SUNDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 5, 1920. PART-V. UNDERTONE OF LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET FIRM Back of this Bond NEWS ITEM Th Imll CoaaaUttae ess Steenaetractlaa I neaildsitag eatherUatteei ef 8 Uteres latal Sarin- eepeolts. DAILY TRADE TALK.
Week in Review; Holiday Observance; Stocks and Bonds. BY CHAPIjr HAIX. The 'Personal Guarantee POTATOES WEAK AND INSET-. TLED; PRICES AGAIN DROP 25 CENTS HUNDRED. of J.
Ogden Armour ornca or ths ttmjjs, to aagetee. Sept Itia deaiMi stw aa of Ssi6 SS, aa with eorrejponduuj day In it lit. 1920. 1919. 181.
Sfrwidsy ST fT Holiday Holiday Tneertsy Hobday wed-dsy 14.143 S41.S4 SfmMS SS Thursday IS 2r.8.2u.r,3 A.S4S Axft.ftiJ Frliiav 4 82 SaurdlV 12. 704. SWO.S1 GRAIN MAKES SHARP DROP IN CHICAGO. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD A tMk etatletloat report eat (hi But without the guarantee, this bond" Would first mortgage on 55.122 acres of excellent, exceedingly pre- Two holidays, one thrust upon us and, the other acquired, together with usual month-end adjustment somewhat slowed down activity In a few lines during the week, but following: th resumption of business on uuwivc suu wnose vaiue is Conservatively placed at $17,000,000. The mortgage i.
preceded i Tuesday there will be a greater stir SEPTEMBER CORN LEADS DE-- CLINE CNDEK HEAVY LIQUIDATION. One of trie attractive features" of the Sutter Basin Company Land Mortgage 6 Serial Gold Bonds- is the Unconditional guarantee of J. Ogden Armour, described in the legend on the back of every hondi 7 The payment of the principal and Inter est on this bond has been unconditionally guaranteed by J. Ogden Armout of Chi-cago. 111., In accordance rith a torittctt undertaking and guarantee delivered to the Continental 5r Commercial Trust Savings Bank of Chicago, as trustee, fot the the holder of this bond, Many of our clients are inclined to' accept this guarantee as sufficient reason for investing their funds in this excellent bond.
pur Ma OUR NEW RAILWAY BOOKLET "Railway ef tbo ulled Ware." mt frro retroeat. Tbla booklet 1. Ia vataabl Is all Interested is ralltrar etork and bond, which era eliowinf price apprerlaUoa. Private Wire Service With San Francisco, Nev York and Other Markets Tar Information rail eolBt. (Itatloe a.
For Quotation call S01S1. Btatloa "Prompt and Efficient Service" A.W.COOTE 'Stack and Bond Broker Member -Lee Anceloa Mock Wrhanire Ba Francler Stock Kichaujo 61 8. Sprint- St. Phoneat Wiai and Main 4117. Braarheei S718 Hollywood Phono (77170, and Ml fiaat lint Su, lanf Reach.
Cal. uiiiy uy me yjinpsny snare In tjclamation Sssessment which amounts to The entire assessment has been funded Into a bond Issue whose earliest maturity is after the last maturity of these bends. We tinhesitstingly recommend this security as a sound and profitable investment for your surplus funds. If you have funds available or soon to become available, we shall gladly make res ervation for youwithout obligation. Call, write or phone for full information today.
The Texas Holding Company has approximately 3000 acres of land between the Burkburnett and Ranger fields. No. 2 well la Throckmorton county has reached a depth of 800 feet, while the holdings in Ventura county are also being developed. These comprise 414 acres, ten miles northeast of the town of Ventura, and a part of the Senator Bard estate. MIX1XG CONSOLIDATION.
A mining consolidation that is creating some local. Interest is that of the Kalbab Smelting Company, the United Tungsten Copper Mines and the Union Metals Corporation. AU are Arizona corporations. The consolidation has been effected during the past week and the new concern is reported to have a capital of $5,000,000. The head office will be in New York, with a branch in London and an office in Los Angeles from which the mining operations will be conducted.
Garner Company, Citizens National Bank Building, are said to be responsible for the consolidation. NORFOLK BONDS OFFERED. The Harris Trust and Savings Bank is offering $800,000 City of ring about than has been evidenced since he early days of the summer. Tue iioat encouraging signs of the week wa the remarkable development of the building program, and the revived interest in the investment markets, together with a tendency towards somewhat easier credits, continued optimistic crop reports, a. break in the sugar mai i'ot, ready assimilation of increased railway and electric rates, growing volume of retail trade.
Increased export inquiry, announcement of new water carriers, and more liberal labor lor ranch work, made the period one of satisfactory ExaxsrvE CHICAGO. Sept. 4. Heaviness la the cash gram market at reflected la futures, especially ia September com and oat and December wheat. Prion were higher early but declined and closed well toward the Inside of the day with a weak and dlstnu'tful feeling.
Cloaiiig trade wet at tease of 14 to 2 cents on wlieat. September corn lost 1H cents while distant lutmes were Vi to cent higher. Oat were off 1H eents foe the near deliveries end cent for Msv, while September rye 3 cent lower and Itecember up 114 cent and bailey waa 1 In IS cent lower for the day. 14nuidatton wa on in September drttverlea of coarse grains all week and cum a oT 7 cents with cash off 10 rent Oata lost 8H cents for Heutembcr and about 8 cent for cash while deferred future are to 1 eent lower on corn and 1 to 24 cent off on oat, as earn-pared with a week ago. September rye is cent lower and December 5 cent higher while barley 1 ft to 2 cents lower, September leading.
September and cash corn declined rather sharply but failed to affect the new croo dellvrrie. There waa scattered liquidation in the September aiid leo selling of that delivery and buying nf DeceBtbfr by speculator which narrowed the difference to 19 cents at the last, against 21 cent Wednesday. Considerable evening up for the double holiday wa uouer way at the last maktos the Snal ralbr. Hedging pressure And atop-loa selling carried September oats off sharply. At on tim It showed 2 cent under the blickboard quotation from the December, but a strunk rally came and th flnfcb.
wa at 1 cent loss. The range: Open. High, Ixrw. close, -jk2-1 March tM2 i At large the railroad situation is I improving; freight is moving steadily I and gross incomes are large. The tendency of prices in the wholesale markets to seek lower levels con Quiet trading, together with a tra andarton for aU line of fruit and regeubise wdtfc tli eiceptkm of poutota, marked the asastoa on lb kKal 'produce market yeetarday.
Early eouatrr arrivals were in aaad supply, and for the anost part of very asod snuuity, but, buying wa actlrs during the flrat hour of th day, with th result that the homegrown offering were readily absorbed by th trade. The later morning arrivals were lvht, aud there wa little tendsucy for th market to weaken toward the cluna of the aea-aion. Th cariot market tor potatoes was still unsettled buying was very aiuail. th few Mies wbich were recorded during the day mad at around 42.75 per sack fur best northern stock. To retaiiers, the market for Stockton Burbanaa ruled around 43 per sack, a decline of 2d cent per hundred from previous quotation.
Reaches were slightly higher yesterday for good tock. wbitn waa in -briait demand throuaaout the day. Must of the offerings, liuwerer, weie of poor uualily, with the result that the ordinary mo of the stock continued to rule around $2 to S2.25 par lug. Sales of tancy stock wera made as high aa 40 per box, howetcr. an advance of 15 cent per lug over the price ot the preceding day.
Watermelons moved up about a quarter ot a cent, per xwrmd, although supplies were again liberal, and the demand was dull. Crape continued in heavy auppiy, -and the tue. joruy of the sale were transacted at knday's price level, with only the extra fancy stock bring, ing a yremium over the prevailing price. DAIW MARKET EEPOBT. These are the actual price obtained yesterday by i-os Angela wholesslere trorn their sale to retailers, peddlers, hotels, cafeterias, as compiled by the United State Bureau of Market.
Terin Cash on tne APPLKS Arrivals past 24 hour. cat California; total of 1 car on track at 8 am, supplies liberal. Bushel boxes. OrsveDstelna. fancy, 3.
00(8 3. 25: Bcllctleiira. 2.002.2o: local. Valium varletiea, n5(4 1.25 tier hm. Siitiplie moderate, market flrm.
Per mostly 1M12. BEA.Vs Supplies moderate, market flrm. Kentucky Wonders mostly per lb. LIMA BEA-Ns Mipplle moderate, market strong per wlo. metis ouppllee moderate.
Per doien bunches. CAUBAOE-Supplies moderate, market ateadr, movement moderate, wide range In quality; best, Bt per field crates mostly 2.753.25. CANTALOLI'ICS Supplies heavy, market steady, quality and condition wide range. Local. Tiptop and raul Base, pink meals, standard crate.
bet, 1.00ft 1.25. CAKRtns Supplie moderate. Per doaen bunches, 35u45. Supplies liberal. Far doren bunches, toueil.85.
CORN Supplies moderate, quality poor, mar. ket Arm. Local, beat, l.oo&i.5Qper box. qitABAPPLfcS supplies moderate. market steady.
Lrupj mostly l.CH)1.25: few 1.80. CUCUMBERS supplies moderate, market steady, local, best, 75885 per lug. fctfGTLANT supplies moderate, market steady; best. 5g7 per lb. GARLIC Supplies liberal, market steady, wids range in quality and condition.
Local, best, mostly 12C15 ler lb. Mexicans, 17'IS per lb. tiBAPLFRUlT supplies moderate. California, per box, market pack, 3.00&3.25; special packed brands, 8 UHAI'KS liberal, market slightly weaker. Muscat, Malaga and Hamburg.
U7 per lb. Tokays, mostly 10 per lb. LEMONS supplies liberal; market dull, wide rang In prices. Local stock, packed. 8.0083.50: loose, 1.25tsl.73; per lug.
mostly 75. LLTTL'CK Supplies liberal, market ateady. Local. Add crates, best, 1.50(81.75. NECTABINBS Supplie moderate.
Mostly Igi per ih.T ONIONS Arrivals oast 24 hour. 4 care Cali tinues and in a few instances retail Ask also for our list of September offerings containing lull information concerning many excellent investment securities. BLYTH, WiTTER. CO. U.
6. GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONOS E21 Trust Savings Bldg. and Spring Street Los Angeles Telephone Broadway 827. prices have been affected, although, it is to be admitted, this is scarcely noticeable in Los Angeles. A GOOD SHOWING.
There has been a tendency to over-accent the decline in cotton prices as an indication of an lm- sroti-Ywoon S404 Hollywood -s Bled. PASADENA 814 Cham, of Cora, Bldg. BAN DIEGO 824 First Nat. Baab Bldg. 0EATTLB PORTLAND NEW VOBK OAKLAND g.ajif rBAMCISCO Norfolk, one-year 6 per cent bonds, due September 1, 1921, at 99 1-4 and interest yielding over 3-4 per cent.
STOCK EXCHANGE BUSINESS. There was a remarkable revival of interest. in stocks dealt in on the floor of the Los Angeles exchange immediately after the first of the month, and in spite of the two holidays the business for the week Investment Suggestions. Great Western Power Co. 8 Bonds Yielding 10.31 to 8.33 Depending on date called.
Can be converted Into 30-year, 7 per cent bonde when called. If desired. Free from State taxes and normal Income tax. Particulars upon request October Septo-uber showed a marked improvement. In 1.80 1.30 1.29 1.20 1.37 l.HSM 1.804 1.3 91.37Mi 1.1541 1.101 1.15 1.1UH l.ltt .1.184 1.19H 1.18K 1-1RT4 ei.izn May December volume 259,397 shares were traded in to a total value of $223,713.62.
Pour hundred and forty bonds changed hands during the same Oat Ser-tcmibex .85 .8514 .82. m.e December May period, valued at $87,018.64. PROTECTED FINANCING. Monterey Oil Lands Syndicate, a .84 9.68 .8814 8. bo penumg uownwaru sweep no European situation, while still complex, appears to be clearing somewhat, and heavy payments will be made on obligations Soon due this country by the Allied nations.
The crop movement is practically financed, and the scope of this accomplishment reflects great credit upon the bankers of the country. There has been slight Increase in failures, but many of these difficulties were the result of sand foundations put in during the stress of unusual conditions and profits. The stable business of the country retains its stability, and while proceeding under reduced sail is making good progress towards Safe Harbor. The high cost of living is still an active Issue. fiecause of the high prices during the season of greatest supply storage stocks are not up to normal, and this will result in continued high prices for many staple articles throughout another winter.
To offset this, however, wages remain high. Production is slowly gaining on demand, and by spring there should be material reductions with the trend between this time and local concern selling oil-bearing LIVE-STOCK MARKETS, AT VARIOUS CENTERS lands in Monterey and San Luis Obispo counties undes an original plan of depositing "Government A Tax Exempt Investment Proximity of markets and transportation facilities. The Jame. Irrigation DU Jet meets each one of these tests to a full degree. fornia; total on track at 8 5 cars, in- bonds to the amount placed in escrow by the purchaser and giving him the right to take down either the land or the bonds within four years, has secured the Citizens Trust and Savings Sank to act as trustee.
Six wells are down on an average of 1000 feet on adjacent locations surrounding the property. Two of the most active neighbors are the (Shell Oil Company and the Carissa Oil Company, the latter headed by D-. C. Jackling, the min cluaing DroKen. suppnea neayy, maraet auu.
Homegrowns: White and Yellow. 75l.OO per lug, 1.501.80 per 100 sacked. Stocktons: White, lellowa, l.bul.70 per 100 sacked. ORANGES Supplies moderate, market Brm. Valenciaa.
tracked, special brands. 12n and ITU's. 7.75(8.50. Local packed, aecond grade. fBT A.
P. SIGHT WIBB.l tOS ASOELES, Sept 4. Hog (hard Tainted.) 125 to 1X5 lli.50; 175 to 225 17.50. Cattle (on foot, gross weUhts-) Steers, good, vwdlum, 8.0UM8.50: cow, good. 7.5Ut9S.X: medium, 1 K'i7W; bulls snd slags, 6.00; calves, 125 to ISO 11.00: 175 to 225 10 50.
Sheep Ewe. 7.50(38.00; lambs, 12.5013.00. CHICAGO. Sept. 4.
Cattle, receipt. 1000. Compared with week ago: Choice steers and yearlings steady to 23 cent lower; other nativee generally 25 to 60 cents lower; wcxtem ateady to strong; in-between grade she 50 cents to 1.00 lower; canners and best fat kind ateady; bulls averaged 25 cents lower; stockers and feeders steady to 25 cents lower. Hoirs, receipts, 2000; mostly 15 to 25 cents higher than yesterday's average: top, 16.25; bulk light and butchers, 15.3.rH IIS 10: bulk packing sona. 14.15S14.40; high steady to 15 cent hiju-er; bulk desirable kinds, 14.50gl5.00.
Sheep, receipta, 50OO; mostly direct. Compared with amv. Pat western lamb mostly 75 FOREIGN GOVERN-MENT BONDS' The general opinion is thai European affairs are constantly gaining firmer ground. Government bonds of England, France and Belgium effef possibilities cf profit Tanging from 23 to 150, based on Exchange. Call, mhe, phone for our book, "Bonds of Foreign Nations." EetablUhed ISIS INVESTMENT SECURITIES Members I A.
Stock Eichanf lie Security Bid Lot Anrele. Telephone 80604. a half-year hence downward, government statistics show that meat production in this country for the ing magnate, and HerDert ietsn-hncker, president of the Great 4.0004.73. FEAClUJt Arrival past 24 hours, 8 can California, Supplie liberal, market firm. Local, 2.00 per lug.
PEARS Arrival past 24 hours, none. Supplies liberal. Bartletla, beet, local, tt3U per north-em. SlSlo per lb. first half of 1920 was millions or Western Power Company and the Ancln anri Tindnn-Paria National pounds less than normal' 'Bank of San Francisco.
CREDITS AND PBICE3. Dank credits continue extended. rKrrr.ns evippnes neavy, maraet neany; rjeui god thilis mostly 4(85 per lb. PIJLMS Arrivals naat 24 hour. 1 car California.
but this does not mean that deflation is not going on. Manufacturers are conducting their affairs cautiously cents lower: natives 1. lower; wethers Supplies liberal. Varioua varieties, 7S10 per atTordini to variety and quality. POTATOES Arrivals 24 hoar.
4 cars California: total on track at 8 20 car: 1 car diverted. Supplies heavy, market weaker. Local: Early and White Rose, fancy, No. Is, mostly 1.00i1.23 per lug: 100 sacked. No.
General Character of District The James Irrigation District comprises 26,648 assessable acres of rich, productive land 24 miles southwest of Fresno. General Character of District The soil is a rich sedimentary clay loam common to delta formations and is ideal for fruit raising and diversified farming. Several thousand acres are producing alfalfa which is always a factor of safety in any agricultural community, and in addition hog raising is engaged in extensively. .) Adequacy of Water Supply. Waters of the Kings River -by gravity and waters of the San Joaquin by riparian rights are available for the District and are ordinarily To absolutely insure irrigation at all times the District also owns and operates 37 artesian wells of 1000-foot depth.
Some 53 shallow wells are now being drilled. Class.of Settlers. Prsctically all the land of this District is owned by actual settlers who are developing it for more intensive cultivation. A majority of these land owners lived within 85 miles of the District and were therefore well equipped to know land values before purchasing here. Their holdings average forty acres each, which is considered the ideal fanning unit under pers-ent labor conditions.
Proximity of Markets and Transportation. The district is about equidistant from both the Los. Angeles and San Francisco markets and is traversed by several paved county roads which connect directly with State arteries. The City of San Joaquin which is in the center of the District, is served by a branch of the Southern Pacific Railway. and merchants are not inordinately; montiy cents lower; rat ewes ov to 10 cent lower! all feedervchuae ateady to 26 cent lower.
PORTLAND. Sent. 4. Cattle ateady! bo' re ceipts, choice grass steers, good to l's. 2.2r)32.50.
Stocktons: quality generally poor. sacked; few Burbanks. mostly 8.00 per 100 i poorer at 3.10. sweet POTATOES SuppUea liberal. Mostly building up their stocks.
The recent declines in wool, silk, leather, rubber and sugar have had their effect upon business sentiment, and credit is not being so urgently sought as it was a few months ago. Rather It Is being required for seasonal needs, to protect inventories and to gradually liquidate stocks on hand. 1.852.(X) per lug. sqt'ASU Supplie. moderate.
Local, rnarkex flrnf. Summer squasblarge lugs, moatly 75(11-00. TOMATOES heavy, marftet steady: lo. c.l mostly per iugj shipping atock, 761.00. Supplies moderate.
Per dozen bunches', 40I10. WATKHMEIONS Supplies liberal, market aliithtly etmnger. Per according to alze and variety. MILO IS FIRM; BARLEY DROPS TO WEAK CLOSE. Mllo nTMlncd Arm, with mm of tie snip-ment ehovtlnf a elitht upward tendency during the teuton on the local (rain exchange yesterday, taut barley, In tympathj itith tii.
decline of tbt outside markets, reflected a weaker undertone A all deliveries. Mito moved up despite the fact that little Interest was taken by trader in any of the shipment of this cereal, ten-day mllo closing lifl cent per ton higher, while in tile future months, October advanced to a close CO cent per ton above preceding rniotationaj Ten-day barley held Ann throughout the day. bnt other near-by deltveriea wera to CO cent per ton lower at the clow, with two cars for twenty day' flhlrvnent telling at $2.20. Barley futures alflo moved downward to a weak clone, September nwtklng a decline of 25 cents per t'Hi. while Uecember barlev dropped 69 cent per ton.
A car of spot Twin fall white bran brought $04. DAILY BOARD QUOTATIONS. Arrivals Wheat, barley, 1: mllo malt, flour, bran, C. and Products, total, 12. Hay.
12. Wheat, mixed feed- 'Rid. Asked. It has been suggested that if merchants would bring their inventories POULTRY PRICES TO riioice. o.aii&H.oo: mcmum to gooa, 7.0197.
uo; fair to good, 7.CXX7.60; common to fair 0.0O3 7.00: choice cows and heifers, 7.258.00; good to choice, 8.25-7.25;. medium to good, 5.25 0 25; fair to medium. 4.255.25: canners. 2.75 4.25: Inills, fl.00lfttl.tlt): choice dairy calve.; prime light, medium.
.0 IS11.00-, beavy. T.OOfflf.OO; best feedera, 6.50 7.0O: fair to good, B.50(a00. Hi'ga ateady; no receipts. Prime mixed, 16.50i 1T.25: mertlum, 10.0t'B.50; smooth heavy, l8.nn915.tjO pigs, 12.50a 15.00. xlieett, tie receipt.
Prlm lamba, culls. e.0t?7 00i ewes. 2.25&6.00; jearlmtP). 6.25 weihera, 6.256.75. OMAHA, Sept.
4. Hogs, receipts, 8000; gen. erallv steady to 15 cent higher; bulk, 14.25& 14.75: top, 15.25. Cattle, receitit 250: market compared with week ago Beef and butcher cattle ateady to strong on corn-fed; other steady to 25 cent lower; bulls steady; veale 50 ei-nt to 1.00 higher; atockers steady to 25 cent higher; feeder 25 to 50 eentj higher. Sheep, receipts.
1500. Msrket compared with week ago: Lambs steady; sheep 15 to 25 cent lower: feeding grades 25 to 50 cent higher. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 4 Cattle, receipt. 700.
Msrket ir week: Bee ateera. better-grade heif I Individual i Investment Hens, 8 lb, and tinder, per lb u-n. lh and un each, nor lb .8 .25 .23 .2 .31 .84 Hens. 814 lbs. and up each, per lb Hens, colored.
4 lbs. and up each, per brniium 1 in IK lbs. earh. ner lb more In line with current business, taking losses boldly where necessary, they will face the future in far more comfortable positions than if they refuse until the last moment to liquidate, and they will, at the same time, materially contribute to a strengthening of the country's banking DOMESTIC PROBLEMS. juirements Reqi I'M.
and up each, per lb ITjere. 2 ro a los. eaco. per iu Boaeten, soft bone, over lbs, and up, per lb. ner lb.
IS Old co*cks, per lb. rtah-Idaho 8. B. dlv flB.OO Bran Kansaa 01.90 oo.Uti For these reasons we believe the 6 Serial Bonds of the James Irrigation; District due 1928-42 are an excellent investment for your surplus funds. These bonds are exempt from California property taxes and the Federal Income Tax.
At Prices to Yield 6.20 Detailed Circular vn Request. BL ANKENHORN HUNTER DULIN COMPANY, MUNICIPAL, DISTRICT AND CORPORATION BONDS Domestic problems are being .32 .11 .14 .24 .11 .11 .24 .44 .58 .40 more clearly defined and there Is When presented to us are given personal and intelligent consideration. Our information and files covering the securities handled in this mar' fcerare unexcelled. S.20 2.934 evidence that we are approaching a m. a k.
mix. ers and nervy cow mosUy 25 to 50 cents higher; heavy e-he stock Heady to 25 eente lower; bulla Dertod or increased confidence end I onev 8.15 2.85 a.Z!i 2.2331 3.234 2.23 On track hard work. Labor Is displaying a ana cannera stesny; caivcs mostly cent to 1.00 higher: stocker and feeders steady to 25 cent higher. it em. unv.ti.
is or Diiekunira. reaina. oa ion- ana up, ner 10. Ducklings, other than Peklna, lbs. and up per lb Old ducka; SVia.
and up each, per Oeeee. per lb Young torn turkeys. 13 lbs. and up each, tomig torn' dressed, 12 iba, u'fi He'o'turkeVs" "gTbs." "and'up'each, per lb! Hen turkey, dreeaed, 7 lbs. and up each.
per lb. Old torn turkey, per lb. OM torn turkeys, dre-aed. pee. lb Fuuata, 0 lbs.
per doa, and under, per Squabs, over 9 lbs. and up per better disposition to co-operate in In transit 10-day shipment lK-day eht-mient 2 do 2 30 2.2714 2.2d!4 the effort to overcome handicaps. 15. f5; bulk lirht and mediuin, 15.60; 2.23 4 2t-day shipment financial statisticians admit that FlITURB DEUVEBISS 100-TON LOTS. aDlsenMtoa of Investment Subject larUed.
credit conditions have eased up during the month. There has been a Mllo main Bid. Asked All October S2.78K $2. In) HirlV r. N.
Van Nuys Bldg. American Natl Bank First National Bank Bldg. LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO SAN DIEGO 210 E. Colorado St. PASADENA Jno.
0. Knight Co. neavy. 1D.73. Hheep, receipt, 800.
Market for week: Fat sheep and lambs imostly 25 cent lower: feeding lambs 25 to 50 cents higher; breeding owe stedy. ST. PACT (ept. 4. Hngs.
receipt. 8000; steady to 25 rent higher. Range, 14.00915.00; 6ulk. 14.0fltfl4.5O. Cattle, receipts, 1300: ateadr.
rat steers, 8.00 1U.C0: rews and htilers. 8.00(41280: calves 2.27 2.27 llelKisn nare, vj o-m n-a. liberal liquidation of commodities held from the market in the expectation of larger profits, and the All Brptemner 3.214 Fecond half September 2.23 AU December 8.18$ Belli ian hare. S'4 to 0 I 2.22' Old i Belgian hare, Stocks Bonds release of these frozen credits has tl lad 1 A Van Nnva RM. eteady.
4.50t15.00. TKSTERDAT'S SALES, Twin Hall whlta bran 1 ear spot $64.00 Barley. 2 car 20-day 2.29 ji i -y 'mi 9 1 sresabers A I fcos Angelas lPBea uneep, receipta, nisi; neany. iamns, a uvtf 12.25: wethers. 4.00(37.00: sues, 2 00 uj 6 50.
had its effect. The net result is that while there have been developments both favorable and unfavorable, fundamental Influences on the whole are working toward normal We offer, subject to prior sale and change in price: CASH GRAIN. (BY P. NIOHT WIM.1 mCAOO, Sept 4. Corn.
No. 1 mhe4 ,1.42 fl42V4; No. 8 yellow, 1 Rye. No. 2, 87441 Barley.
1.001 1.08. Tuaothy seed, 6.507.60. Closer eoed. -MONEY AND EXCHANGE. (BY P.
NIGHT WIRE. NEW TflRK. Sept 4 rSrchsvig tteady: eterl-Ing. demand. 855: cable.
NIOHT WIHB.1 NKW TOBK, "ept 4 The actual condition of clearinghouse bank and trust companies for the week shows that they hold S25.04-.b2O reserve In eacesa of legal requirement. This ia aa in-creae of 811.7(10.770 from last Week. MONEY tncMisnrs dispatch. 1 MILWAUKJat, Sept. 4 Hide: Green, Kb.
1, according to weight, 12Q15; No, 2, lltti4: green No. bull hides, 9011: Mo. 3, SU; put cured hide No, 1. other grades in llld: cured No. 1 hide, 20 pounds and up.
according 9 liil. ....1 A Approx. Rate Maturity Price Yield? 6 1944 7.00 5 1950 75 7.00 6 1949 88 7.00 7 1922-36 7.50 7 1925 97'4 7.61 7 1930 94'a 7.80 6'a9 1936 78 8.00 8 1930 100 8.33 21,000 80UTHERN CAL. EDISON GENL. A RFDG 6,000 SAN JOAQUIN LT.
1ST CONV 10,000 SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS 1ST 6,000 GREAT WESTERN POWER GENL. CONV WANTED Vs have a proposition to offer to a few people who have money to Invest where HOLIDAY PERIOD. While yesterday lacked official sanotlon It was a rather completely observed holiday in the financial district. Exchanges and many offices were closed. Banks, of course, observed the usual Saturday hours, but after noon the street wore an almost Sunday aspect.
Tomorrow, Labor Day, will be closely observed by Los Angeles and there will be no resumption of business activity until Tuesday. TEXAS HOLDING COMPANY. Los Angeles Investors interested In the Texas Holilintr Company have been advised of a reported strike in No. 1 well In Young county, Tex. PREFERRED STOCKS -visi'i- j-iv-i, mini i.v, a mill IikIc, l.litiS: No.
2, la-It: dry salted hiilea, lUii4; dry flint hides, 2.V!W: No. It. 23027 Hone aide. No. 1, according to die, 5.009 T.ou: No.
2. 4.tk00. lt nkina. O. ft.
No, 1 real, to IS pounds, 20322: No. 2, 1SHiSI2I)H deacon, O. 8. No 1. vrt piece, 1.2tK9l.bO; No.
per piece, 1 Kin. 0. S. Ho. 1 eal.
ltVa; No. Ifltil 1M: O. a No. 1 grasaer or fall, 1'HIH; No. i H'vl'IH; a.
a fin. 1 runner, Haiti; No. 2, 12tiH. Dry slu*t akin. 80340: dry salted skins, 2li34.
SILVER QUOTATIONS. 1st a. p. NIGHT wiar.i NTW JOUR, Sept 4 Bar silver, domeatle, unchanged; forelga, 94; afexicaa dollars trie principal is aneoiui.iy ssts ana in. returns are exceptionally large.
A prosperous need, more capital In order accommodate publlo demand. Call at once and make thorough Invettl. satlon. A high class prepotl. tion for high class bu.lneis man.
Call 120 I. W. H.llman between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p-m. 7.25 7.84 8.00 Mkt.
Mkt Mkt. GLOBE GRAIN AND MILLING 7 GOODYEAR TIRE 1HJIBBER CO. OF CAL. 7 GOODYEAR TEXTILE MILL8 7 Exempt from personal property tax In California. fl-egal Investment for Savings Banks In California.
Jno. O. Knight Company A Record of Your Securities STOCKS AND BONDS Telephone Member Los Angeles Stock Exchange, 411-414 I. N. Van Nuys Building LATEST PRICES ON BUTTER AND EGGS.
LOS ANGELES. Sept. Butter, creamery extras, Trod- uce Kxchanga closing price, 69 per lb. Eggs, cases Included Freeh I extra Produce Exchange clos- A 4a 7f)jL GUARANTEED JO FIRST MORTGAGES From $2000 to $5000 Each i Theso are purchase money mortgages for less than half the purchate price of new home, in highly improved section of the city. Mortgages signed by present owner.
A Payment of Principal and Interest GUARANTEED By This Corporation Net Assets exceeding $5,000,000 An exceptional opportunity for persons desiring Real Estate Loans to secure i Absolutely Safe Security Good Rate of Interest With positive assurance of prompt remittance of interest when due. For appointment to see properties, Or further particulars, apply BOND MORTGAGE DEPARTMENT Los Angeles Investment Company 206 Investment Bldg. 60127 8th and Broadway Main 56-17 SWRITB OR CALL 10 INFORMATION CONCEBNINGr MORRIS CO. 714s. 1930 Is a ef totereeS the dleorlmlnatlns lay.
Vestor published aaoathly Andrews Ca. teed for Cess. pbtwe eons. lug price, 62 per case count, Produce Exchange clos-, Ing price, 60 per pullets, Produce Exchange closing price, 68 per pewee pullets. Produce Exchange closing price, 41 per dos.
Cheese -California flats, 19 iff SI per lb. Every owner of Bonds and Stocks will appreciate a compact and complete book in which to keep record of mch ecurities. We lisve prepared snd issued an exceptionally practical Record Book which we will be pleased to furnish our clients and other owners of securities. This record will be found especially useful when computing Income Taxes. i If desired we will enter your holdings in proper form in one of these books and present it to you.
4 Butter steady; creamery high- er than extrss, unchanged: ex- WYOMING OIL NEWS 1VAT1N Axn nil I'll lBOr THEWtnl1 14111.1' tras, B7W57H; firsts, tltr ateady, unchanged. Cheese firm, unchanged. A. H. CRARY CO.
BOND GOODWIN Members of New York Stock Exchange Title Insurance Building Telephone Broadway 79 LOS ANGELES I Invaluuble to Investors. Prints re- liable uncolored newg from men on ground about what companies ac turtlly ere doing. Statistical depart MKMRMIS HICAOO HOARD OF TRAD! Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Cotton Klrirf'T PK1V ATF LKAMEO WIRE. 119 W. Fourth Los Angeles wht rivtT mvd n-.
11. Main 7553 6S304 CHICAGO. Sept. 4. Butter higher: creamery, 41(Q68Mi.
Kgg higher: receipt. 10.04 cnaea; atnndarda. firms, imtilllt: ordinary firsts, 44 048; at mark, cases Included, 4U4; storage packed firsts, lit. ment tells when and where to our snd sell stocks. Triul subscription tree.
Wrlle todar. nRTON.woLFF fk po Investment Bonds BONDS INVESTMENT SECURITIES Chicago San Francisco Seattle Portland New York Boston, Oil Banks, Huntley Go. Minneapolis Philadelphia News Publishing Ce Denver, Cole. Consult Us Regarding Your HS HirvrnwiaK LD1 Skl a-lUuMUt tiOTrf. SS (16 517-511 H.
W. Hellman Bldg4 Phtns 14211 I141S Investments A.