Lancashire Telegraph from Blackburn, Lancashire, England (2024)

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Lancashire Telegraphi

Blackburn, Lancashire, England

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I Ur 3 bans SEL DEENCE driving bans can do re harm than good fij x' sO I May 23 raised a privi lege iHoracerKing in the Conamoris' today THREE DAY Mercedes Benz I I ph of Whitehall centre four years previously when the tremor struck y'Abi 'J rsM kh These are actual untouched photographs of Mr'G Ossn Treorchy nbonddaGlBrnorgantaken ebruary 1067 4 CARPETLAND UIHIIE Ottoman Mirror If 4 PM 'S Uii undamaged drive from London iV Airport for a week The nest containing three Penalty then i This gentleman is wearing the ft tv Rogue chuKKa popt at os1 1 one of the gallery of Rogues startingat only 5911 Ell I SAI THE coupon Mw! ILL 111 OR ULL DETAILS VrN 4 AT KEEN'PRICES adds the finishing touch to your home COEE HALL TABLES NESTS TABLES WROUGHT IRON URNITURE Vie Trolley t'j Pouf Linen nasKCTS While Mr Thomas Croftra nad nn builder a 'T: Mon admits: fegii 6ff ence iH 1 Raymond Hewlett (23) of Haliiax Road 7 Todmwden was granted an absolute dis charge by Todmurden magi when he admitted po sesslng a gun 'within five years of serving a three month prison sentence Inspector Dennis Woodall prosecuting told the court Hewlett took an application form for a gun licence to Todmorden poiiceatatlon but after he had left police offlcers reallsed he had served a sentence In a detention I iff 4 1 Ik I Ti? KInhattan" co: 32 SHATESBURY AVENUE LONDON WV I Please post me REE without obligation 1 ortne 1 1 lbe confedera tion said today that the first meeting of the sub commit tees would be held on Monday June 17 Hejfwent to say: "We are convinced there is room for jnanouevre and further improvement of the employ ers' previous offers in nearly' all the aspects There are good prospects of getting closer to our objectives" He said the negotiations would be based on four main points in claim: an all round Increase an in crease on 'minimum' ratesgiving a skilled man £15 a week rising to £20 In three years: an extra three da making an annual three weeks and the principle of equal pay water Close and a 16 yeM ol youth were each fined £2 ana bound over in the sum o( £10 to keep the peace for one vear by Blackburn magis trates today when they pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly 4 A ORMER Irish Guards man who served with Wingate's Chin dits In Burma Is to be the new' vicar of St iChurch Blackburn The Rev Reuben Cecil Rilcv was in the Army from 1940 to 1947 He was seconded to the Military Police in 1945 and his last appointment was Provost Marshal in Poona I Teaching i Mr Rilcv was educated aL Ormsklrk Grammar Schoor and Oxford (University and started teaching career at New College School Oxford After the war he returned to the school and then entered Wvcliffe Hall Oxford to train for ordination He was ordained iiv the diocese of Worcester in 1950 and was curate of Hartle burv near Kidderminster until 1952 when he became chaplain of Emblev School Romsey Hants He was appointed second master in 1954 and was head master at the school from 1956 until this year Mr Rilcv succeeds at St the Rev Norman Saul now vicar of Barton Preston 1 Mr prosecuting said Jebb was stopped for speeding given a breath test (which was positive A second breath test at Bamber Bridge police station was positive and? he agreed to give a blood sample mp war Hptainad until nfi was fit to drive and 4 two irlends with himwere also allowed to wait Before hls release (the" station sergeant went Into a room to prepare a ball form and called the constable in with him to 'fix a suitable date After Jcbb's release it was found that the property was missing Jebb's car was stopped on the motorway 4 Saw envelope Jebb said in a statement that on his way back from the he saw the envelope containing the 4 property and took it He gaVe it to Blackburn telling him to rid" of it Blackburn went out and returned savinghe had flushed it 4down the toilet Mr azackerlpy said enough blood remained' in the 'for analysis and it showed a blood count of 113 (legaV limit 80) Jebb 4toltU Jtb court: I) stole tlw blood samples when I saw the open door and I realised that If 1 lost my licence I would lose my job Temptation overcame me through trvlng save mv said? 'Tv am sorrv In a moment or panic I flushed them down the toilet" TRiAL tiaXebwi Helicopters evacuated the 200 residents of Inangahua Junction hardest hit township in an eathquake that rocked New Zealand's souths 'island today as a river threatened to flood thelr homes One woman in the townshin idled when her house slipped into a gorge and about lS others were reported' injured tlllaAia tM life n'liit HU 2ii I fe I ril jtfj ret mij Sh Cleans easily ouickly endlessly witnoutmsjw Improves with age when used as directed Air conditioned perspiration cannot' penetrate or hnllrt 1 Cannot lose shape perish or tear immovable 'canbe combed on hedd Chemically inert lo'c'ulturee and bacteha7' The hair is held erect and trom'your scalp CAN BE BOW WAVED and styled on THE HEAD Air layer over scalp 4 ensureaj insulatjbn tn summer temperate in winter 4 Choice ol any style No bump at the back 4 rapsMr ShennPings TRO NG representations kJ were made at the oreign Office in London today to the Chinese charge Mr Shen Ping about the unsatis factory position regarding British subjects detained in China Mr Rodgers Parlia mentary under secretary ex "serious concern at the allure of the Chinese Govern ment to provide information about detained British sub jects and grant consular access to them Mr Shen response ip the hour long interview was moderate and the whole inter view was conducted in a low Between ten and 12 British are Involved includ ing a British Merchant Navy captain detained in a Chinese port I 4951 DARWEN ST BLACKBURN (Addnt Traffic pghts)! 59499 :27" UNION STREET ACCRINCTONi PARKING AT REAR i i'f in Li 'J i £55'10 4 II rl AW 1 abroadonlbusinesa a'bird beirig rswviccd unu Mercedes Benz Car which 1 'despite the fjzb mil had parKca diionaon III I I BLOOD SAMPLES STOLEN AND LUSHED AWAY VVHEN Gerard Jebb saw his breathalyser bags and blood samples unguardedinrthe' he them and hlijriend flusHedthemidown the toilet magistrates'' wpre'tolid today HOUSE URnTsHERS 9 TOWN HALL BLACKBURN TELEPHONI 56757 Nr Ciitr Cr Pfk Blackburn Co operative Society Ltd '1 Town Hall Street i Blackburn 7 v5 OUTSTANDING BargamOffers! Bulk': purchase 'frorn Jeading Scottish manufacturer enaoies us to offer for limited peripd WILTON 1 including 4 Underfelt A 'and first class Iq yd 7 GABPETUm WHERE QUALITY COSTS LESS 'In a fv fl 1 If i 1 I II iiMIfL U' rYu 4 Wl Wj 4 I ja that is the Distance from the BLACKBURN BUS STATION TO ormer I Clarefsgive i 1 seven free 1 'r transfers GRANVILLE SHACKLETON 11CJRNLEY have given seven of fthelr profes sionals free transfers in the retain and transfer list issued by manager Harry Pottsptoday are 'retained but the Ynen who now 'get the chance to seek' away fronuTurf Moor Include two jWith first ream experience full back Mick Buxton and Inside forward Gary rance The other five listed are: goalkeeper i Matt Tyrle half backs Peter Bourne and Jim Conroy forwards Stephen Done and Lammle Robertson all of whom have had Central League experience with "the Clarets The out pf these players In' the reserve team last season plus the sale of ultillty player Stan Ternent to Carlisle earlier this week suggests that Burnley are planning to promote the mafority of the fa Youth Cup winning team to football next season Towards the end of last season several club9 'Includ ing Oldham Athletic and Bury were frequent visitors to Burnley team matches and It would be no surprise to see their respective managers Jimmy McIlroy and Les Shannon 5who were both former Burnley stars In their playing days making earlv moves to cont nl some the mavars now available iT ts 6 ''impMvlcnMfcto pnupure iotcc imjwp wifId tunnbl thtbd Wind tunnel tested at British Aircraft Corporation at 103 miles pcr hour and still secure anz the' head (on October nthLiasei tJiofliclallv British Aircraft Cor 'IrsneTconiultants bmiT Iri jijl nrlnolnal towns and cltlsi AS TELEVISED BBC 2 OCT 1 966 and BBC ftAUGT 14th 1967 and AUSTRALIAN TV 1968 Chindit Or' $'i fi'na 1 1 ms In the subway Two iff year old youths Brian HrrisoB of Streets and Terence Smitiv of Taylor Street were each And £2 and bound over jn the sum of £10 40 be of good be for one at Blackburn today after admit ting being drunk and dis orderly'ln Salford subway A peep abroad tjr More than 170 members oft the Club meetlne 5 in the College Black burn yesterday saw slides of scenes in several countries: The lecturer was Mr A Sharp ies of Blackburn and theprojectionist Mr Dinsdale They were thanked by Mr I CasWell Mrs Hurfrilfts ton was in the chair WW1 'WHO Poor darling those John White Rogues areop so comfortable he doeitit Icnow theylxe JI3Y M3T CAW SSi Ra SSS rom America comes The most amazing solutiorito baldness ever The Manhattan It was designed to give a positively natural iQok" all times Jtjook years of research and experiment in extremes of temperature and oar' before it was prducedX' It has the mobility of the natural living scalp wliy sonatural It defies detection a The Maqjiattan US invented base has made It gives you a new head of hair that looks tar better and is more firmly rooted than nature could It is an innova stlon in hairpieces you look just as if you hadneverilost your hair It is the greatest advance in hairpiece development and it wears as well as it looks following essential qualities have never before oeen combined tn the one hairpiece and are exclusive to Man hattan Undetectable unshrinkable and virtually i indestructible I No clips no glue no embarrassment permanently curved non fabric new type base notcrushable its instantly neatly over tne me your qwrL hair WOULD YOU WALK 'Hi a ft! Judge slams "99 i "TP fc Ighr i 1 i KRZawaHam Jebb (24) of Clay' Lane Yardjey Birmingham was fined £30 for stealing and £25 for driving with excess his blood He was banned from'driv ing for 18 months and ordered tfrpav £11 Ils costs' 1 Harold Roger Blackburn (23 engineer of Raeburn Road Great Barr' Birming ham was fined £15 for stealing and ordered to pay £2 2s costs fOSItlVC 4 a Derek azackerlev Example: A room 5yd x4yd fully fitted including underreir ror 'of A I I I Km I I Rl I fttfj UAdii uiouuyni ur urx i MQRMJL JITjMt PRICtW ON ALL KOSSET CARPETS 12 Qualities to choose from vx 'V lf M' i 396 yd 896 sq Ar URNITURE 4 I NT VB 1 "if 1 1 1 1 Rl il 1 1 MRS EWING DEN IES t'i tc v'rA I MALICE: WAS Petrol bomb flung at US embassy A petrol bomb thrown at" the US embassy library in Brussels today smashed a window but failed to explode Nobody was injured Anti American pamphlets signed by guerrilla ararchiU were found strewn on the sidewalk outside the library The pamphlets attacked involvement in Vietnam A' LETTER written bylthe Scottish' Nationalist MP Mrs Vini fred Ewin: '(Hamilton)4'which appeared in The' Scotsman' bn Tl HO 1 I 1 Tx 11 a 1 iuicu me ouwntij la lllilLJllO VlAlAy JtnU TVTn efR1lA AUCLM AVACHA jrMAAp A CHMVM line matters vesieraav Mrs Ewing In anex planation to the House to day said: categorically deny malice motivated me to' write the letter I by what I 'thought at the time was self This self A defence against what had seemed to her to be the double standard lui uvcriiuaxivt: ill lhc nuuat for her and one for other MPs Oue'ofilie cohimonJ jokes known to the legal pro fession to which Ahe belonged: before becoming MP being called tp: the bar'? st i She 'had known1 Mr Hannan for many years and knew him to be a teetotaller ABSURD 1 It be 'obviously patently absifrb suggest jthat I impugned his honour5' Un this Dr King following prece dent asked Mrs Ewing to Ileave the House She bowed and left the chamber Mr red Peart Leader of 'the House 'moved: that the maXter should be referred to the Committee of Privileges Dr King after announcing his decision that a matter of privilege had been raised 'said it would be in practice if he offered an opportunity to Mrs Ewing to address the House If at that point other hand she does not desire to address the House It 1 Is customary that she should leave the ohaiw Mr Peart on a point of order said lie had always had the impression that it was traditional in view of the ruling for the Leader of the House to move 'that the matter should be referred to the Committee of Privileges would ha ve thought it to be in the Interests of the House a a whole if 'it were decided that there should be (no further! debate at1 this stage said Mr Peart 4 Dr ying The ruling 1 have given is a ruling on advice 'We shall hear the honourable lady after which it will be for the Leader of the House to move a motion That motion 1 debatable Mr when raising the mattery quoted the letter a saying "The customary Upcq of whllej at the House' iscloser to the many bars than (the Bar ot the I He had complaint 1 that ithis imputed intemperanceeven drunkenness to MPs air haired Mrs Ewing wearing a pink coat stood up to make her 'explanation ito the House 1 "It people reading the letter I wrote attributed itas impugning the honour of theiHouae of Commons and in tbarticutej? Mr Hannah I then I most sincerely regret i this was not inten sion to do so a member have lobbied Jor mtnv years on matters of law reform I know him to be a teetotaller and 'It would be obviously patently absird if it were suggestqdthat 1 ever impugned his1 honour in this way "May I further say as a question of malice was raised yesterday that I would like to assure that the motivation in the writing of the letter had' nothing to do with Mr Hannan said: "I in a wflV er sh did not go further in her4M01ogy to the I wee 'not seeking a personal apology because ibelieve I was expressing the opinion not only of Scottish putatlon of the House" i JDllLt VlwW OX LjAL SIiJw XlRQ said and of her personal apology to him Mr Hannan asked the Leader of the House Whether he might consider withdrawing the motion i Mr Peart said: "I trust she will have learned her lesson" And sensing the feeling of the House he said these circ*mstances I recommend withdrawabof the motlon The motion was withdrawn? Transplant by IWXUM to torchlight S' 1) 4 1 Brasilia surgeons at Paulo Hospital performed the lust part of a human kidney' transplant by torchlight The power uppltelltiUit a critical stage of the operation so nurses and theatre assistants held' number of torches the patient while Dr Geraldo de reyre completed the transplants The patient was later re ported to be satisfactory ilJAMt i CLEARS MEN A nearly 'threeiday trial at Lancaster Assizes a jury cleared two men oi charges brought against them One man was charged with orape'and the other with at tempted rape The Jury was out for more than' three hours and returned not guilty verdicts in all charges involving Thomas William Ward (23) former taxi driver of Guard House Drive Keighley and Charles Trevor O'Hara (19) Delph House Keighley i Ward' had pleaded not guilty to charges ot rape and stealing a purse and its con sents from an '18 year old married woman from Barn oldswick Ward was alleged to have raped the woman in a car af Laneshaw Bridge in January had pleaded not guilty to attempting to rape the same woman1 and the judge directed ithe fjury to return a 'not 'guilty verdict was also cleared of a charge of indecently assault ing the woman 1 l'JG i'ih Two Rolls Royce works to close Bristol' Engine Division of Rolls Royce Ltd confirmed today that employee at tha works at Cardin and Bentham in Gloucester shire have been Jpformed that the two factories are to be The 950 people employed at the two works have been told that the cause Is' reductions in the orders which have occurred (for a variety of reasons fs'ir Jenkins bets £40 on walk President of the Board of Trade Mr Anthony Crosland is being backed at the rate of £2 a smile by Chancellor of the Exchequer Mr Roy Jenkins in a jwalk iln aid of charity Mr Crosland will be inhiMv Grimsby constituency this weekend and has agreedto take part in the 20 mUe Great Grimsby walk to raise funds for the Grimsby Community cee? a 1 Wcr Jf Exports oi Axminster and totalled £3000000 an" in crease of 24 per cent on the same neriod last vear the "British CarpeUs Export Pro Imotlon Council today 1 IE more an Appeal court juage said today' "It Is rot right to slam the door permanently in a driver's said Lord Jus tice Davies' "A man should be given some hope of driving in tliei The court set aside two concurrent life long drivings bans on Ernest Brvan Bond 28 and substituted two periods of 12 dis qualificationwto run consecu lively But with' existing driving bans Bond" will not be able to drive again until November 1980 rrio Bond was sentenced to 18 i imprisonment at Inner London Sessions last August for taking and driv ing away a vehicle without' consent and driving without insurance' 'tn The court allowed his appeal Against sentence in respect of the disqualifica tions only for dangerous 5 or careless driving and Wfis probably a skilful and good driver The judge said that Bond had no convictions Crash landing in tennis court A formerTworid War Two pilot crash landed his single engine plane into a tennis court in airview Park Ohio to avoid landing the disabled craft in the midst of a crowd watching a baseball game The pilot i Jack Marshall aged 42 and his passenger David Anderson 30 jumped out of the plane while it was still rolling and before It ex ploded into flames MUVCASHIRt EVENING TILICRARM 9rl4iy Miy 24 4941 7 i ii penalty in tfte 'dying moments of a tense club match in Beziers rance and was knocked out by one of the forwards It was 0 0 in the 85th minute oi the Languedoc yviien referee Raynaud gave a was postponed smi Cricketers wifetakenill: i Mrs Barbara1 Watson of Graeme Watson cashlre'CCA professiona) has been taken to Park Hospital only a month after arriving In Efiglantllfrom Mel bourne Mr 'and Mr Watson are svaying in Granville RoadBlackburn where Mr Watson was taken 111 Tir 1 kfl engineers get new pay ta ks A S' I pHE responsible for last day token strike by engineers throughout Britain today agreed 'tpi up it isub commlttee to dlscUSs''ways of reaching a peaceful solution of their package deal claim with a similar sub committee The executive of the Con federation of Shipbuilding and Engineering unions have therefore given (ground in their desire to take advantage further: formal talks by the Engineer ing Employers ederation The executive had previ ously turned the em wish to get back to the previous negotiating machinery of setting up such sub committees to discuss these problems a 1 i 1 I 5 I 1 i 1 I I 1 I 1 Ilf 'KW A 4 I 1 'TKi I SXSI to I i l' 1 LOKaaBK 1 IljH i TjOrfoSg 'W IB wflH pffinlwy 'R iyl' ypMW i '4 oJsilrMx fl 9ttr' XM 9M TK 4C pibji anBWi tu 4 11 1 I I SW I I na il JWSUIW1 1 I I I I 1 CARPETIM Where quality costs less.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.