

ir 300 RBLT. FRIG'S. $39 up. MILLERS, 10950 S. Main.

PL. 5-0855. Vtooen Cleaners VAC'a $5-815 up. all makes. 4379 sunset, opp.

Akron, no. 5-6JJ6; HOOVER New 33 upright. $44 98. Park Fu Tllture. Dt).

ft0673. Sewliix Michlnes 145 PrI6HT brand new (61 '63 zig zaa. pott, sew. maoi Slight paint damage ONLY. FULLY ouar.

win sje ea. Call Warehouse. WE. SEWING MACKS. SACRIFICE Cash or credit.

RE. 4-6902 eves Furniture at Auetioi 349 AudfloW EVER1 A.M. lyil W. ALAV BLVU. MEDIUM, HI-GRAD6 FURNITURE A.

N. ABELL, Auctioneer RE. 4-4151 AUCfTTHarbor Furn. New ft Used; Tues. April ia a.m.

4 is am eon rvui e. v. jikmis, WO. 1-1446 tr AUCT.

April 10 A.M. jack, vk ill. Auctioneer PUBLIC Auct. April 12, Fri. 7p.m.

Pasadena Auction Gellary, 77 N. Fairoaks, r. J. Clark, Auct.5Y3-3?0l Farniture Wanted 353 ABtLL'S SINCE 1916 PAYS MORS for high grade furniture, planet, art oDiects, antiques, oriental ruga, an var, etc. MAKB Ut PKOVB.

II RE. 4-4151 ws. ir BEV. HILLS BUYER wants or 6 rms. turn.

Brlc-e-brac, pianos, from prl. pty. CR. 1-1989- RE. 2-8189 it WANTED FOR CASH Any quantity mad.

ft hi trade turn. Rugs, antiques, pianos, appliances. RE74-3123 or TR. 7-5737 aifF PAYS MORE ptanos, brlc-e-rae. H0.5-J383 WILL TRADE improved R-l lots for turmture.

OR. 8-9842. WANT 5to 4 rms. of fum. from frl.

pry, ike Windsor. LYON PAYS MORE CASH FOR good ruga, RE. 4-6747. WANTED 3 to rooms of furn. ft appliance, aii or parr, aq.

z-7717. Masioal laetranenti 3S2 SELMCR, Bundy, CONN, Buf'ef. VIBRAHARPS, new $550. Spec. $295, CLARINETS, nu $150, Swc.Sj9 ft $79 Trumpets, Flutes, nu $150.

Soec. $79 TROMBONES. NEW $150. Soec. $79 L.A.

MUSIC, 2786 W. 8th St.DU.7-5361 VIOLIN famous Matter, rlcb tone, pert. cond. oL. Fine cefto bb.

sac. AAA. 4-7377! FENCER 3 neck steal Guitar, 24 strings. J3.w. Kao cusrom rinitn fR.s-904 werron Becker.

100 alta. tenor saxes, nu-used ciaru fiurea, erg. porcea to aeii oeio whis. Pira. were.

nu. i i any nr. ACCORDION, Italian, white mofherl of pearl, 120 baas, 7 treble twitches; ft 2 bass. SY. 8-8472 CLARINET.

New Selmer Bundv. Reg. $145. NOW $99.95. GR.

9-3729. XYLOPHONE I7J. CR. 1-7155. Ask tor James perm SET-of Ludwig Drums Blue soarkie, nr.

new. tsoo. stj-jioi 1,000 Alto ft Tenor saxes. Close Gaines ft Stein. HO, 7-7341 Pianos, Organ KIMBALL babv grand, almost new.

Sac 1695. Field Wholesale Piano Co. 4329 S. Vermont, Op. sun.

ERANBACH S' walratt baby grand: Perfect key, fin ton. $509 cash. LK, 4-JIB3 8) WAREHOUSE PIANOS, new-used. Lyon Van ft Storage, 55 i. Merenoo, Pasadena, call 449-1434.

MU. i-ium. CHICKERING Grand, ebony, oref Sac. s95. Fields wnotesaie Piano 4229 5.

Vermont, op. sun. STEINWAY GRAND. MODEL Musician' Instrument $1695 Gould Music Co.Pasadena.MU.1-92481 MASON ft HAMLIN 7 Artist Grand Refin. ft guar.

Like nu. smith 1564 So. Western Ave. RE. 3-0145 KNABE Ampico reprod.

Grand. 5' Beau, maole finish. Like new, wrolls. Prl. oty.

EX. 4-4949. STEINWAY Grand, ebony, re-4 cond. as is, iizog. aen to pnv.

pty. only. wr. uag. no.

j-u6 CHURCH ORGAN Hdqtrs. Instalia- tkm speotamrs. ooum music lo. Al; 1-310. KNABE Ampico Orend.

Sac. Player pert. Vfri. onol apineti. 250 NEW ft USED ORGANS ORGAN CENTER 7501 Sunset.

HO. 2-238S. BALDWIN AcrosoniC Spinet. Like new. Secrrf.

$495. Field wnoteaaie Piano Co. 4229 so. Vermont STEINWAY parlor grand. Beauty Only $1695.

Fields Wholesale Piano 4Yy 5. vermom. op. sunoay. HAMMOND HOME ORGAN Ivan Larson LU.

8-1493 ST ARC grand, perfect cond. $400.: DU. 9-3141 APT. 101. PIANO.

Chickerlno grand. 5'6" ebony, ini rone. vso. en, 4-4e. BABY GRAND, MAHOG.

Sacrifice. Only $265, DU. 1-3780 SMALL Uprite. Xlnt. cond.

ft tone win ac. t. i-rjiy, WANT YOUR FINE OUALITY PIANO. PAY CASH. OL.

1-3060 PLAYER piano (30 used). Also large stock of grs trolls. OR. 3-1124 WURLITZZR ebony modem plnet A imost new. Mr.

Abeii. OL, 1-3060 " aoinet mahoaanv. $300. Xlnt. cond.

RE. 1-7319 HAMMOND Model A. 3 sokrs. $1,800. pri.

pty. ne. 2-8W8 HAMMOND M3 $95 Gouid Music Glendale. BABY GRAND. Good tone, mahog J3.

I-JI9 SPINET TYPE CHICKERING Pr. pty.150. WE. 4-2439, "HAMMOND ORGAN, Model M-3" $750. RE.

2-3970. FAMOUS make console, reauiaii, SH95, OOty AD. 1-4381 SHONINGER spinet piano, maple finU isn. wr. K.

Tone 73-92S. PIANOS In stores, Seklns. New It used, cost -t- 344-3114. PRA CTICE PIAt0. SA9.

CALL MORNINGS. DU. 1-37SI ANTIQUE whit ft gold Grand. Will sacrifice. DU.

1-368. STEINWAY Party must sacrifice. 4024 S. Vermont, ALLEN ft Spinet thtr organs 32i5 Wilshire. OU.1-.1M0.

FLAYER PIANOS Rebuilt, grnte. Fr. $249. DU. 1-3768.

USED enos ft Organ. Low as JANSEN spinet piano. 530. Prl. sig.

pri- vaf parly. EX. 7-8105 1 Cm A Bulldlnp Be Xtni 31 Large bedroom hnme, 1H li MODERN 1 ft 2 BDR. DUPLFXtS 4 Identical 2-bdrm. home.

in 2 bdr. Triplex. Hdvd. tile, etc 4 unir. Late mooe nrawd.

floors. cu ruust wrjvfcRS 13901 S. WESTERN AVE. FA. 1-38H0.


128 s. Soring. AAAKc WAY FOR FREEWAY I 2, 3 ft 4 bedroom home. Delivered any area. 10649 Imperial Highway, Norwaik.

$64-7926, UN. 3-8127, NEARLY 3 MrTISmS: some wim rj bams, will tit 4V tot, i siory inpiex. 100 financing. GEp-2460. GE.

(MOJI Modern 4 Bdr, ba. Din. rm. Frplc. Grb.

fins i. nunr gown. Money toward completion. DUJ-3391 SERVICE Station, fully equipt, and i-TTim i piggs. ffiv.

PA. Machinery 3TI aIR C6mp' i-rnm 'o Lowest Pi rices! Luckow. LU. 3-6751 AIR Compressor, 3 h.p like new fr. P'y.

LU. 8-4225 AIR ComoresnnrB Slui anrf C55ICK, iu aanra r-e. MA. 93341 AIR Compressor, 400 HP. 2025 CFM Power Unit Saies.

714 KI. 2-9746 AUTO. OOG wvr. sf. Lte.

jamsan macn y. pl wni BAND saw, meTal, $325 term. Open "44 aen rernanao eien- 245-7481 BAND Saw 20" metal or wood, $325 oiso jo uo-nn yai ue. un. syj San Fernando Rd.

245-7481 BAR Seller 5'' horlz. Borlno mllf tb tvtMi. 4ftvim" ftvr trav. woufbd. soot.

LU. 2-5204! BLUEPRINT copying mach. Bruning Mod. 50, $950. Morton, MA.

7-2881 BLOWER, Centrifugal Ind. Buffalo rorge size 1.2, 31 CFM10" E. 150 p. 4-spd. mtr.

440360. unuseo. 45ixj. 830-W61 BORING MILLS, horli. ft vertical, Laines.

Bnaoerc um. mill, a- Greer', 8414 S. Atlantic. LU. l-912l' BORING Mill $4" Betts.

Xlnt. RA. 3-3186 HOP Nri Mi U. in i Xlnt. PA V1184 BOICE-CRANB MACHINE HDQTRS.

r-arrs-vtrvice, spence. PL. 7-3205, BOILER 174 o. 1(10 Ih. unuseo war surplus.

Titujviiie two-pass. GL. 6-8J31 eve. Ask fnr Frfrtie BRAKES 8', 10 hend) S' power sneari ring; Bar folderst 15-25 Ton press; koiisi Band saw, i P. Cut-off saw; 12" Planer; 10" lathes, arc ft toot weldlna etc.

Prl Pty. TR. 5-0226, Dl. 2-5444 eve BRAKE 8'xlS ga. Chi.

Aoron Brk Pexto Circle Shear; Gl. 3-3525 COMP. 5 h.p. P.Pres-T. 200-A wrar.

m.i-Kfj, iij e. Firestone, DEGREASING tank. mn. 7 U. Polishing lathe, $195.

Open Sun. 5932 aan rernanoo wo. 245-748 1 DE WALT RADIAL SAWS $125 Delta, Comet, Sawsmlth. jhopsmlth, Acra-Arm. MU.

DO All 60" band saw, hyd. feed. $4200 jun macn. iyio same re. MA.

7-81 71 DRILL, Carlaton ir' col. Xlnt. U950. LU. S-8136.

DUST COLLECTOR. Much Ductlni REASONABLE. AN. 8.95 GRINDER 13 Hlvett, 2lT 2L Gisholt. Salel LU.

2-930 HARDINGE Dovetail tor. mack $1500 riivoii quo eng. laine ou, 4 I. gisholt rebuilt $2250, E. bp.

mtr. 1760-870 rpm 440 $150. owner. I4 li. -042.

hardingehCtT Xlnt. Cond. Prl. pty. WMO0 INTERTYPE Model with (lectrlc pot ft Mohr measure control.

Want quick sale. Contact Purchsing l.a. rimes. INDUCTION HEATERS. 1 to 200 KW.

Rbult ft new. 714-KI. 2-9746 power unit sale, Santa Ana. 'RON WORKER JC PFlT $3,450. RA.

3-3188, IRONWORKER 2Vs Buffalo, nu '48 must sac, eetore moving. AAA. 7-2831 LATHE 17" Le Blond H.D riser O.H., $1295. open Sun. 1311 W.

Florenc. PL. 9-0191 LATHE Hendv centar. Xlnt, cond. Machinery.

RA. 3-9231. LATHE, turret 2 full length lead LATHS 12" clausing 6304, col. a t. Tft 4.

Rea. Tms PL. 2-6W. LAfHEv Logan, comol. wTurmt, arc, im.

Z45-748! LATHE Logan Like new. Lots loojingj nu i I Si LATHE 18x24 Reed Prentice. Xlnt, Thoma Mach. MA. 7-8008 MACHINE SHOP ALL OR PART replacement value at bar gain to raise fast $40,000 to cover oanx loan.

ke. 3-45U6, Anane MACHINE shop ALL or PART, Torrance area. FR. 5-0481 METAL tenderizing system. Fin.

CS. repossession. Bradlsh. MA. o-9200j MILLS (4) Abene Swedish.

(2) Deck- ei r-ri wim Access, ii) Barker Xmt. late motels. Sunnen Hone, Weldon grinder fixture eir, misc cutter, shop benches, office ma chines. Plant liquidation. 725 E.

Huntington, Monrovia. EL. 9-9351 uh.k ivqii nuri4uniai, lata. Thoma Mach. MA.

7-8008. IMTLL Vert. Used Milwaukee Mod-(I H. A steal. Seaboard.

OV. 51-. MILL vert, index 42" nwr. thl 1 vr oiq. pri.

pry, ims. avail. MU.1-6317 MILL Van Norman 212 cams, wril vioing na. well TooienjZioo.RA.3-9231 MILL. 1 hi Brldaeimrt 48" fhl ji tm.

PL. 2-6177. MONARCH Cone drive lathe. 26'W oc. LU.

1-82 1 MOTORS, 800 new Universal Eiec inc. snaoea pole, 115V now 60! cvc. 1.45 amps 3000 RPM $3.25 ea. uuntieia uurxee, 114 aair Laxe litv man. PIPE, xtra heavy aluminum.

wim grooved (reeves ror vk laulie couplings, irr ft 20' lengtru. LU. J-2181 IPE-Weldlng Mach. 5" to 14" dlam Brk. ft Stir.

lQ-xlO pa. MA. PRESSES. HYDRAULIC NEW-Used. AugusT backer assoc.

an.3-6116 RACIAL Arm Saw H.D. S'YMJke new. suo. VE.8M630 RUBBTR Mills 48" ft 42" compl. drive, unitized.

MA. 7-2208 SCREW MACH. TRAUB A-42. Lots tooling. WE.

7-0800 SHAPER 32" Gould Eberhardt. Good condition. ft S. RA. 3-9231 SHEAR alligator 2'-i Doelger and Kirsten-jas.

Levin ft sons. 2863 fc. Slauson Htg. Pk. LU.

8-4207. SHEAR 8'xV," gap type extra blades, terms or trade. PL. 2-6177 WELDERS. 50 KVA ft 75 KVA Santa Ana.

714-KI. 2-9746. SURF. Grinder, Delta, Disc. Apex 16" Pedestal, Shear, All inf.

private party, mu.i-miz. at SII6F. Grlnaer. diamond WChUCK. 1,650.

KA.4-JI SURFACE Grinder No. TVj Abrasive wchk. ft coolant pump, ma. 7-6877. TANK head flenger.

Blu Valley. cap. All roll. Xlnt. cond.

Half Dree. 866-7935 fUBE cutter. Complete automatic Grider type. VI. 9-5946 TURRET lathe.

Waller nr. new 1 ro leet ran. a so comoound av tstoo. $1900, prl. pty.

WE. 8-2061 UP.0-4344 e- TURRET 5 B.F.. '43, 3 Chuck, '42; 11" Logan. Julius, 8963 Garvey, AT. 0-3471 TURRET Jt3 wlead on BF tooling.

Admiral Mach. LU. 1-8211 TURRET, '36" Bulled 200 r.p.m LU. 3-4351 TURRET 2A bar feed preselec tor. Xint.

RA. 3-3186 VARIABLE speed boxes, Reeves. All sizes. 820 5. San podro.

ma.3-7361 WELDER, Hobart 30O-amo. portable Xlnt. cond. Forkiift Repair ft Service, E. Vernon L.A.

58. LU. $-1733, i WELDERS, new Line. AC 180-amp. $113.

United Welding, 3707 S. Sen Pedro. AD. 4-9135 aTWELDERrTkcm Spot Welder. II KVA.

Pvt. PtV. MU. 1-6317 WOODWRKG. Eqnt.

Rodger Belt Sander, mi. Also apinoi sanoer All A-l. Pvt. pty. MU.1-6317 YARD trailers, 15 ton cap.

Hard rubber tires. S250 ea. se 9V4 bien- oaks Sun Valley WF RliY ChMPLFTF INDUSTRIAL PLANTS FOR CASH. M. J.

WER1HOW CO. WE. 3 8541 LARGEST selection of machinery on west coast, see our ig. un. ao HELLER Machinery Co.

RA. 3-8821 BARGAINS in used Mills, Drius, snop qpt. ft tig. li. t-iM LARGE HYDR.

PRESSES 2500 T. ft li U00 T. RA. 3-316 Machinery at Auction 3(16-1 Attttim. Mach.

Sr JB. 10:30 a.m. Aoni itei e. ism, l.a. zi.

Harry H. Howard ft Son, Auctioneer. CU. 3-78S) GAL 250-T Borkig Mi Anon, Apr. is, 19 a.m.

werinow, auct. TVE.M541 Machinery for Rent 378-3 Ridsid I5WISSI 3 Cci. Univ. Zl CA. 5-1 555 DS Cat.

2U. tor ent to. 1 .1 opera tor. Materia! Hindlinj Efuipmant 376-5 cap. ft.

i Sf-cial. J12T LU. 77" CLARK or TwtWiV '3 h. i j3 tiA lu. TERRIFIC value.

Paneled officaHcR STj'i Camera, 615 So. Spring, MA.7-5478 Reas. SPOT CPts. Air-cond. Over 400 ft.

$120 mo. See 1920 S. Ll Cienega. UP. 0-1086 NEWLY decor.

3 ft 4 rm. suites. Airi cond. Jan. Ample parking.

Raas. 127 a. wivaraoo sr. uu. 4-930.

5655 WILSHIRE BLV 3000' eir cond. Util. Allpart. Low rent. Jack Leeven.

Mgr. WE. 1-6272. fUS S. BEVERLY DR.

Ofc. or eulte. aireer i oor. rurn. or unf.

ut is. Janitor. 35c ft. Prkg. WE.

4-8502! 5478WILSHIRE Sals, ft suites. Free pkg. WH. 5-2568 DELUXE rm. krwerTuite.

Nr. HollvwoodVlne. Carpet. Air cond Janitor serv. NO.

2-3025 LARGE front office, ground floor. ka LienegaMeirose. Recpt. rm. ecty.

service available. OL. 2-O900. BEVERLY HILLS-WILSHIRE BL. $70 up.

ANSWER SERV. PARKING. JANITOR CR. 1-2193 or CR. 5-6121, FOR LEASE approx7750 sq.

tt. fully air cona. Bev. mils ottlce. 8185 mo.

Util. Incl. Parking. TR 8-2173 SANTA-Ana's newest, free Ian. ter.l Air partitioning, Immed.

oc- cupy. m. 4-wai or nu. Mz, WIL5HIRE-LA CIENEGA Class A Bldg. Paneled offices, 30 so.

ft. TR. 8-152 HOLLYWOOD Blvd. sublease 2 yrs 3X: new Bias. Ample eir cpTd.iewr.

14 ortices.riu.i-ottvi AC WALNUT" PANEL 600' Suite, 1052 W. 6. HU. 3-8414. Westwood BlvdTDekrxe air cond.

new offices. Low SIOO mo. Suites evali. Mr. Greer.

GR. $0933 IR Cond. 3000 so. ft. 1700 car pking.

Alipert. Mr. Corey. TR. 7-2418.

20c so. ft. Hollywood ft Vine. 3000 sq. ft.

Former Adv. office. HO. 6-7385. HOLLYWOOD Taft Bldg.

Prestige: ioc. sqi. ofes. suites. HO.

11.000' 2nd floor, beau, offices. Only 13 sq. ft. per mo. 800 Bik.

N. La Cieneqa. New upper HOOT. 2250 Sq. ft.

RIES. CR. 4-6y3. WANT precise. B.H.

address? iW to 590. Call. BR. 2-4M9 FFICES. 25 a loTtR Alr-cond.

Pko 4912 Hollywood Blvd. HO. 1300 sq. ft. bid9.

AH-part. Furn.7un42 turn. p. 529 N. Western.

Mod. ofc rms. 400 ft. pkg. dist.

GR.2-8131, .9 or 2 stores. $75-lCO. C-d. Ioc. 5331 W.

Pico. WE. 1-1201. SM. orrtd.

air con. MairitT; Pkg.Wilshlra Blvd. OL. 7-270. $49 50.

lrmrwelwd. air Suite Janitor GR. 3 1 SO'. 0 1 A 5 A 5." UT I L. LEASE OPTIONAL.

ST. 8-184L $110," 400 "sq. ft. Prl. lav.

A'C-h. r. Westwd. Bl. cfflce, new.

GR. $-3011. DFSK "space ft Otcs $30 up loci. Ph. Serv.

433 S. La Brea. WE 8-7166. I Prlntinj Eqalp. Sup.

373 iNYERTVpg Model with electric pot ft Mohr measure control. Want quick tele. Contact Purchasing l.a. Times. 1250 MULTI.

used. Llsht table, vac uum frame, Arc lit ft Camera. Call, pee. AD, 4-9071 Lnmber, Bids. Material 374, 30 GAL.


10-yr. Name brand (install, on request) ..845.95 Disposal. Super Hush. .824.501 3 pc. bath set $09.95, Ranee hood with fan and lights $19.95 "Bankamerlcars O.K.

P. Supply Inc. PL. 4-1301 12601 S. Main, Lo Angeles.

DUTCH Boy alkvdTlat wall $3.90 ea Dutch Boy vinyl latex, (3.98 Dutcn Boy nous paint Vinyl latex flat wall $1.99 gal DuPont alkvd flat wall gal. CHESTERFIELD 5, 50 N. Western TILE FOR SINkSTTBATHS, ETC 4 ea. ft up. io off with ad Open to 5.

Closed U.S. Tile, 8862 S. Main. PL. t-1195.

1x8 V-J SIDING Lin. ft. Mi vt 4x8 MASONITE Sheet $1 92 ACME, 8936 5. Alameda. LU.

PLUMBING, pipe, doors, windows L.A. Wrkg. 810 fc. 9. MA.

33646 8) (5) 52 Summerbell Trusses Let price $475 LO. 4-3333 SPECIAL on UsadTumber 3170 E. Washington. AN. 9-0633, 4X10 Prefinished wai'boanl.

Ft. 6c. 770 N. Mission 4425 Olympic. STEEL casem*nt Sash wglast.l Marry alzes.

95c to. ft. AN, 9-0-3. rx)2 Pecky Caoar Paneling 12' 1 lin. 33ra vaoie Ave.

AO. 1-2101 COMPLETE plumbing ft h-atlng at discount, pnon oroert OK. PL.6-1301 Plumbing WATER HEATERS. 10-YR. GUAS.i Brand new Glass lined.

$41 LIBERTY SUPPLY. AD. 1 rin Bandings Te Be Moved 375 ICE CEAHCT DOG STAND Give-wa price. Nr. Pico-L Cienega.

Goud cond. 22x30. CR. 4-9I6I. (8) Lge.

Custom-Bilt Stucco Homes. 2, 1 ft 4 b-lr. 12) Stucco Dr'xs. Fit 40' lot. lf" fin.

TR. 3-490, ST B-44l HAMBURGER jiand, seats 35, aiu-m-num. To be moved. Make o'r. CO.J-r'W, 873-3897.

26x29, wood smao' ME. 4- OFFICES, drpd. $80 CASH Nat'l. I.Ws to cfnyrel 35 to 110 sq. yos.

for waM to ll CHICKERING ft Knaba consoles 959 N. La Cltnega. OL. Pom. 13 prscll or rent.

WE.4-0 00j lnf. Arnod Rug Co. WE. M'. Pi iced to sell.

Siern, 330 Beverly CHOICE Ofc. Soec. Fest in" LTft'lCOvPLETB Extra clean cafe qu.B.jw carpet, new. EZ tm. 5000 Ampico.

Miny roll $9j Near all freeway. M. 6825 Ht. Pk- 12-4 Chip s'emos or ar. B8.2-U 3 iver.

4024 S. Vetno-f Hi. txxib. rnod. ofc.

air FTXTU ts of VyTirvv- -f- AU. Wol hand tf-aa tx PRiCESon LOWREY tel. ft tec. 1 -f B'va. Pgr 3J1-' 5.1 C---f C'--d.

c. 7-n-a i A'l Co. vs. it tL -A 3 i. far fcwo aeii IA Beacti r-oue, WSM, Blvd.

Beve-ty tntwP a- iv( fall CM. t-4 t.t e-l 9 p-v! 4 t-s'i e' ra, n1--, 4-. 1 vi "1 pt 4- 4 V-.

The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)


Where is the L.A. Times located? ›

Based in the Greater Los Angeles area city of El Segundo since 2018, it is the fifth-largest newspaper in nation and the largest in the Western United States with a print circulation of 118,760 and 500,000 online subscribers.

Is it the Los Angeles Times or Los Angeles Times? ›

The Los Angeles Times is the largest metropolitan daily newspaper in the country, with more than 40 million unique visitors monthly, Sunday print readership of 1.6 million and a combined print and online local weekly audience of 4.4 million.

What is the largest newspaper in Los Angeles? ›

The major daily newspaper is the Los Angeles Times, while La Opinión is the city's major daily Spanish-language paper.

Can I read LA Times for free? ›

Account Creation. There are various levels of participation that you can sign up for : Registered User: Enjoy a select number of free articles every rolling 7 days on Print Plus: Print delivery, plus unlimited digital access to & the L.A. Times app.

Can you visit the L.A. Times? ›

If you're interested, here are the basics: first, tours are scheduled and led by Darrell, a long time Times employee who does a great job describing the history of the paper while weaving in the history of LA too. Tours are not operated on a regular schedule, so you need to call or email him to arrange a tour.

Where exactly is LA located? ›

The majority of the city proper lies in a basin in Southern California adjacent to the Pacific Ocean in the west and extending partly through the Santa Monica Mountains and north into the San Fernando Valley, with the city bordering the San Gabriel Valley to its east.

What is the oldest newspaper in the United States? ›

Founded prior to American independence, The Hartford Courant is the country's oldest newspaper in continuous publication. On October 29, 1764, New Haven printer Thomas Green began publishing The Hartford Courant (then known as The Connecticut Courant) out of the Heart and Crown Tavern in Hartford, Connecticut.

What is the demographics of the LA Times audience? ›

Target audience: Residents of Southern California and beyond. “Millennials, Gen X, Multicultural Influencers, Affluent Consumers, Families and Parents, Boomers.” Publisher: Los Angeles Times Media Group.

What is the most respected newspaper in the United States? ›

The New York Times

One of the most trusted names in U.S. newspapers, The New York Times is also one of the longest-running names in print. Like WSJ, the New York Times is doubling down on digital and has announced goals of reaching 15 million total subscribers by the end of 2027.

Do they still print the LA Times? ›

The Times' downtown L.A. printing facility will shut down in 2024. The Times will begin working with Southern California News Group in 2024 to produce its print editions as well as those of the San Diego Union-Tribune.

How much is a monthly subscription to the LA Times? ›

Unlimited Digital Access subscriber: This is your all-access pass to the Los Angeles Times app, as well as other benefits for $15.99 a month.

How often does LA Times bill? ›

All subscriptions are CONTINUOUS, which means your subscription will continue and you will be billed until you cancel the subscription.

Where is ABC 7 Los Angeles located? ›

The station's offices and studio are located in Glendale, California. For any person with disabilities who needs help accessing the content of the public file, call 818-863-7223. January 2014: ABC7 starts producing a daily 7pm newscast on KDOC-TV. Feb 2017: ABC7's helicopter AIR7HD debuts XTREME Vision and SkyMap7.

How much does the LA Times cost? ›

Unlimited Digital Access subscriber: This is your all-access pass to the Los Angeles Times app, as well as other benefits for $15.99 a month.

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.