The Charlotte News from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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The Charlotte Newsi

Charlotte, North Carolina

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March 13 173 General 1974 I 73 General 74 Office Personnel Personnel 13 General 73 Gencrol 14 Office Personnel 73 General 813 THE CHARLOTTE 71 Data Processing COMPUTER OPERATORS SHEET METAL MECHANICS JOIN A WINNING TEAM! New industrial and commercial 84-4e17 Management trainmg program Farnriv Dollar Stores Box 8384 Charlotte NC 2b208 TENNECO OIL CO ATTENTION immediate onenino for full time and pail time securit Has Immediate opening for )filcers Call Y3S5524 for appoint-a full time cashier starting rent with The Wackenhut Coo at 12 rr PI ohm hpne Has immediate orteninn for a full time cashier starting at $2 00 per hr plus IBM 360 model 30 DOS eoerience preferred Sharp individual with schooling will be considerei Oiseninus on all shifts Top Premium PaV for 2nd and 3d shifts New attires Excellent working condit'ons Located South of Charlotte In Arrowood Industrial Park For appointment contact: Don Phillips at 588-2430 An Eaual Onoortunliv Employee General UNCC An Equal Opportunity Employer DIE MILL MACHINE OPERATOR Experienced to Operate Die Enoravino Machine Call 394- between a am and Pm Weekdays Construction womers with imowledge of welding some travel 315- CLAIMS ADJUSTOR TRAINEE Cdt expenses! No experleacel Most hurry! Prestige REPUBLIC PERSONNEL 525-7650 CHAUFFEUR Wanted to drive company president to various places in WC SC Va Write to Box 9586 Charlotte NC 28299 stating qualifications CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION workers wanted apply 20o8 Brevard St APPOINTMENT SECRETARY S200 wk No typing! Outstanding fun position for Person who enioys people! Benefits REPUBLIC PERSONNEL 525-7650 CONSTRUCTION BOOM! Workers for tennis court construction Grading or paving exPerience helpful but will train Permanent Good 821-7622 or 366-1231 READ THIS IF YOU WANT TO WORK How does working for different companies doing a varlety of jobs getting paid without delay sound to you? It It sounds good stop by today Manpower Inc 501 Trade St 372-3241 LABORERS WANTED Thompson Inc at UNC-C EOE JOB OPPOR TUN IT I ES learn textile or Gravure En Only those with good work need apply Excellent start- salary and company benefits 394-4161 between 8 a and pm weekdays TRAINEE $500 monthly! Car Is hed I Position leading to management! REPUBLIC PERSONNEL 525-7650 General JOB OPPORTUNITIES learn textile or Gravure En Only those with good work need apply Excellent starting salary and company benefits 394-4161 between 8 a and pm weekdays benefits Needs assistant man aner starting at $2 56 an hour plus 2 weeks paid vacation sick leave etc Need driveway attendant tull time starting at $I95 per hr Apply Tenneco Foods 3601 Sharon Amity Rd An EQuol Opportunity EmPlOYer SECURITY OFFICERS Full and part time UNIFORMS FURNISHED Charigite Mt Holly G1 Bill training Apply: 400 Park Rd Suite 102 EOE WAREHOUSE WORKER $130 un! No experience! Mature stabie? Good character! Hurry! REPUBLIC PERSONNEL 525-765P TRUCK DRIVER to be In charge of furniture deliveries also a helper on furniture truck APPIV ierson DORSEY'S INC 1412 4th St Pager Hanger Needed No exPerence necessary Win Tr-ain Retererwes required 316-8777 AIRLINE SUPPORT PERSONNEL $100 wk up No experience! Will train! Brant smile! Fun 'ot)! REPUBLIC PERSONNEL 535-0332 Asst Manaaer Trainees $210 (Average Weekiy Salary) YOUNG Charlotte company now hiring for PROMOTIONAL ADVERrisING BRAND IDENTIFICATION and PRODUCT PROMO- TON We will train Some college preferred but not necessary FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 332-1529 Between 9 AM and 2 PM only Carpenters Helpers API at lob site in person 1-85 and Suadr Creek Rd TARKENTON BROS INC Production ket No exoerrence necessav We wdl train Reoort to MO LaSalle St at 730 am ready to work Most be 18 years old Porters and Janitors to work at Union Bus Station 418 Trade St Apply in person PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR experienced sPeciallst in Ear lv Childhood Education for the posi- lion Of director of children's educa lion at Covenant Presbyterian Church Charlotte A creative organ- izer to help upgrade and supervise Pr ogre rn in kindergarten after school daycare and church school grades I-6 Salary comParable with requirements Contact John Baughman 3668712 73 General STEEL MILL FABRICATION SHOP FLORIDA STEEL has positions available for people who desire steady work liberal employee benefits good pay and promotion opportunities STARTING RATES $277 to $329 PER HOUR APPLY AT PERSONNEL OFFICE Off Hwy 115 North of Charlotte 8 am thur 5 pm Monday-Friday FLORIDA STEEL CORPORATION ft A 1 1 1 7: Mil 1 416' We( ede 330 exp firr RE den ott enO tier 1 ToA Inn iov RE nee I Gra pay LE I Thu TI Pra recc Inc Call 4:30 TI mar REF 4 73 4 1 a 1 1 73 Mill 1161 3304 $700 firm! and To needed pay To praying record inq Call 4:30 Fur 73 To praying record Call 4:30 A 4 1 i 1 An Opportunity Eniployer 0 ir to PA-110 bort culWrt! ciy K-MART rnooe Rd CABINET MAKER 311114 tpf1 r-1 3Ve Q0(Yi wr i 1 Downtovn PBX Operator cellent benefits including employee insurance profitftirinj and pension plm Apply Belk 4th Floor IllERSONNFL OFFICE I 0 ''vl tviAILROOM EQUIPMENT OPERATOR nnnd two indivnin-Os nn are oaa at Iflr 10-F1 (441 412 I 0 rtok 0 7 '1 a 171 10 -I 10 on1 Mon Fr 4( rrhidri-j C0'015 -And DI ant '-tforia 9 ar1 n)r1 aqi :39 elod Betk Sorviccs 372-3900 EXT 477 CHIrLr exellent nrol ons conr )IY rL3 io Cr coo NC or tom Fo tomo CITY OF CHARLOTTE An Enndl Onnorhlrity Kitchen Needed! 11 CrY1n (re 't OP1 tOuqci rI r-r1 An EC1L31 ()rtuntly En-nDloor MAIN FENIAIJCE MI CH IN IS Th year rouz1 dav )11-ro 1h? dHl ri rcie oDiv rc r1111 Only Span in 70 1 onrLe Rd An Cud Oprorhmilv EmpoyAr forr11-IllDn Clerk ost rorth schr71 arou-00 bu if to wrk ti 41'1V in Orrscn rJon St2dion 418 St f-AC)1E LAB Mne Oaf riO19 Lam ma bmaK ortaa Jy o'r11-93irv Pnonk 379 "3 Fxt b219cen am and 12 DRUCKER FALK 1-171 Immcdicite 00niory PERSONNEL '17 1)11 ril I 411 I11241141 -1111 111-112 t111W Inn vLdi 1213k tvqit Ur I I II fs 90u 535-1310 2 exr-Tew rd to 'hot e11 3 arid 5 (IL (HOPPE GUN OPERATOR FrATHce reluirv1 101mdik tp i ion pen A II roIA-4wfiA14oSi Immediate Opening fnr chnoe Aonlv 1111 fq l' An covoi Oprortur g7li-72-1o lirf We Need 'i 1 Cuvrd enire 1 -I Warehousem*n I 11 General Lzharers Must have phone 1 and transportation 'J' Friday Pcy Day ri Xlra HolvTs A 1 The Temporary 0 Help People 333-0727 01 :165 GENERAL CREDIT CLERK Gcod t)p experienced in customer tcloplionc! contact Creiit and cliection knowledge desirobie Excellent benefits Coil Mr Hi3rri3 or Mr Cooper ct Contractors Servici Grid renticis 332-3193 or oppy ct 1901 Trycn C--Hotte EXF ED inc crdtjF 6 Er- d--f I 40 'c i- F'EWF11 CI''' '5i 7- blv'l An 1 2-rtunEJ c' K-- r-E111-s 'nrne ki -7 I- an sarts 11 k- a' nn aci All rin i 8 rn 7 Pcn toue 10 ev machne --e imveu A cI WACHOVIA An E1U3I Sec-Customer tadiree Westce HEN -17 Pc General lef itor GENERAL nee' 3t ea ceNrel 0 )1 4 Li -e'rr i F7111 ar'd to 'J 'T fE- vER Select CLAIMS smi1 lor FFP Ind viI proarns-dve tin nsurnn or morFlaaa Jg0-1 In PAID hcq car and krown in-rn aoo! and reLtdnt exner Cetds PAM 1O Ak is neI 1 CreA 0 lI1)1' tee CA11 1denee V25 5220 PAID "Here it 15" meet Pei-ince et veer 'Mt In riet SV5220 Sec-Receptionist NoF'd ner00 nno'n1 role id ity to ankt Fri tAAN'OAER Cecil Si COST Ftto-fltt1t s-rro1 fi 1 vr 0 to Oottt Ito C11i0Vre tional 3 An rcludi 0Thor I TR SI15 tio! ocM7 PrRwe GIt Ire FULL CHARGE-TAKE SL171 AU nt J11 CA10 Al AFT A) ACCOUNTS KOOVte Ao S11 a 4 ntI 211 ron tor Or stclino sal Itrno IJuhfcr 37-151 Credit' r- c7 irfo for rn Cd hc fve CPP Ylr EXEC Viot15 d1! foale this positiun (-cur S722 FEE CONTINENTAL 10 SturcIUy iirs 9 lv 5 )toiy for 4 to eoee The FoUis? 512 No slcth-rd to Qua H-y Corponte Fee Poid For clN1 icCCCtva OH SMALL To 6rv) mn If you Can handle tvpn- ri vcur 1J3-151 Scrt 512 cennnfwn An Einal Oonefft-nh Proof frorn r17'ik'S Oe chfoerl INC SNELLING Pleasant S5'1 fro firm sorthar TO Perefits! COrpOrate CLE'ZK ExuIle-4 fyir Ve'kri1VS Gy 'AJf6t9L1 KEY T79 930 6 RerCni hmir firm r'JirrY VEtide tfly T') 4 Criir 5 dvs 531 Tyt cirri CPT tv NIGHT PROOF GON1 skins on 10 Hr4 8 pm 13 4 ols and C6I1 374-7W3 WACHOV1A BANK to GREAT BOSS -ro $110 vo Fee Paid sn le rr11 av ing wilt inake tns cn Corporate Personnel GENERAL OFFICE NC TYPIST onerti toz 5 vok C5li -354 200 SECRETARY AnPIY Do Sto '02 TEL! FR 411 GENERAL OFFICE Prt tr Fr tircintnIct ii botYi Are? MATURE To Sc50 PLk Secretory- Recept lornst cci Adv w'h rfve nt )r eN 11 ifr C0411 TYPISTS immediate Openings Xtra Helpers The rv Peeh-e 333-0727 SECRETARY ntr th I h11 -I lu: -ruer 5 BOOKKEEPER nikir-Mrill firm f11 nookli oniinr Us F11 50r rrc I vro 110 roniiio 375-2525 WOLF ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS 7113 LM 111n liM-41) Co Mimi GENERAL OFFICE We 1iCfl Nilh Onori tvn rij cv0 1 minif enn drf i I 0 oct Issor In re riril loco1 Ci 111 L1O0i1lVO for ant in mit LOCKING FOR A CHALLENGING JOB WITH A SPECIAL COMPANY? At TIlurcin we'ro onerhl ottft(j rAccc1 uc E)tdode and to typo yceirs2ni frfl0 b2nefits and rloc! APP1Y kActor Line3 60 Jo frn (4ra S'Ai Lqu31 Opporiuniry Enmhye Soith Trvon Acoa rarlorm '-k I Nr! in6 PEAT VA 512 A LEGAL SECRETARY 1 rrIl XOVIuriCcrl 1 00- MUFTI oil 2 otter citil 2 prolte C-arena! ot tino work No eioor42nce necsElry 177 Avo E(1FT4RY typing and short h7inot tor 2 shh! notice 1073ft1 9 to CLE I to' o' IL 1 t30 il two-I nocc nt -Iv II DO jCr Corc1111 Inc CPFiTY-QrF Liont ''ktk Alove er a a sdklry IP -nncal or ti161rOUrd FYCOP (25 4171 ENTHUSIASM the 1y wtwri colvt red with an1 wW ne Itie envy nt becre yo) loin this au kril SIcutv 41V'1YS pAir) Jr A GfRL 100 22 Pork Seneca bctg rFA) ECRETARTA BiLINGUE Etertrttottnettit joetrotitcLon bqrcci Istul ttohcita porfoc to intttes en tatqwerotet attclOo trhlio general de IniciaEvo tct'Etntet bcnoficicos ccmpettsctclen 1te tit-7tt7 ottra certar entrevittat BUDGET ANALYST FinnnA171 un-nnrton se4s incfl n'ienrA in ac1(ot7n t() cnntro n' bris n-mofit ncluriA all I rnd moe C0 fcr 374-6278 UNION NATIC)NAL BANK An Erpnl Ornnrt'atite 50 VVRAA Our Clarosalria rrrnt 15 an or cra nri "or nt1 111! v11ol1 tc-pirq sKillS ad 6 to ar19nc2 Ts is a sahrs sinnnort rosirrp cal a r9 vr''n rrn itinn conlart iorliwna'ncart rainlr linnralt Diryrram and to rp a I in le arn c-rtirrit 'rrrn qround ia CI FO The Kn par 111 1-11 CrL (110 Crl Onserver Th Car -'e -N) Th rn 374-7283 50 WPM An Eunl 0otunify STENCG PA PHER kuat tive cqrn tralnortaai- at GA RD'i EP CORP Swo FLu Charge Bock Tr cliC! Coutti'fe beneIts 535-1t22 JOtiCC LL FEE PA:) FvEC frT CV dt 4'3) pm Piir: Grd fi-nrp- irained in it! ne Pn Wit PCPY FL H'OVPPS61 CIRCUS MCKETS! Prni circjs trrn 5 rt ttrt Fr PAYS TO THE VAN7 2 NEEDC) Torre FioI grinderz 5 5'1 BETWEEN JOCP Want To WDrk L2niporarily? acriv aANPOlvEIR for tempo ary va a vott ritt I to tssin () 05e iruri( Cr CeTf 01 nq met5 '1' tOr t)t L-cck vaa In arrEy MANPOWER INC 9)1 ridu St Lcir 3 '2-324 I or ij lie PES StvrOICE PCH-E trer urive's 7e zr 9 YOUTH WOPKFP 1dC: rcolft 1r IC PLYLIff iL O'3' Executive I-Iniv I' a (-! CI 1 ce en h-o Coerveri4t I ERS I Executive rinkisek eeper I a I rrntor I pro5H A-1' 0 To tu rtr oi uiir dc P11cWe kd re u'out unity nver cDuTIIPPRK 5111j: Hipp -1 0 ltdi aqd pv 1 rime orditA re Immcdicte OpcnIno tiottos for Iclorthodtt I cop: 1'1 tttJ wot cJcn too Ourvtattt trri ros umn stoo hi to A'o Por A 'is Stul 1102 S101) Water rcty ntttruct fled Cross Cer i lcd ai :11 COMOICIC! Of TP131 I( 11M-HCart of Chlrhnlr 1 An Equil GPI-OrtUnItV FC PNN 1118r ron7jr of 88 rthp ryllPICMM P1Hnr it e1rhn 211tin 8181)1 181 tot nd lorv WO eointcL 4r'tleTL rnrdn nocr 1 85 oflof5 ec11 151 1-11181c bewn Car 'r000 4373 Sr it eu as Buktiun totly sentivkion tten mum 3 ye ant' rtmee t't5 1 ktn11ti unon re' rot xnette eteufn 01terteinte ter ornttotinu wje a wino ronlnny Seed It Uhl" to Box 441 CHEMICAL-- OPEPATOR qt 011f v-WK (1ty AMEPiCAK1 rn1 no HI VIfL CUPP 11 V2111q hie rA -ree Co 21 isoAor AL FHnp trdin Lrpl in IC corvdnv 0poffinity EIDovpr Potidy-Mix Concrete TRUCK DRIVERS TRUC DRIVERS Nrinditri tict cnnernte tr) Preter teirwv truck chevin' ettpLinenct NrniI dr i iQ 5 irt ii bf ricienT -Wing Juni Lpeloiiln ter litriititit hri di101 2 cd Ord have 0 vinte NnL Ilk I vcelterit rtit olovee bottelits rWIl Stildrincl Si Co 372-2'230 Entit 1 ronhoor EiRIVERS Trdr-t Troirer and 26 Kr tk iCe ir claultcw SALES LADIES For foirr soSs II per ieoc heLee FHI lime o(1 port lime PIECE GOODS SHOP 1 0 Piozd EARN 01) por ar anti mrtdrivinn ar tor traltur- nr For intotmItion ni rite tt 9 Ctb-rt i1(dSO Hiu ntanhr Pnnf Cord wp Call 527-4199 PRESSE Ur x0Fr! c*ntral A vu Norirrt IrororfiThr for npwlv rw row nLar air wort 523 PO SUPERVISOR CodJty Cftn choneno'rn orf rnon-OHn p-11 on wtr 1st nt o-of SInn 'YOU r-1111 don Mon anemc c-p i'Lk' of SUlte'v- 601 bo olte ovornrt ilCOrltiVe lriti arlr-norsccr ond Noy 's tor no Con'oct Mr Fds 0 NEED EXTF1A CASH 5msat Labs lac bJ i i'la-sa-na A CTLL FOR -7-7 -F- 811 5 CARPENTER rTe rlss 1 m-MIr r9riPr ro3 rio1 8 -F-ri fr ruronrct ari 3 Art Equil Orporiunily Ern)toyer CP CPERTrQ 27: Irrycro kcv (1-rwri Iro r- A 2' 4 fime ef Pe Drk rq ErTI to He--1 kin I-os dt LilTe TFUrt 5 t5 tv I Ct enrn1 Co 1'1 EL'I-n v't (-Aore f-4 LE)E CES 0Ee E-- 0 Crr-o -t i-k 1--L-1' d-4I L' 4 Ir nn 4 0-'''" A 61 A E-'--er' AI n-i-fitS E1-" i 1H' -1 va 1 12 S''J1 CO E'a Wanted Radio Announcer wrth 31d class ticke! and L'roduct On experiece fOr Countni ern Station Contact Clav Cline 0 Box 47: Canton or phone 704-648-3376 LIKE PHOTOGRAPHY NEGOTIABLE Null tran! No exoenencel Fur Sqott Call earl0 REPUBLAC PERSONNEL 535 032 AIR FILTER MFGR Openinos in metal a nd titter pro esslig depts experlence ary excellent fringe beneits 334 5311 NURSERY WORKERS Mos fre worioo 3 Mature minded! Good character stability Aoe 21 REPUBLIC PERSONNEL 535-03i2 clerk erk 5 claY 6 30 1 5 liberal company benefits hot! vacation and retirement As Dly in person 3603 Trclan Dr Wanted: waitress day $hift 3t)P1V in person Vie Restadrint 32de Graham 332-4702 WAREHOUSE PERSON In hard Nare ir mu0 be experen ed Mitoping and receivnd ds wII 1 ieneral renouse Calf drinflord-Pordur fort rirne Work in A rod ea Modt hdvo ir rirnr nortation 6 notyrd groan insurnce riart Good acrvancement Start $250 and ind I dr tween 90 na and SALESPEOPLE Full or oart tine Tryon Mall or SouthPoA too Y1 fives IproI rYnoe benefitr ply Dro crov I yon AiLdl vdlr's Chddron Shoo TRACTOR-TRAILER DRIVER tAHLco eoriere 1 vc have cecc! er k'cli record j-Th of e--1 toc run 5 Ile double Gcod pav l'enefts to coHtee Qurir work Gatl per ore-I Tot Jack's Coolie Co 017-11 PRINTING 50e1 nramttorer MAC tic --r111c 'P(! lonccd on! vs 4 aoy CHAMBERS INC 2 2S PET RADIO ANNOUNCER-SALES FIr Dot inrt Fi Pref CdIfl ccoocl of Coocidur nori QtAIrr It trooi or pr1 coo o1 rrcilo If or Frh Aro nrt Nr (910) or enrLn che olte (70N 76-161 FOOD STORE opportority for asioem men ers try yrih roi'l Vr 4tUfl ckn Caic 'Or JIFFY MART 332-1546 SHI-F AL Ann F(PVtf for mecorirol cororof-tor F17 417 STOCK CLERK St'ver I rcolh-mt pn Pt ru Jr indlorh tis imer -cOnkcl Ill ooncriono flI 'CIt avon bonef is Aolv SAM SOI flCN ccwo ANy 19 imiventhnce Eid EqkJ1 C1-)ortkinity ErrylovIr Pco fP Vendinn mo rocTholOc ttHin 'CAM op air VVQ1K Good 1d) -dds 32 -470 P141V1 SALES f-2r erirn tirn Appiy in SI Pori PART I I O' etieruniic si4401 icterli tor 54101 lo work in sp4ri ndr Pioo 1l 5 Fo 3:45 Knoe isrrsiori 21 Ai iv in poroon 000 Downtnennr Colicuin inoie endeni 131 ol Cleaning snie vior for loNotoen col is I (2 1 dp1 nwre It irs 2 rn 0 rr Hiry nn roe Pc -eorics (31er vek-NAs Extterient crt mitinithon tkalder titrett OH Pineville Pd ELECTRICIANS AND HELPERS Witt di 10i on vtIcts ecettttn- lenrn in ViiriVrii111C1 (Cd002 in person Rri-c7 El ro-2ANy 1200 Si BEAUTICIAN '02ik nc n- Who itrtittinnWS Et oi Shipping Terminril Pcrcnnel rimns for Nal col ecwv Mitt for hi thr 1irs tck fop! and ai re recl dry exit ht ft niort ill5 8 pdfl hhliJ y5 le -orne of hliolltdiiHs in fit yrnr hh hie Call rAr 5113 opitly in 5th SI fin eu tuthly employer SOLPO cl J011 lazPst Bersoq SP' Np 'EPUBLIC Forkltt a sie Co NC coRRE-T- JOB IA it) 441'0 I -k PiiLi Pr MAINTLNAUCE MON Need Cr r111 In Colr loLte Ci 394-8 Ma Monday tr orenndAle fur mamaB 13r in tervnniv tr BA AL1( HEALTH posh-ION B4 I $5)() no No POPrie necesrrv! ige 1 ty AI En ne 3ccc*nts for cuOctners I NIce per 5311c1IltV REPUBLIC BEHSONNEL PATIENT CARE TECHNICIANS Positions speli7in1 in the rilre of crelie priiionts nieri eawomt are avtiiltihio most Ce hioln school orathrtlas nocitt work ret ord wino horriA aosire to work Ali thifirt Ann la Ifersonori CHR LOTTF MEMORIAL Ecoal croi GENERAL TIRE RUliiriER An Eqoal Cat)artunilv Emelover NR Start SSC() iir On nor dair ooes Age tfai cLuh School Ovi rhire REPURL IC PE RSOANEL immeciiate OpenIngs pAG BAn (Tn- EXTPUDER OPERniTCP MEZHI1C PreEn excninnence wn nuinifico anj Aciiv in of NC 3ricet h3ricete Dr(INVV)PKER 1flo qe 2 I sr-n)t r-ArVe! REPUE' P-PntrINFL GENERAL SHOP HELP Twe es Presrsersot :1 moor mDnri los work ky5 ireorool 0 "1 v- frince re555 MG41 HaWMS St a tc I el 'NE-50-r riL vi eA burr f-- c-DET- burr fc PF ES7E1171 '4-''-' ''P-- 'IN t-r-- P-0 PI ty 1'')-1 Ad e-a PRES OPERTJR re' cd fzr rr" -n oc Ani 1---1's 4- P''''''-' 4 11 I ir: 3H i'' Wrtht)Iitt Poc ol 1 'ur ir rv a 'CO vr Harr) t-5) 62 4100 LINPC VJFLDER For 1 b17 4047 FIBER INDUSTRIES roi)44114t3ICES YZi nrki 'CA ART ccor r)E-rt ELECTRCPLATING 44 Exper'trnct manoatow Ml nae gOOLI WOrN rCOrd 1 ird ana 3rd 10 a rn 4 12 roon 2 ii 4 NI on -1-ti Consolidated Engravers 3334311 44-U4 fol xi gtAggi It3 fU me babvsth) VI tchen Lcs F-c) SZ) TENNECO OIL CO imm-d nrncy 4)r bc I trt Mt ve 08 or 0 er Tenricr-D Food Stercs 2n1 snotb An Equ4i C) TRAILER MECHANICS TQ: 53vs ho hr 5 iy sr10 Oro 42 5 I Fwronr1 1-11 Pi ScElh: 021h 1--101K1- PA'- NI 11 to keED reE' ks EE Et PP EN'S tinE 111 rU'5 IF CHAN i(S HELPE (0 Experienced Drag line and Bac Ichoe 11 tri Operator Also ex- 0 1 perienced Instru- ur-1 ment Man triAl teHo Tear Co Doxrjas Airport Proioct Nannie Price Rd An ITtioLli Ftnplopr Pvm-r-rE7Irt-tm 74 Office Personnel ACCOUNTS PAYABLL CLEFX woh accolpJs wahlr rIrrfrrrrd Ir Ie 10 nF11 Cali Penre Cif ford-FIJI Co Inc An En-11 Opoo0unIty SECRETARY In VP-El fctorEr1 n(nd Person orooe scrctdrial Pnon-Mte tri-4-1 xc voyhtin 15 in new a I trloArri Fi kti CO1 for irtrrvio arvnintrncrl Prrfrr1 -171Ck'S C-nkie Comp' ce11cnkt orl ce ck t1 -Of rf (44 po o) WAN 1 In qr-fi A i PRODUCTION! PAYROLL CLERK Onemnr rmrron work fur es ord cUs fr rer I Lox L-10 c-o soNer-Ncws An LqLal Errnleyer IA rrLOGE Nc) NO C-ire2rs OFFCE TRAINEF or11ntv rn chcor (43 ot eoo'lcoca in olive 10 A CI eooce bon' fs For onntr fl Odditl(Plal turmtion crfl: Se- test- Foods An Equ11 Emti0er SAL ES SECRETARY tVaihre muit oiiconool I )II nd ko-ht tion Shine nonkkhihon ho Ir $1'3 kchdrd ihr FECF'FirriCY T1 vf exaerp nrri! rai vain run rib! Great rirriitpiL F'F Ors EX7FPECE nut rean1rrit A' nl C1111C ln Lou t1re Ot111111S re Cn ts Werv Raa 19211u3 6 r-72r1 beici or a 9-4 SECRETARY 01 dollar corpora- 1 I 01 Holler Cenore1 "'t ri it 1 inr sec-03- 1- i I Prefer eer': eTessetret Fieeee ete cttto ee-e CH fee MT' OC'N d'1( or Per sceedt An Eludi 0--TortunJv EmD Fronr Desk Secretary Apy CT)p F7E NP-iS Typing 80 warn increase 12 mos JOBCO Park Rd Secretary exelutives $5C) Personnel Ccnsultants SECRETARY $550 c' S'rlUr P1 Hurrvi jI Lt SELLING 15-LU aCE4 37S TYL'F-S 0) fC0 0' )-mtS i) Cr 5e 9 2 uL1 Janitorial Supervisor Experience necessarv to work in Arrowood area full time work 2nd sh4t must have transportation benefits call 9 arri to 12:30 pm 5880734 WELDER 5-8 vrS minimum experience Must read biueorints oPly Frieze Machine 231 Foster Ave Management trainees Datsun Bros Pest Control Co multistate Pest Control Company Is seeking additional service and sales personnel to train for management ang supervisory Position Base salary DIPS commission DIUS a vehicle plus many Other benefits Cali 375-2581 for appointment DISPATCHER-SUPV Dispatcher for brick and related rmiteriais needs experienced min or responsible pos-tion Hiah school education reauir ed Some col iene helpful Call 537-3772 for Interview aPpointment MASONRY MATERIALS INC Ooening for receivtno departmeni assistant to drive truct and accept responsibility leading iN manager of receiving department ApPiy to Md Straus 509 Scho itz Rd Have Good Safe Day Pa Ckaqe Products A GOOD PLACE TO WORK" 8K0 Pinevlie Rd 1930 Camden Rd Local delivery and warehouse near 1-85 Apply George Wood and Sons Inc 515 Lawton Rd Assistant Manager TRAINEE Chance for advancement In a 415-1 retail business 377-194? COLLECTORS Ex-Finance Personnel ed of lono hu and chasmoP Look ino for inside worK or-? you aooresive? Do you want ad ancement wlth a company lh Promotes only from wthin our IldtiOnal COMP3f1V also has Dclid insurance paid vacation and prof i1 hir no Saldrv open if you want a career with a future call Roper 364-Q412 DISPATCHER S1350 month11 Local company! Rest opoor 1 tnity ontf REPUBLIC PERSONNEL 52c-7650 SECURITY GUARDS Top payinq aoency full and part lime nosItion 333 (11QC E0 PHONO RECORD DISTRIBUTOR needs hcensed dt iver evr 18 or stocIroom Phone 334-4631 for a Wainiment BUILDING MAINTENANCE 510E4)0 rannei "NEECIT A Bt PEE" Mechanical an tiuner corniainv li nowt REPUBLIC PERSONNEL 5957679 Pleasant gal for nleasant ion iise Phone at pew! inn lanes sortie travel 112-530 537-3529 tank otwration Book keerinn I orm WII trc iuttrt nr tarred Submit resume accl -aothot to Boo K-43 Obore News BARYSITTER to live in or day Srr ontins 2 chifdren 596-2164 after 330 CS HE No exneri nncr 18 up! Suoer office situWon Benefits REPUBLIC PERSOWIEL c'257650 REXHAM CORP An Onnortunitv noFovFfr CERTIFIED LAW ENFORCEMENT DEE CE Lake Norman Marine Commi 5on seek5 Certihed 01icr to becpin Lake Law Enforcement ogr a Call 372-2416 Masseuse exoenenre nroterril but not necessa'v Cat between 12 am and 11 id Vt02 Wilkinson Blvd Marie's Health Saion MAINTENANCE HELP YARD HELP AND MAIDS Good salary 366-5488 DAY CARE WORKER No ex perionce! High School grad Matbre stable Person wanted! Good charac Ler and credit stability! REPUBLIC PERSONNEL 525t6r0 This is it s14Ono-s20000 opportunity con ruction General tior txr CO'A PANY ON THE GROW DUtie5 in dude manaoentent 0 sub controc tors and bidding jobs Must be thor oughly lamiiar ith eI ftcels 0' pricing and all labor and materials Finished carpentry expericnce a must Sales experience heintui AP pli a nt will stand rinici-lberaux employment and credit background check we lo00 how OellIV of hard work and an wow tUrl ity to crow xmconti In none We arx a highly successlui comoanY a300Mn invol Jed in reyidem tial remodeling 1 ano we (-Poi en udJtr1l nivkatn I 'tooth ego one cortract exceeded ca cent o-ab pre et our nlmc exO xeta' to It yea xtcxxce Cox' Cc a at W-xt nikd Cc -bac" 72 it k't EKG TRAINEE A to tt'am in oax ufl cgv Cr! INS betxce war '3e 507N 3xx1 a cir ne Ceox cctFri ano t--nettt t-rDSPTAL 1100Fri An riepo-4ntv Fe)Ieex BLOOD DONORS NEEDED CASH PAID FOR SERVICE COMMUNITY BLOOD PLASMA SERVICE 401 TRYON ST Open Mori 8 am 4:30 pm 372-3337 FOUR DAY WEEK Atlantr Env lope Ca has operings fcr Envelope De Cutters on its 2nd shi Experiumod working with paper and Paper Prnducts nreff rred Our 9nd shift operates Mon throuoh -Thurs from 4 no unt1 a We otter excellent starlin pay and a cHl befetit package to qualified aPpl-ant Anniv 3434 Monrre Rd Mon through Fri 9 to An Equal Opportunity Employer 2 Hairdressers 1 Fastside shop Westsipe shoo 527-2965 or 545 4741 Laborer needed for residential builder on an hourly basis Apply Summitt Ramblewood Community off Nations Ford Rd 523- 1520 EMPLOYMPIT OPPORTUNITY Dlamond Shamrock ThemIcal Co Westlnnhobse Blvd Charlotte Dependable lady or couple to in and operate ret home A43-2120 HAIRDRESSERS 5 Ro lands Salons Mrs Shvtle 523-0341 HENLEY PAPER CO Has Immediate C) eninos for warehouse nersonnel Excellent OsnPfts work 'no conditions 5 day week 8-5 Call 588-1400 for acootmerit shoo 1 ft 1 I 0 I 1 1 1 TROL good math aeti Lich on adding ma data essing 6 PM to 2 9netifs 3)4-7573 VIA BANK miturpiy Employer )rner Service pensiiale S525 West-PERSONNEL 3J3 0529 )ffice Work or 0elente In pacn helbtl Won Gicid 15-4479 era 5ervce OFFICE general elSQecially i te In ichine -eceivable Star oetAcea 9 a PHONE sbitts CiENERioL OPFICF PR t17-5993 ETARY strial 1'710Ce S'rrn it re- nbse ver-Newc 201 Frrplover 'A FEE AGENCY Personnel Ave 37? 111111 ECRETARY h0r5 to 130 vo: IrU oraterect intervev AK I NG FREE PARKING Pi? Streak 03i1V Pro-it you have insurie and vrii triv quality rior fee CLII Career vieewrog 3NNEL TO SI000000 ono! Above aPry Lxrenses Nabob 1-1 seeks eerson to ixt internal person neccrosrv 01 Independence 2UTIVE ETARY TO SiROS SO cr Pod aver are Iv ths or-Pares arri benefits a-cl Girls 10 4301 Incie T1ONIST r3ENEF ITS Jon thja bisoltixt fh OSt career If you nave shthdpd k51 yea p01 Hoe- 22J ceptionist It '171for) rtron Tv nil So cosacOc snts A9I ar service Ldcd His 85 DAER INC 312-0J40 COUNT I NG 0sricirtiesgy toir Time Dre- in a it dind be I ATP live Its For it 8 ipabon st Fends turoy mire ex PL Ri(iN it LI di FEE PAlEd icy II aids 5t HA ROE-CHARGE Itookierixrs Ca1 Grr Ln JErr DCIA1E1) Raci-u1 FS PAYABLE pobi PE of 10 kev triIrJX -tart E-LbeJ EJL rs 'r Le bn rc 3 i-'rtt ob dO reeits sne clrt Prre ott-e 9 XPu ed led a Li Pc tor JJr1 kreSt 'gator EFE NEC firm ypi "5 cc Pexce LicPit nocesaary CRETARY tro- all live rcp a shorthand Pt 91'1ONNEL KEY I borred 5 rnes tiortb GrA NO FEE Call TS Ci1t1nR ARI ES plotteton kkall KEEPER Fi Paid Pavro11 experience Go eat tufure! 313- Personnel To $5400 ite Svpist Sdlarv nreat beep-I SNELLING AEEA OFFICE frT Paid die diciaphocie tnsiot! Short boors Pers)nnel Cry TVPitS TIVE )RAR1ES 1'6-9412 rk n1v To $450 ot clock kb tor person Accuiife es or 1 SJi ELL2-1b1 ACE A nvironment Fee Pa sec'etary ksirri )PIi -151 Personnel TYPIST bere-rts per 41IS Soutii Elvd FIJNCI OPERAct Se atti-abbve P-b for t-) Sill dc POO fce io db SNELLING rbstrbLor EJ'jad CM" 1r Ltbe TA I rare' CO hiirs $400 i1ai Jo ELLI1G CONTROL ucod math acqi ouch on adting data 6 PM to 2 benefits 34-7573 BANK Opportumtv Employer Service reponsinte S525 PERSONNEL 0529 Office Work oeriece In helpt1 nor 15-4479 kertal OFFICE vt1 genea1 SQe(iIlly i fle In ichme aiotnts -epeivable Oar oetAcell 9 a oltrnet TELEPHONE SECRETARY Y-dfts: 4CW CENER1 OFICF 900d ng j17-5991 SECRETARY S'1zrnit Errriocer 'A FEE AGENCY Personnel 372 SECRETARY hors to 110 nre-4 oro4erFcl CN STREAKING FREE PARKING Ea syctak it von have exneronee and rr1r quality Cr fee Career ndendarco 535s2f0 PERSONNEL 1-() S1000000 ono! Above aii exnonscs Nation soeSs oerson ntornal person necessary 4801 Independence EXECUTIVE SECRETARY TO 00 00 wCA ei A -ccve avecAce 1- -0cs oa res iiid benefits AA Girls 4301 incle RECEPTIONIST r3ITNEA ITS Join nice-Woo the ri est inkre ni cower If you tidime Ftinrikird 5 mihicl eti 1pm tietol- ei)1 Hoe- 00 It to rt1-1 nII tO nots Aot nrd 5nr ocn nc1E-ds i-115 85 NC ACCOUNT I NG 0ntortontly for rcnr ottt011 Itt a I i tine For ittrrtnallon c311: Feods tunty Enwloicr A "FRE PAID" alIV trains 7) CHARGE level! OF trrA vOCIA1 ED RE ckan PAYABLE iTcflN of 10 kv orr oorrrrr onc port )1 mei I I Iry ci rc Cr'n-1cA for Invesi 'gator FF Tyviro VO 10H O'- t-7ces- 35-1122 SECRETARY anti rPspoositElEs rosEt terenq a'd shorthand Pidu SOS-10 KEY Ouly) 1--lionw0 boErredE 5 colas North GrA roto NO FEE Call I'HVEORARIES Ch3r1fleton M31I BOOKKEEPER Paid Great 333- Personnel To $5400 ivrist Sllary -4- nhn 4 qreat rIELuNG ACEA OFFICE frfT Priid chciaphoy Snort hours Pers)nnet CREATIVE TEMPORARIES F11 To $450 nesk kb for ner5nn Accuolte of dIcieDere fnIsot LL rf-201 ACEA Environment Fee P1 etary irr too 3rlo51 Personnel TYPIST berEHt rer 4IS Sou'Ni FUNC1 oPEPA 3E61 icn ist Sec 61 for tf-I PFiir SNELLIN5 rtJ-nn)r EIl ir Lrie SECRETARY fn ktre $400 Pct S'4ELLING I GROW WITH AA --ve-' 00RES I in Division ox CD swills PPODuCTs ORIPanP ti We Are A Dynamic Growth Company Wtth Plans To Open A New Pidlich Store I vet 1 60 Days As We GlowWe Need Good 1 People To Grow With Us We Now Have 61 Stores In 11 With More On The Way 'i TOP SALARIES BONUS PROGRAMS i GROUP INSURANCE i MAJOR MEDICAL 4 DISCOUNT BUYINGAND MORE OUR BEST BENEFIT IS FUTURE 1 APPLY NOM OPPORTUNITIES OPEN FOR 4 ASST MANAGERS ot MANAGERS t- 1 OUTSIDE SALESMEN INSIDE SALESMEN WAREHOUsem*n WAREHOUSE MANAGERS CASHIERS 0 a LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES i PLUMBING PLYWOOD i SS DIVISIOn OF Ow EVROS PRODUCTS COPIPtany i MUST APPLY IN PERSON TO: TOM MILER 4 4700 TRYON ST si CHARLOTTE i 4 4 1 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER GROW Division OS (S4) SVIVIS We Are A Dynamic Growth Company Wtth Plans To Open A New Plinch Store Every 60 Days As We GlowWe Need Good People To Grow With Us We Now Have 61 Stores In 11 With More On The Way TOP SALARIES BONUS PROGRAMS GROUP INSURANCE MAJOR MEDICAL DISCOUNT BUYINGAND MORE OUR BEST BENEFIT IS FUTURE APPLY NOW! OPPORTUNITIES OPEN FOR ASST MANAGERS MANAGERS OUTSIDE SALESMEN INSIDE SALESMEN WAREHOUsem*n WAREHOUSE MANAGERS CASHIERS a LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES PLUMBING PLYWOOD a DIVISIOn OF Mt evans MUST APPLY IN TOM RULER 4700 TRYON ST CHARLOTTE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER WITH POIOOLIC ornParw OORE'S PRODUCTS Company PERSON TO: I ZP cord'ally rault11111011 nvited to sh A Food Stores for 0' food DriCeS You are cord'ally nvited to WE0 Food Stores for I OW LOW LOW food nrices KRANTZ MEM MI NEEDS MANUFACTURING ENGINEER PRESS BRAKE SHEAR OPERATORS SPRAY PAINTER MACHINIST CM En WILLIAMS FOR MEDIATE INTERVIEW 588-2780 KE A JUr.

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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Author information

Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.